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Forum Mentoring

Have you been accepted to attend this year's European Leadership Forum? If so, we invite you to sign up for Personal Mentoring at this year's Forum! This important initiative provides you with the chance to meet in-person with an experienced leader (or in some cases two leaders) to:

  • Pose difficult questions
  • Seek advice on a specific situation
  • Learn more about a particular topic of interest
  • Receive prayer
  • Gain encouragement

Meetings are formatted in one of two ways:

  • One-on-one: just you and the mentor(s)
  • In a cohort: you, a small group of four to eight peers, and the mentor(s)

How to Sign Up for Mentoring

  • Register for this year's European Leadership Forum.
  • After you've been accepted, review the mentoring options below. As you can see below, we offer a variety of types of mentoring to meet a variety of needs!
  • Choose up to two types of mentoring that would be of interest to you. Some types offer both one-on-one and cohort mentoring. If this is the case for one of the types you've chosen, decide whether you'd like to meet with your mentor(s) alone or in a group.
  • Sign up for the type(s) you have selected. If you choose two types, you'll have to fill out two forms. Forms can be found below each type.
  • Look for an email from Forum staff telling you when you're meeting and which mentor(s) you'll be meeting with. Your meeting will also be added to your personal schedule in the app the week of the Forum.
  • At the Forum, show up in the restaurant on the day and time you've been assigned. All mentoring meetings are scheduled for an hour over a meal.

We hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity! The deadline for signing up is extended to 16 May.

If you already know what mentoring type and mentor you would like to request, please fill out this form. If you would like to sign up for a second mentoring session, please fill out the sign-up form a second time.

Have questions? Contact Pavel Pavlov at

2022 Forum Mentoring Opportunities

Apologetics and Evangelism


Apologetics Mentoring focuses specifically on how to think strategically about apologetics, how to identify and connect with important points of contact in a culture, and how to remove roadblocks to the Gospel.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


Dave Benson

Dave Benson is a leading thinker and researcher on the role of faith in 21st-Century western culture. Formerly a high school teacher, then lecturer at Malyon Theological College in Brisbane, Australia, he now heads up the LICC’s work for Culture & Discipleship. In part, this role includes consultation with theological education institutions toward forming whole-life disciplemakers ( His mission is to cultivate disciples with wisdom for the way of Christ in a post-Christendom culture. His 2016 Ph.D project entitled ‘Schools, Scripture and Secularisation’ considers the telos of competing curricular visions and the place of sacred texts in secular education. Dave is the lead editor of Transforming Vocation: Connecting Theology, Church, and the Workplace for a Flourishing World (Wipf & Stock 2021).

Ralf Bergmann

Ralf Bergmann, born in 1962, is married and has three adult children, two children-in-law and three grandchildren. He received his degree in physics and a doctorate from German universities. He is or has been mainly involved in semiconductor physics and technology, photovoltaics and optical technologies at several research institutions in Germany and Australia and has also worked in industrial research. Since 2008 he is a professor and head of a research institute working on optical technologies and optoelectronics. Beyond his research, he is defending the reasonability and relevance of Christian faith, with respect to the joint concerns of physics, philosophy, and theology as well as modern western society. In 2019, he wrote the book Gott und die Erklärung der Welt (God and the explanation of the world), and in 2021 Die freie Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde (The free society and its enemies) in remembrance of Karl Poppers famous book The open society and its enemies and the works of Francis Schaeffer. Corresponding resources in English and German can be found in

Per Ewert

Per Ewert is the director of The Clapham Institute, Sweden’s leading Christian think tank and research institute. His PhD describes the political process which shaped Sweden into the world's arguably most secular-individualistic nation. Per is the author of several books on apologetics, relations, and the role of faith in society. He also writes weekly editorials in one of Sweden's Christian dailies. He lives with his wife and four children in southern Sweden.

Alexander Fink

Alexander Fink is Director of the Institute for Faith and Science (Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft) in Marburg, Germany ( He studied physics at Bayreuth and St. Andrews (UK) universities and received his PhD at the Institute for Biophysics at the University of Regensburg. After working as an industrial product manager, he became the director of the SMD graduates' ministry (Akademiker-SMD, the German branch of IFES) until 2014. Since 2008, he has been a member of the ELF Steering Committee and has co-led the Scientists Network. He is the editor of the "Begründet-glauben-Podcast" ( and has produced three documentary movies, "Fascinating Universe", "More than My Brain", and “Is there meaning in suffering?” which were officially recommended for use in secular public schools. Together with his wife, Alexander enjoys raising his two children, preaching and leading a house group in his local church, and being a youth soccer trainer in his local sports club.

Bjørn Hinderaker

Bjørn Hinderaker is an Assistant Professor at the accredited NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway (, where he teaches Christian Apologetics, Worldviews, and Ethical Theory. He has previously served as missionary to Kenya and as senior pastor of a local evangelical church ( Bjørn is also involved part-time as a writer and speaker in Damaris Norway (, an organization which is seeking to relate biblical faith to contemporary culture. He is programme director for the annual Veritas Conference (, a member of the advisory editorial committee for Veritas Forlag (Publishing), and has extensive experience as a preacher and as a speaker on biblical, cultural and apologetic topics. Bjørn has published academic and popular articles within his field, was co-editor of Grill en kristen – om Bibelen (Veritas Forlag 2020), and is book editor for Theofilos (

Peter Imming

Peter Imming received degrees in pharmacy and chemistry and a PhD and venia legendi in pharmaceutical chemistry from a German university. He has been involved in drug chemistry teaching and research in Germany, the UK, China, Ethiopia and other countries. Until retirement in 2025, he was head of the pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry department of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. His research focuses on the design and synthesis of new drug substances and on molecular mechanisms of drug action. He has a strong interest in the relation of science and Christian faith, frequently lecturing on related topics by invitation of e.g. universities, churches and schools.

John Kirkpatrick

John Kirkpatrick served as a minister in the Presbyterian Church for the past 40 years. He’s recently retired but is still very active across several ministries. He chairs the management board at Union Theological College and has some teaching and mentoring responsibilities there. John also serves as part of the preaching team in First Ballymena Presbyterian Church participating in monthly preaching opportunities. This year will mark the 30th year John has served the Motorcycle racing world in Ireland as Chaplain to the Motorcycle Union of Ireland. He gives help and oversight to the church plant Trinity Church Central London. Additionally, at the European Leadership Forum, John has led the Apologetics (Foundational) Network for many years and is now offering more general help across all Networks.

Bruce Little

Bruce A. Little has master’s degrees in Apologetics and Religion and a PhD in Philosophy of Religion and a DMin in Apologetics. Presently, he serves as Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and director of the Francis A. Schaeffer Collection at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he served on faculty since 2001 until he retired in 2018. While at Southeastern he served as the second director of the L. Rush Bush Center for Faith and Culture from 2008 to 2013. From 1969 pastored several churches, three of which he helped start, and taught at a Bible college (1965-2000). Since 1995 he has travelled widely to several continents lecturing in universities, teaching in a variety of schools and presenting papers at international conferences. He has published in various professional journals, edited several books, either authored or co-authored six books and contributed chapters in several books the last being Calvinism: A Biblical and Theological Critique, Published by B & H Academic, 2022.

Angela Courte MacKenzie

Angela MacKenzie is a broadcaster, pianist, vocalist, and worship leader. Her music has travelled all over the world for conferences and concerts in addition through her Facebook live events and weekly television teaching program. Whether in person or through media, Angela’s passion is to be a witness to the glory of God in song and word. Angela has a B.A. degree in music/vocal performance from the University of Central Florida, and an M.A. in apologetics from Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. Angela also holds a number of non-executive positions on several ministry and charitable boards both in the US and the UK (where she currently lives.) With her marriage to Kenneth MacKenzie back in 2014, Angela now has an immediate family of 31 (19 grandchildren). Through media, music, and speaking, Angela continues to advocate for her vision of a place where the artist and the Christian thinker can collaborate.

Kristi Mair

Kristi Mair teaches philosophy, ethics, and apologetics at Oak Hill College in London, UK, where she also provides pastoral support for F students. She holds a degree in philosophy and theology, as well as an MA in philosophy of religion and ethics. She is currently working on her PhD in the area of epistemology in philosophical theology, with a particular focus on Michael Polanyi, Esther Meek, and Augustine. Kristi worked for 8 years with a campus-based ministry in the UK (UCCF), and she continues to speak regularly at mission weeks and events across Europe. Kristi has a heart for engaging people with the message of Jesus, developing a Christian mind, and raising the next generation of apologists to live out our calling as disciples to love God and our neighbour. Kristi is the author of MORE > Truth (IVP, 2019), Co-editor of Healthy Faith (IVP, 2020), a board member and speaker for Chrysolis, and an itinerant SOLAS Associate Speaker.

Peter S. Williams

Peter S. Williams ( studied philosophy at Cardiff University (BA), Sheffield University (MA) and the University of East Anglia in Norwich (MPhil), and obtained a masters level Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Educational Practice from Bournemouth University in 2024. Peter lives in England, and is Assistant Professor in Communication and Worldviews at NLA University College in Norway. His publications include: Behold the Man: Essays on the Historical Jesus (Wipf and Stock, 2024), An Informed Cosmos: Essays on Intelligent Design Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2023), A Universe From Someone: Essays on Natural Theology (Wipf & Stock, 2022), Apologetics in 3D: Essays on Apologetics and Spirituality (Wipf and Stock, 2021), Outgrowing God? A Beginner’s Guide to Richard Dawkins and the God Debate (Cascade, 2020), Getting at Jesus: A Comprehensive Critique of Neo-Atheist Nonsense About the Jesus of History (Wipf & Stock, 2019) and A Faithful Guide to Philosophy: A Christian Introduction to the Love of Wisdom (Wipf & Stock, 2019).


Evangelism Mentoring is designed for evangelists, pastors, and laypeople who want to be equipped to be more effective in communicating the Gospel relevantly, biblically, and credibly.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Dave Benson

Dave Benson is a leading thinker and researcher on the role of faith in 21st-Century western culture. Formerly a high school teacher, then lecturer at Malyon Theological College in Brisbane, Australia, he now heads up the LICC’s work for Culture & Discipleship. In part, this role includes consultation with theological education institutions toward forming whole-life disciplemakers ( His mission is to cultivate disciples with wisdom for the way of Christ in a post-Christendom culture. His 2016 Ph.D project entitled ‘Schools, Scripture and Secularisation’ considers the telos of competing curricular visions and the place of sacred texts in secular education. Dave is the lead editor of Transforming Vocation: Connecting Theology, Church, and the Workplace for a Flourishing World (Wipf & Stock 2021).

Helder Favarin

Hélder Favarin is the Global Youth and Young Adult Initiatives Director for Community Bible Study International. He's an evangelist, missionary and co-founding pastor of C29 Granada Church, Spain. He has a doctorate in preaching (Dmin.) from the Talbot School of Theology and a master's degree in biblical interpretation from the London School of Theology. Hélder speaks internationally in Spanish, Portuguese and English. He's part of the founding teams of RedTimoteo (a program for young evangelists in Spain) and the EYE (European Young Evangelists) Network. He's the author of the book (in Spanish) Expand: Preaching to both Christians and Non-Christians from the Same Sermon in Spain. He has worked for a number of companies, including HSBC bank and General Motors, before devoting himself to full-time evangelistic, missionary, and pastoral ministry in his early twenties. Hélder was born in Brazil and has also lived in Mexico, England, Scotland and Spain (for 12 years); he holds an Italian nationality as well. Hélder is married to Ana and they have four children born in Granada, where they live.

Alexander Fink

Alexander Fink is Director of the Institute for Faith and Science (Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft) in Marburg, Germany ( He studied physics at Bayreuth and St. Andrews (UK) universities and received his PhD at the Institute for Biophysics at the University of Regensburg. After working as an industrial product manager, he became the director of the SMD graduates' ministry (Akademiker-SMD, the German branch of IFES) until 2014. Since 2008, he has been a member of the ELF Steering Committee and has co-led the Scientists Network. He is the editor of the "Begründet-glauben-Podcast" ( and has produced three documentary movies, "Fascinating Universe", "More than My Brain", and “Is there meaning in suffering?” which were officially recommended for use in secular public schools. Together with his wife, Alexander enjoys raising his two children, preaching and leading a house group in his local church, and being a youth soccer trainer in his local sports club.

Mike Frisby

Mike Frisby is an elder at City Church Cambridge and a trustee of Relational Mission, a network of churches which is part of the global Newfrontiers family. He uses his teaching and pastoral gifts among the churches, enjoys mentoring younger leaders, and has involvement in cross-cultural training. He has a particular passion for mobilising people for world mission and has written a book for local church leaders “Reaching the Nations – From next door to worlds away”, to equip leaders to identify, recruit, send and support people called to cross-cultural mission.

Bruce Little

Bruce A. Little has master’s degrees in Apologetics and Religion and a PhD in Philosophy of Religion and a DMin in Apologetics. Presently, he serves as Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and director of the Francis A. Schaeffer Collection at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he served on faculty since 2001 until he retired in 2018. While at Southeastern he served as the second director of the L. Rush Bush Center for Faith and Culture from 2008 to 2013. From 1969 pastored several churches, three of which he helped start, and taught at a Bible college (1965-2000). Since 1995 he has travelled widely to several continents lecturing in universities, teaching in a variety of schools and presenting papers at international conferences. He has published in various professional journals, edited several books, either authored or co-authored six books and contributed chapters in several books the last being Calvinism: A Biblical and Theological Critique, Published by B & H Academic, 2022.

John MacKinnon

John MacKinnon is the Director of Evangelism for The Word 121 He has served as an itinerant evangelist, as Lead pastor of a local church and has brought leadership to his passion for the revitalisation of other churches. In his current role he engages with church leaders across the UK, Ireland and the World in supporting them to equip their members to gain confidence in word-based relational evangelism and in strengthening the local church culture of evangelism. He is married to Linda, and they have three adult children and five grandchildren.

Stephen McQuoid

Stephen McQuoid grew up in Ethiopia where his parents were missionaries. He then lived in Ireland where he qualified as a nurse before going on to study theology, gaining a variety of degrees including an MTh and PhD in theology. He is the author of 16 books on subjects such as discipleship, evangelism, apologetics, and church discipline. Stephen is the General Director of Gospel Literature Outreach, a missionary organisation based in Europe. He is married to Debbie, and they along with their three children. Stephen and Debbie attend Clyde Valley Community Church in Motherwell. His interests include motorbikes, football, boxing, MMA, and Politics.

Avi Snyder

Avi Snyder serves as the European Ambassador of Jews for Jesus, an international mission agency that relentlessly pursues God’s plan for the salvation of the Jewish people. Avi was raised in a Jewish home in New York and came to a saving faith in Jesus in 1977 with the help of a Jews for Jesus tract and the forthright witness of Christian friends. He graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary, the School of World Mission, with a master’s degree in missiology. Avi has served with Jews for Jesus since 1978 and has provided leadership for the ministry in Los Angeles, New York, and London, as well as establishing the work in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, and Hungary. He is the author of "Never Ashamed," and "Jews Don’t Need Jesus – and Other Misconceptions." He and his wife Ruth have three children and four grandchildren.

Internet Discipleship and Evangelism

Internet Discipleship and Evangelism Mentoring provides an opportunity to discuss how to start a ministry in internet discipleship and evangelism, the best approaches, and ways to measure impact with an experienced practitioner.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Daniel Fodorean

Daniel Fodorean is the Dean of the School of Theology and Associate Professor of Applied Theology at the Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, Director of Leader Formation Institute and Antioch Church Network, Teacher Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, Bucharest. He is also the Coordinator of the E-learning Developer Program at The Academy of Romanian Scientists. Daniel is one of the founders of the Constanta Baptist Association He has over 26 years of pastoral experience and expertise in church transformation, organizational and church leadership, church law and administration, mission and church planting, pre-university and university Christian education. Daniel is the author (or co-author) of five books and more articles and studies.

Rick Hill

Rick Hill is a speaker, author and leader based near Belfast, Northern Ireland. Having previously served in various ministry roles, Rick now oversees the Council for Mission in Ireland within the Presbyterian Church. He is also an elder in Carnmoney Church and author of Deep Roots of Resilient Disciples. Rick is married to Sarah, they have three young children, and in his spare time, he enjoys running.

Henryk Krol

Henryk Król is president & CEO of DEOrecordings Association (CCM Media), an umbrella organisation owning three limited companies: Studio DR, Ltd (he is its President and CEO), Radio CCM Ltd. and MCC Group, Ltd. It forms an innovative media ministry based in Poland that combines traditional media (6 FM Radio stations), art (professional recording studio and publishing), and new tools (Software development with a flagship – Gele/CODEX e-learning platform tailored to spiritual follow-up, Service Center to global evangelistic movement, multiple own portals, multimedia productions, etc). Having a holistic vision of a “full path,” all the communications and technology are backed by an army of hundreds of volunteers who implement it daily with interested seekers, both online as e-coaches and offline as small group leaders. His heart is in building cooperation and partnership across denominations and countries, networking for better effectiveness in spreading the Gospel. Henryk holds a PhD in engineering. His present research focuses on how to best use the Internet without forgetting to "stand firm" on the biblical truth as the final authority. He is married to Boguslawa, with whom he has three adult children: Filip, Paulina, and Szczepan.


Missions Mentoring offers the opportunity for leaders of missions agencies or those considering missions as a calling to talk to an experienced leader who can relate to their struggles or to dialogue and analyse a specific missions problem and think through resources for dealing with that issue. 

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Mike Frisby

Mike Frisby is an elder at City Church Cambridge and a trustee of Relational Mission, a network of churches which is part of the global Newfrontiers family. He uses his teaching and pastoral gifts among the churches, enjoys mentoring younger leaders, and has involvement in cross-cultural training. He has a particular passion for mobilising people for world mission and has written a book for local church leaders “Reaching the Nations – From next door to worlds away”, to equip leaders to identify, recruit, send and support people called to cross-cultural mission.

Sam Ko

Sam Ko serves as the Director of Global Ministries at SaRang Church in Seoul S. Korea, where he has been since 1995. Additionally, since 2011 he has been serving as chairman of the board for Union School of Theology and has been leading the “East Meets West”; a ministry that is committed to praying for and has served over 165 church plants in over 23 countries in the UK and Europe. He translated Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life for its Korean publication and studied theology at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia. He is married to Jennifer and has two grown-up sons, Calvin and John.

Keith Sparzak

Keith Sparzak currently serves as the international director of Community Bible Study International. He oversees activities and assists his leadership team in the 113 countries where CBSI currently has a presence. He previously has had the privilege of serving with a Christian foundation as a program officer with a focus on church planting and evangelism. Prior to that role, he was a co-leader of the Global Outreach Ministry at a church with an extensive missional expression in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in addition to serving in other lead and associate pastoral positions. He enjoys investing his experience and gifts as a board member of three organisations: a progressive ministry impacting globalised youth; an inter-denominational mission sending agency empowering local church ministry in more than 100 countries around the world; and a ministry through which coaching and consulting on the effective use of media helps dozens of partner ministries to strategically increase their media impact in over 22 countries. He also enjoys serving through occasional advisory roles to other organisations. He works for Colorado-based CBS while living in Monument, Colorado. He has a gracious, patient, and lovely wife, Suzanne, to whom he has been married for 42 years. They have two children and two grandchildren.

Muslim Ministry

Muslim Ministry Mentoring provides an opportunity to dialogue with an experienced leader to learn more about ministry to Muslims or to discuss specific issues and ideas in building relationships with Muslims.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Emil S

Emil Shehadeh was born in Israel and educated mainly in the UK, achieving BSc Hons (Medical Biology), MSc (Biochemistry), MB ChB (Medicine), and a Diploma in Dermatology and MRCGP, as well as a DPGT and PhD in Islamic studies. Growing up in Israel, he accompanied his parents all over Galilee, spreading the Gospel amongst all communities including Muslims. He also worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship and OM. In the early 1990s, he co-founded an Arabic Church in Cardiff, S Wales. He practiced as a GP (Family Physician and a trainer) until 2016. Upon retirement, he dedicated his time to writing and speaking on the subject of Islam and evangelising Muslims. He supports evangelistic work amongst Muslims in North Africa and Nigeria. Emil has a PhD in Islamic Studies from Logos University and is engaged in another piece of research on the Causes and Consequences of Muslim Conversions to Christianity. He believes that the expansion of the Kingdom of God must be the chief concern of the people of God.

Hatun Tash

Hatun Tash lived in a Muslim country for 27 years but now lives in the UK. She studied various topics at university including bank management and economy, law (basic human rights), maths and physics engineering, and philosophy. She also studied apologetics at the Oxford Centre for Apologetics in Oxford, England. Hatun is the director of DCCI Ministries. She lives an evangelist lifestyle and has a big burden to share the gospel and to see the church equipped. Besides engaging with Muslims at Speakers’ Corner and in mosques every week, she is involved in Christian-Muslim discussions, debates, and Bible studies, while also teaching and training Christians to be better witnesses for Christ.

Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism Mentoring provides guidance to pastors and leaders who are asking questions about how we as evangelicals should interact with Roman Catholics.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


Leonardo de Chirico

Leonardo De Chirico is the pastor of Breccia di Roma, a church that he helped plant in Rome in 2009, and Chair of the Theological Commission of the Italian Evangelical Alliance. Previously, Leonardo planted and pastored an evangelical church in Ferrara, Italy from 1997 to 2009. He earned degrees in history (University of Bologna), theology (ETCW, Bridgend, Wales) and bioethics (University of Padova). His PhD is from King's College (London); it was published as "Evangelical Theological Perspectives on Post-Vatican II Roman Catholicism". His recent books are "A Christian Pocket Guide to Papacy" (Christian Focus, 2015), "A Christian Pocket Guide to Mary" (Christian Focus, 2017), "Same Words, Different Worlds: Do Roman Catholics and Evangelicals Believe the Same Gospel?" (IVP, 2021), and "Engaging with Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Approach" (IVP, 2024). He is a lecturer of historical theology at Istituto di Formazione Evangelica e Documentazione in Padova, Italy. Additionally, Leonardo is the director of the Reformanda Initiative, which aims to equip evangelical leaders to better understand and engage with Roman Catholicism, and the leader of the Rome Scholars and Leaders Network (RSLN).

Scientific Apologetics

Scientific Apologetics Mentoring helps those who want to be involved in scientific apologetics to think strategically about questions of how to respond to the challenges posed by scientific naturalism to the Gospel.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Ralf Bergmann

Ralf Bergmann, born in 1962, is married and has three adult children, two children-in-law and three grandchildren. He received his degree in physics and a doctorate from German universities. He is or has been mainly involved in semiconductor physics and technology, photovoltaics and optical technologies at several research institutions in Germany and Australia and has also worked in industrial research. Since 2008 he is a professor and head of a research institute working on optical technologies and optoelectronics. Beyond his research, he is defending the reasonability and relevance of Christian faith, with respect to the joint concerns of physics, philosophy, and theology as well as modern western society. In 2019, he wrote the book Gott und die Erklärung der Welt (God and the explanation of the world), and in 2021 Die freie Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde (The free society and its enemies) in remembrance of Karl Poppers famous book The open society and its enemies and the works of Francis Schaeffer. Corresponding resources in English and German can be found in

Adam Cenian

Adam Cenian is a scientist by profession but has been actively involved in church leadership roles since becoming a Christian 30 years ago. He has led evangelistic camps, served as a pastor, and been treasurer for the National Board of Baptist Churches in Poland. In addition, he leads the Hevelius Forum for Dialog between Science and Religion in Gdansk. He also lectures at universities and Christian conferences and provides material for Christian television in Poland. 

Alexander Fink

Alexander Fink is Director of the Institute for Faith and Science (Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft) in Marburg, Germany ( He studied physics at Bayreuth and St. Andrews (UK) universities and received his PhD at the Institute for Biophysics at the University of Regensburg. After working as an industrial product manager, he became the director of the SMD graduates' ministry (Akademiker-SMD, the German branch of IFES) until 2014. Since 2008, he has been a member of the ELF Steering Committee and has co-led the Scientists Network. He is the editor of the "Begründet-glauben-Podcast" ( and has produced three documentary movies, "Fascinating Universe", "More than My Brain", and “Is there meaning in suffering?” which were officially recommended for use in secular public schools. Together with his wife, Alexander enjoys raising his two children, preaching and leading a house group in his local church, and being a youth soccer trainer in his local sports club.

Peter Imming

Peter Imming received degrees in pharmacy and chemistry and a PhD and venia legendi in pharmaceutical chemistry from a German university. He has been involved in drug chemistry teaching and research in Germany, the UK, China, Ethiopia and other countries. Until retirement in 2025, he was head of the pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry department of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. His research focuses on the design and synthesis of new drug substances and on molecular mechanisms of drug action. He has a strong interest in the relation of science and Christian faith, frequently lecturing on related topics by invitation of e.g. universities, churches and schools.

Andy McIntosh

Andy McIntosh holds an Emeritus chair in Thermodynamics at the University of Leeds and is also an adjunct professor of Engineering at Liberty University in Virginia. He has had a long scientific research career concerning mathematics, combustion and aeronautics, both in academia and in a government establishment, and is author of over 200 academic papers. Andy is the inventor of the 𝜇Mist novel spray technology which copies the Bombardier beetle spray and has led to this spray technology being applied to fuel injectors, pharmaceutical sprays, aerosols and more recently fire sprinkler systems. This was awarded the 2010 Times Higher Educational award for the Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology. His work has also included investigations into the fundamental link between thermodynamics and information. This strikes at the heart of the issue concerning abiogenesis – the information in living systems is neither matter nor energy but is absolutely essential for life.

He now lectures widely on origins, and has authored the books “Genesis for Today” (Day One, 6th Edition, 2017), and “A verse by verse examination of Genesis 1-11” (Day One, 2016) and has contributed to a number of other books including “Wonders of Creation – Design in a fallen world”(co-authored with Stuart Burgess and Brian Edwards, Day One, 2017), “Origins – examining the evidence” (Truth in Science, 2011), “In six days” (Master Books, 2009) and “Should Christians embrace Evolution?” (IVP, 2009). He has also written the booklet “Are you really an Atheist?” (2018) and co-authored the booklets “Is it True – Evidence for Creation” (2018) and “A wonder of Creation – the Kingfisher” (2024) and is co-director of the UK education think tank Truth in Science. He is married with 4 children (one of whom died in infancy), and 7 grandchildren.

Women in Evangelism

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Nay Dawson

Naomi "Nay" Dawson works with IFES Europe as their Regional Training Co-ordinator, training staff and students across Europe and working on the senior European leadership team for the charity. Naomi is the founder of Passion for Evangelism. PfE is a network of creative, public female speakers, helping hundreds of women grow in confidence in public communication. In addition, Naomi has also set up an initiative called Community in a Crisis. CIAC has been helping churches and charities across Europe get online during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Church Leadership and Ministry

Children's Ministry

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Tom Chilton Photo

Tom Chilton is the Global Vice President for Awana Europe and Middle East. He provides leadership and support to 50 full-time and part-time staff and thousands of volunteers across Europe and the Middle East. These leaders partner with approximately 1,900 churches evangelizing and discipling more than 84,000 children and youth in weekly club programs. Tom has served with the global ministry of Awana for 23 years in a variety of roles, including curriculum, training, and advocacy. He is a graduate of Wheaton College and has a Master’s degree in Intercultural Studies. Tom and his wife and three children are based in the U.S. in a suburb of Chicago. He is passionate about equipping leaders to reach more children and youth for Christ!

Eddie Hester attends Foothills Church - Cameron Park and is the Western Europe Regional Ministry Director at Awana Clubs International. He works with nationals from Western Europe to expand the outreach of the Awana program there. He supervises workers in a few of those countries and trains them. In countries without Awana, he looks for opportunities to share the program and help it get translated.

Church Planting

Church Planting Mentoring provides guidance to church planters who are struggling with difficulties in ministry, including a lack of resources or a particular issue in a church plant.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


Rene Breuel

René Breuel was born in São Paulo, Brazil and has lived in Rome, Italy for the past 13 years, where he serves as the Founding Pastor of Hopera, a church in Rome’s university neighborhood. He holds a Master of Studies in Creative Writing from Oxford University in the UK, a Master of Divinity from Regent College in Vancouver, Canada, a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, in São Paulo, Brazil, and has completed additional studies at Universität Mannheim in Germany. He has written for the Washington Post, Times Literary Supplement, Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Evangelical Focus, and Protestante Digital. He is the author of The Paradox of Happiness and a forthcoming publication about how churches can grow in cultural awareness and spiritual maturity. René is married to Sarah Breuel, the Executive Director of Revive Europe, and a member of the Lausanne Movement’s international board of directors. They have two teenage boys.

Mike Frisby

Mike Frisby is an elder at City Church Cambridge and a trustee of Relational Mission, a network of churches which is part of the global Newfrontiers family. He uses his teaching and pastoral gifts among the churches, enjoys mentoring younger leaders, and has involvement in cross-cultural training. He has a particular passion for mobilising people for world mission and has written a book for local church leaders “Reaching the Nations – From next door to worlds away”, to equip leaders to identify, recruit, send and support people called to cross-cultural mission.

Church Revitalisation

Church Revitalisation Mentoring provides an opportunity for participants to discuss the common obstacles and available tools to bring revitalization to an existing church.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


David Brown

David Brown planted three churches before revitalising a church in central Paris. For many years he was involved with GBU (Groupes Bibliques Universitaires), the French student movement affiliated with IFES. More recently he has been promoting church revitalisation through his chairmanship of the Evangelism Commission of the French “National Council of Evangelicals” and through his teaching and mentoring at the Bible Institutes in Geneva and Paris and by leading a range of seminars and workshops in France and across Europe. 

Daniel Fodorean

Daniel Fodorean is the Dean of the School of Theology and Associate Professor of Applied Theology at the Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, Director of Leader Formation Institute and Antioch Church Network, Teacher Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, Bucharest. He is also the Coordinator of the E-learning Developer Program at The Academy of Romanian Scientists. Daniel is one of the founders of the Constanta Baptist Association He has over 26 years of pastoral experience and expertise in church transformation, organizational and church leadership, church law and administration, mission and church planting, pre-university and university Christian education. Daniel is the author (or co-author) of five books and more articles and studies.

Jay Mosser

Jay Mosser has served in pastoral roles for 43 years – about 20 years in various assistant pastor capacities and the rest as senior pastor. Through those years he has served in three churches ranging from smaller (less than 50) to larger (about 1,000). Along the way he has worked with children, teens, worship ministry, pastoral care, preaching, and leadership. Jay has an M.Div. from Western (Conservative Baptist) Seminary and a D.Min. from Corban University in Oregon, where his doctoral thesis was titled How a Pastor’s Theology of Shepherding Affects the Health & Growth of a Church. He is married to Kathy and has three daughters and five grandchildren. In his spare time, he loves to read, hike, travel, watch sports, and spend time with his family.

Scott Poling

Scott Poling serves as Senior Pastor of Harvest New Beginnings Church located in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. He has served in ministry for 30 years at Harvest, seeing first-hand God’s work in the renewal of a dying church. He’s gained a unique perspective, understanding the pressures and trials of ministry while navigating the many changes that come with church revitalization. He received his B.S. degree from Cedarville University and his ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, has 5 children with his wife of 34 years, Carla, and three grandchildren. His interests include trail running, ultra-marathons and visiting national parks.

Disciple-Making Leadership

Disciple-Making Leadership Mentoring helps participants consider how to nurture God's people toward biblical maturity through a recovery of the biblical foundation for leadership, spiritual formation, pastoral care and personal discipleship.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


Dave Benson

Dave Benson is a leading thinker and researcher on the role of faith in 21st-Century western culture. Formerly a high school teacher, then lecturer at Malyon Theological College in Brisbane, Australia, he now heads up the LICC’s work for Culture & Discipleship. In part, this role includes consultation with theological education institutions toward forming whole-life disciplemakers ( His mission is to cultivate disciples with wisdom for the way of Christ in a post-Christendom culture. His 2016 Ph.D project entitled ‘Schools, Scripture and Secularisation’ considers the telos of competing curricular visions and the place of sacred texts in secular education. Dave is the lead editor of Transforming Vocation: Connecting Theology, Church, and the Workplace for a Flourishing World (Wipf & Stock 2021).

Mike Chalmers

Mike Chalmers is a mentor with Cor Deo, a ministry training programme, and is also UFM Worldwide’s Short-term Mission Coordinator. Previously, he was a Staff Worker in Wales with UCCF. He enjoys preaching and discipling and continues to support and encourage university students by speaking at training events and missions. Mike is an uncle to four nephews and a niece, a brother to one sister, and is married to Susana.

Daniel Fodorean

Daniel Fodorean is the Dean of the School of Theology and Associate Professor of Applied Theology at the Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, Director of Leader Formation Institute and Antioch Church Network, Teacher Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, Bucharest. He is also the Coordinator of the E-learning Developer Program at The Academy of Romanian Scientists. Daniel is one of the founders of the Constanta Baptist Association He has over 26 years of pastoral experience and expertise in church transformation, organizational and church leadership, church law and administration, mission and church planting, pre-university and university Christian education. Daniel is the author (or co-author) of five books and more articles and studies.

Rick Hill

Rick Hill is a speaker, author and leader based near Belfast, Northern Ireland. Having previously served in various ministry roles, Rick now oversees the Council for Mission in Ireland within the Presbyterian Church. He is also an elder in Carnmoney Church and author of Deep Roots of Resilient Disciples. Rick is married to Sarah, they have three young children, and in his spare time, he enjoys running.

Dafydd Job

Dafydd Job served as a pastor for over 40 years in Wales, including 37 years in the Bangor Welsh Evangelical Church. He has been active in a number of organisations, including UCCF and The Evangelical Movement of Wales, and is the coordinator of the Barnabas Project for UFM Worldwide - a project for encouraging churches, pastors and Christian leaders. He visits Eastern Europe regularly to speak, and to mentor pastors. He has recently been appointed as an associate of Living Leadership, which means he is available to mentor and advise pastors, Christian leaders, and help churches through difficult times.

Stephen McQuoid

Stephen McQuoid grew up in Ethiopia where his parents were missionaries. He then lived in Ireland where he qualified as a nurse before going on to study theology, gaining a variety of degrees including an MTh and PhD in theology. He is the author of 16 books on subjects such as discipleship, evangelism, apologetics, and church discipline. Stephen is the General Director of Gospel Literature Outreach, a missionary organisation based in Europe. He is married to Debbie, and they along with their three children. Stephen and Debbie attend Clyde Valley Community Church in Motherwell. His interests include motorbikes, football, boxing, MMA, and Politics.

Steve Mitchell

Steve Mitchell is part of the leadership team at Cornerstone Church in Swindon, a small church plant in the rapidly expanding north of the town. Steve is passionate about seeing God’s people equipped to share God’s Word no matter what context they are in. Previously, he worked in the IT industry and spent 4 months in Uganda with Mission Aviation Fellowship. Steve is married to Jackie and they have three adult children.

Jay Mosser

Jay Mosser has served in pastoral roles for 43 years – about 20 years in various assistant pastor capacities and the rest as senior pastor. Through those years he has served in three churches ranging from smaller (less than 50) to larger (about 1,000). Along the way he has worked with children, teens, worship ministry, pastoral care, preaching, and leadership. Jay has an M.Div. from Western (Conservative Baptist) Seminary and a D.Min. from Corban University in Oregon, where his doctoral thesis was titled How a Pastor’s Theology of Shepherding Affects the Health & Growth of a Church. He is married to Kathy and has three daughters and five grandchildren. In his spare time, he loves to read, hike, travel, watch sports, and spend time with his family.

Tony Myrick

Tony received his B.A. in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College and M.A. in New Testament Studies from Wheaton Graduate School. He has completed two years of doctoral studies in Paul’s Pastoral Leadership at the University of Aberdeen with Professor I.H. Marshall. He has worked for nearly 20 years in para-church and local church contexts teaching, developing and maturing Christian leaders. Tony served as the Minister of Discipleship at Traders Point Christian Church which has 1,800 members and 160 small groups for nearly a decade before coming to work as the Vice President of Strategy and Education at the Forum of Christian Leaders, partner with the European Leadership Forum.

Zefjan Nikolla

Zefjan Nikolla is the General Secretary of BSKSH (IFES Albania) and pastor of Emanuel Evangelical Church in Tirana. He is involved in various national and international evangelistic initiatives ranging from youth ministries to attempts to reach government leaders. He is also the director of the Albanian Leadership Forum. His passions include sports, reading, and above all, seeing his nation turn to Christ. Zefjan is married to Edita and they have two daughters, Greis and Emili.

Ole-Magnus Olafsrud

Ole-Magnus Olafsrud served with the Navigators in Norway, the Baltics, and through various international networks for 44 years – 20 of them as director of the Navigators in Norway. He became a Christian when he studied veterinary medicine. As pensioned from the Navigators he now serves with the NGO Barnabas Focus for generational disciple-making and developing younger leaders in Norway, the Baltics, and globally with the Lausanne Movement. After serving as the Senior Coordinator for the Lausanne Younger Leaders Gathering in Jakarta, August 2016, he now serves on the global core team for YLGeneration – a ten-year initiative to develop younger leaders in the global church. He chairs the YLGen Mentoring Team. Ole-Magnus serves on the European Lausanne Resource Group to stimulate application of the Cape Town 2010 Commitment. He has had more than 20,000 couples in seminars on family life in different countries and is an experienced family counsellor. He has written four books, two of which are on family dynamics, one on relational evangelism and one on along-sidering in generational disciple-making. His closest friend and partner through 45 years is his wife, Kari, and they enjoy their three married sons and twelve grandchildren.

Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry Mentoring addresses the basics for men’s ministry and examples of how this ministry could be started and developed, focusing on growing a small team of men to live with a heart and vision for Biblical leadership and discipleship.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Ralf Bergmann

Ralf Bergmann, born in 1962, is married and has three adult children, two children-in-law and three grandchildren. He received his degree in physics and a doctorate from German universities. He is or has been mainly involved in semiconductor physics and technology, photovoltaics and optical technologies at several research institutions in Germany and Australia and has also worked in industrial research. Since 2008 he is a professor and head of a research institute working on optical technologies and optoelectronics. Beyond his research, he is defending the reasonability and relevance of Christian faith, with respect to the joint concerns of physics, philosophy, and theology as well as modern western society. In 2019, he wrote the book Gott und die Erklärung der Welt (God and the explanation of the world), and in 2021 Die freie Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde (The free society and its enemies) in remembrance of Karl Poppers famous book The open society and its enemies and the works of Francis Schaeffer. Corresponding resources in English and German can be found in

Money and Stewardship

Money and Stewardship Mentoring provides guidance to church leaders seeking to learn about a biblical view of money, teach believers how to handle money and possessions in God’s way, or start a stewardship ministry in their church. 

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


Bert den Hertog

Bert den Hertog is CEO of Compass Europe (, a network in Europe of 18 countries for making financial disciples by financial disciplers. He is also involved in the global leadership of Compass Global (active in 80 countries all over the globe). He serves the national movements and is pioneering new countries of Compass across Europe. He is also a financial coach and trainer in the area of recovery from debt and unemployment. Previously he served for eight years as the general secretary of IFES-Netherlands, a trainer in Governance for IFES Europe, and a member of the Advisory Board of Veritas Europe. He has also been a church planter and the head of youth ministries for a Dutch Reformed Inner Mission Organisation. After graduating he spent six years as a project manager in a consultancy company and in his free time was an elder of a Dutch Reformed Church. Bert is married to Marjon, and they have five children and four grandchildren.

Steve Giere

Stephen Giere has served in Christian ministry in America and Europe for more than forty years. He taught and led a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class of 500 men in Chicago for seventeen years. Steve is a board member with the Forum of Christian Leaders serving in Europe with the European Leadership Forum. Key to his role is shepherding and mentoring young leaders. He serves as a lecturer/mentor at the Cambridge Leaders Network in Cambridge, UK. Steve and his wife, Connie, are residents of Geneva, IL and members of The Moody Church in Chicago, a diverse, urban congregation with seventy countries of birth and fifty mother languages represented in its membership. There he teaches, mentors, and serves as an elder. They have two grown children and ten grandchildren. Steve retired in 2019 after 45 years engaged in finance with experience in corporate management as CEO of a commercial bank, and as a business owner establishing an investment management practice. Steve earned his B.A. in psychology at North Central College in Naperville, IL, and M.M. from the J.L. Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.

Zsolt Szalai

Zsolt Szalai, following his studies on Hungarian and English universities and completion of a university doctor’s degree in finance, has spent the last three decades in mid and upper management roles in banking, private equity, not-for-profit organizations, and Christian churches. Currently, he is self-employed as a business consultant. Besides that, he is Head of the Board of Elders of Szentendre Reformed Church, Chairman of Christian Businessmen Association, Board Member of Compass Europe, and leader of the Leadership Workshop of the Hungarian Evangelical Forum. During his career, Zsolt gained a wide range of experience in corporate finance, capital markets, project finance, innovation management, and business development areas. Zsolt is also an adjunct professor at Károli Gáspár Reformed University, Pentecostal Theological College, and Bakke Graduate University. He is also an active speaker and lecturer on conferences and leadership courses and workshops.

Music, Praise and Worship

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Angela Courte MacKenzie

Angela MacKenzie is a broadcaster, pianist, vocalist, and worship leader. Her music has travelled all over the world for conferences and concerts in addition through her Facebook live events and weekly television teaching program. Whether in person or through media, Angela’s passion is to be a witness to the glory of God in song and word. Angela has a B.A. degree in music/vocal performance from the University of Central Florida, and an M.A. in apologetics from Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. Angela also holds a number of non-executive positions on several ministry and charitable boards both in the US and the UK (where she currently lives.) With her marriage to Kenneth MacKenzie back in 2014, Angela now has an immediate family of 31 (19 grandchildren). Through media, music, and speaking, Angela continues to advocate for her vision of a place where the artist and the Christian thinker can collaborate.

Colin Peckham

Colin Peckham is the artistic and ministry director for Origin Ministries, an event-based arts ministry in the central belt in Scotland, and in Cape Town, South Africa. He served as a worship leader, arranger and worship advisor for the 3rd Lausanne Congress and has worked for many years as a worship and music leader in the local church, both in Scotland and South Africa. He currently serves as an orchestra, choir and band director, and arranger & orchestrator with Origin, varying broadly in styles from classical through jazz, blues, gospel, and contemporary Christian music, in venues such as churches, concert halls and public spaces in Scotland and South Africa in both evangelism and worship ministry. He studied music at Edinburgh University and theology with the University of South Africa. He is married to Norma and has a teenage son, Andrew.


Pastors Mentoring provides pastors with the chance to discuss questions and concerns about their ministry with a more experienced mentor and to receive encouragement, prayer, and refreshment.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Jim Crooks

Jim Crooks is a pastor of an independent church in Perth, Scotland. After graduating in business studies in 1981, Jim went on to work in financial and administrative roles before entering further and higher education as an Assistant Principal. He became Principal of a college in Northern Ireland in 2004 and successfully led three colleges to a merger in 2007. He became Principal of a similar college in Scotland and led four colleges to merge in 2012. For three years after his retirement from secular employment in 2012, Jim was a lecturer and coordinator of part-time provision at Tilsley College, a small theological college in Scotland. In addition to his pastoral ministry, Jim also teaches and preaches in Scotland and elsewhere in Europe. He works with the Church Strengthening Initiative, supporting churches and their leadership teams to make change, and is a trustee for Echoes International, a mission support agency supporting mission workers across the globe. Jim has published his book on harnessing the power of learning to effect personal change. An exploration of Ephesians 4:22-24, the book 'I've changed my mind' is an in-depth look at spiritual transformation. Jim was widowed in 2012 but has married Laura in December 2017. He is a father of one grown son and a grandfather of two boys.

Bjørn Hinderaker

Bjørn Hinderaker is an Assistant Professor at the accredited NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway (, where he teaches Christian Apologetics, Worldviews, and Ethical Theory. He has previously served as missionary to Kenya and as senior pastor of a local evangelical church ( Bjørn is also involved part-time as a writer and speaker in Damaris Norway (, an organization which is seeking to relate biblical faith to contemporary culture. He is programme director for the annual Veritas Conference (, a member of the advisory editorial committee for Veritas Forlag (Publishing), and has extensive experience as a preacher and as a speaker on biblical, cultural and apologetic topics. Bjørn has published academic and popular articles within his field, was co-editor of Grill en kristen – om Bibelen (Veritas Forlag 2020), and is book editor for Theofilos (

Dafydd Job

Dafydd Job served as a pastor for over 40 years in Wales, including 37 years in the Bangor Welsh Evangelical Church. He has been active in a number of organisations, including UCCF and The Evangelical Movement of Wales, and is the coordinator of the Barnabas Project for UFM Worldwide - a project for encouraging churches, pastors and Christian leaders. He visits Eastern Europe regularly to speak, and to mentor pastors. He has recently been appointed as an associate of Living Leadership, which means he is available to mentor and advise pastors, Christian leaders, and help churches through difficult times.

John Kirkpatrick

John Kirkpatrick served as a minister in the Presbyterian Church for the past 40 years. He’s recently retired but is still very active across several ministries. He chairs the management board at Union Theological College and has some teaching and mentoring responsibilities there. John also serves as part of the preaching team in First Ballymena Presbyterian Church participating in monthly preaching opportunities. This year will mark the 30th year John has served the Motorcycle racing world in Ireland as Chaplain to the Motorcycle Union of Ireland. He gives help and oversight to the church plant Trinity Church Central London. Additionally, at the European Leadership Forum, John has led the Apologetics (Foundational) Network for many years and is now offering more general help across all Networks.

Philip Miller

Philip Miller is the 17th Senior Pastor of The Moody Church. He and his wife Krista are graduates of Cedarville University (’04) and both hold Th.M. degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary ('10). They live in Chicago with their four children: Claire, Violet, Cora, and Jude. Pastor Philip is passionate about proclaiming God’s Word, cultivating healthy ministry, and investing in future leaders. He can be heard on the weekly Moody Church Hour radio broadcast on over 700 stations nationwide. Philip enjoys cycling on the Chicago lakefront, deep-dish pizza, caramel popcorn, and craft root beer.

Jay Mosser

Jay Mosser has served in pastoral roles for 43 years – about 20 years in various assistant pastor capacities and the rest as senior pastor. Through those years he has served in three churches ranging from smaller (less than 50) to larger (about 1,000). Along the way he has worked with children, teens, worship ministry, pastoral care, preaching, and leadership. Jay has an M.Div. from Western (Conservative Baptist) Seminary and a D.Min. from Corban University in Oregon, where his doctoral thesis was titled How a Pastor’s Theology of Shepherding Affects the Health & Growth of a Church. He is married to Kathy and has three daughters and five grandchildren. In his spare time, he loves to read, hike, travel, watch sports, and spend time with his family.

Scott Poling

Scott Poling serves as Senior Pastor of Harvest New Beginnings Church located in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. He has served in ministry for 30 years at Harvest, seeing first-hand God’s work in the renewal of a dying church. He’s gained a unique perspective, understanding the pressures and trials of ministry while navigating the many changes that come with church revitalization. He received his B.S. degree from Cedarville University and his ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, has 5 children with his wife of 34 years, Carla, and three grandchildren. His interests include trail running, ultra-marathons and visiting national parks.

Jonathan Pryke

Jonathan Pryke is senior minister at Jesmond Parish Church (JPC), Newcastle upon Tyne in the northeast of England, where he has been for thirty years, working with David Holloway, the vicar of Jesmond. He studied at Trinity College, Cambridge University, and Trinity Theological College in Bristol before ordination in the Church of England. He is married to Vivienne, and they have a son, twin daughters, and a one-year-old grandson. JPC has been in ‘impaired communion’ with the bishop of Newcastle for more than twenty years. It has planted two other Anglican churches nearby, outside the central structures of the Church of England. Their three churches together have Sunday attendances of over a thousand. In 2017 Jonathan was consecrated as a bishop through REACH-SA (the Church of England in South Africa). He is on the national executive team of the Anglican Mission in England, a network of Anglican churches inside and outside the Church of England structures, committed to Anglican church planting. See

Alistair Purss

Alistair Purss is Senior Pastor of Dumfries Baptist Church in Scotland. He studied theology in Glasgow from 1988-91. Since 1991 Alistair has served as a local church Pastor in London, Durham as well as presently in Dumfries. He has been married to Sharon for almost 29 years and together they have three grown-up sons. DBC is part of the Baptist Union of Scotland and as a result, Alistair serves on different groups and councils. He loves to encourage and equip church pastors and leaders.

Sports Ministry

Sports Ministry Mentoring is designed to answer questions and provide support to those seeking to build bridges from the church to the sports community with the Gospel.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


John Kirkpatrick

John Kirkpatrick served as a minister in the Presbyterian Church for the past 40 years. He’s recently retired but is still very active across several ministries. He chairs the management board at Union Theological College and has some teaching and mentoring responsibilities there. John also serves as part of the preaching team in First Ballymena Presbyterian Church participating in monthly preaching opportunities. This year will mark the 30th year John has served the Motorcycle racing world in Ireland as Chaplain to the Motorcycle Union of Ireland. He gives help and oversight to the church plant Trinity Church Central London. Additionally, at the European Leadership Forum, John has led the Apologetics (Foundational) Network for many years and is now offering more general help across all Networks.

Zefjan Nikolla

Zefjan Nikolla is the General Secretary of BSKSH (IFES Albania) and pastor of Emanuel Evangelical Church in Tirana. He is involved in various national and international evangelistic initiatives ranging from youth ministries to attempts to reach government leaders. He is also the director of the Albanian Leadership Forum. His passions include sports, reading, and above all, seeing his nation turn to Christ. Zefjan is married to Edita and they have two daughters, Greis and Emili.

Young or New Pastors

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Jim Crooks

Jim Crooks is a pastor of an independent church in Perth, Scotland. After graduating in business studies in 1981, Jim went on to work in financial and administrative roles before entering further and higher education as an Assistant Principal. He became Principal of a college in Northern Ireland in 2004 and successfully led three colleges to a merger in 2007. He became Principal of a similar college in Scotland and led four colleges to merge in 2012. For three years after his retirement from secular employment in 2012, Jim was a lecturer and coordinator of part-time provision at Tilsley College, a small theological college in Scotland. In addition to his pastoral ministry, Jim also teaches and preaches in Scotland and elsewhere in Europe. He works with the Church Strengthening Initiative, supporting churches and their leadership teams to make change, and is a trustee for Echoes International, a mission support agency supporting mission workers across the globe. Jim has published his book on harnessing the power of learning to effect personal change. An exploration of Ephesians 4:22-24, the book 'I've changed my mind' is an in-depth look at spiritual transformation. Jim was widowed in 2012 but has married Laura in December 2017. He is a father of one grown son and a grandfather of two boys.

John Kirkpatrick

John Kirkpatrick served as a minister in the Presbyterian Church for the past 40 years. He’s recently retired but is still very active across several ministries. He chairs the management board at Union Theological College and has some teaching and mentoring responsibilities there. John also serves as part of the preaching team in First Ballymena Presbyterian Church participating in monthly preaching opportunities. This year will mark the 30th year John has served the Motorcycle racing world in Ireland as Chaplain to the Motorcycle Union of Ireland. He gives help and oversight to the church plant Trinity Church Central London. Additionally, at the European Leadership Forum, John has led the Apologetics (Foundational) Network for many years and is now offering more general help across all Networks.

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Mentoring is designed to encourage youth ministers while offering them an opportunity to talk through difficult issues and to give them some of the tools they need to impact the church of tomorrow.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Paul Bowman

Paul Bowman has 30 years of experience in full-time youth ministry in the local church. He now serves as the national director for Josiah Venture UK. He is committed to training and equipping the next generation of youth leaders, and mobilizing people, prayer and resources for ministry to youth in Central and Eastern Europe. He lives with his wife Val and their three children in Saintfield, Northern Ireland. He holds a BSc Hons in Community Youth Work and a Master’s in Transformational Leadership.

Jakub Vejmelka

Jakub Vejmelka has led a youth ministry in his home town for 8 years, and also serves as an elder in the local church. During this time he has been convicted of the strategic importance of equipping and supporting leaders who are called into ministry. He is passionate about creating opportunities for young people to be challenged and grow in a healthy environment. For the last three years, he has been serving in Josiah Venture in the Czech Republic where he leads the training department and oversees regional coordinators. He and his wife Monika live in Brno, Czech Republic, have been married for over four years and they have one daughter Rosie Nora.

Organisational Leadership

Emerging Leaders Peer Mentoring

Emerging Leaders Peer Mentoring is designed to provide a safe space for a new generation of leaders to have honest peer-to-peer conversations about how to navigate the challenges of leadership, life and family in their 30s.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


Sarah Breuel

Sarah Breuel is the founder and director of Revive Europe. Included in Christianity Today’s “33 under 33” list of leaders to watch, Sarah served as chair of the Lausanne Younger Leaders Gathering 2016. Originally from Brazil and currently living in Rome, Sarah has worked for IFES for 17 years in four national movements (Brazil, Canada, Norway, and Italy) and the European region for 6 years as evangelism training Coordinator for IFES Europe. She has a business degree, MDiv from Regent College, and serves globally in the Lausanne Board of Directors. Sarah is married to René. They have planted a vibrant church in Rome and have two boys: Pietro and Matteo.

Rick Hill

Rick Hill is a speaker, author and leader based near Belfast, Northern Ireland. Having previously served in various ministry roles, Rick now oversees the Council for Mission in Ireland within the Presbyterian Church. He is also an elder in Carnmoney Church and author of Deep Roots of Resilient Disciples. Rick is married to Sarah, they have three young children, and in his spare time, he enjoys running.

Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management Mentoring provides organisation leaders an opportunity to talk over a specific management problem(s) with an experienced leader who is willing to listen, ask relevant questions, and offer opinions about the problem, based on their experience.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


Scott Anderson

Scott Anderson became Scottsdale Bible Church’s Executive Pastor in fall 2016, after twenty years at a large, multi-site church in Minnesota. He oversees staff and programs under the leadership of Senior Pastor Jamie Rasmussen. Scott likes to say that his 17 years of experience leading people and processes at McDonald’s Corporation followed by 20 years at Eagle Brook Church in Lino Lakes, Minnesota, have given him just the right mix of experience and opportunity to be led to Arizona and Scottsdale Bible Church. In his previous role, he was instrumental in helping grow the church from one campus and 1,200 people to six campuses and more than 22,000 people every weekend. Scott and his wife, Sarah, have been married for 35 years and have three adult children and five amazing grandchildren who, at least so far, still live in the frozen north.

Ralf Bergmann

Ralf Bergmann, born in 1962, is married and has three adult children, two children-in-law and three grandchildren. He received his degree in physics and a doctorate from German universities. He is or has been mainly involved in semiconductor physics and technology, photovoltaics and optical technologies at several research institutions in Germany and Australia and has also worked in industrial research. Since 2008 he is a professor and head of a research institute working on optical technologies and optoelectronics. Beyond his research, he is defending the reasonability and relevance of Christian faith, with respect to the joint concerns of physics, philosophy, and theology as well as modern western society. In 2019, he wrote the book Gott und die Erklärung der Welt (God and the explanation of the world), and in 2021 Die freie Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde (The free society and its enemies) in remembrance of Karl Poppers famous book The open society and its enemies and the works of Francis Schaeffer. Corresponding resources in English and German can be found in

Sarah Breuel

Sarah Breuel is the founder and director of Revive Europe. Included in Christianity Today’s “33 under 33” list of leaders to watch, Sarah served as chair of the Lausanne Younger Leaders Gathering 2016. Originally from Brazil and currently living in Rome, Sarah has worked for IFES for 17 years in four national movements (Brazil, Canada, Norway, and Italy) and the European region for 6 years as evangelism training Coordinator for IFES Europe. She has a business degree, MDiv from Regent College, and serves globally in the Lausanne Board of Directors. Sarah is married to René. They have planted a vibrant church in Rome and have two boys: Pietro and Matteo.

Keith Frey

Recently retired from a full-time career as a physician and executive, Keith now invests much of his time as a healthcare consultant and leadership developer. He has forty years of experience as a primary care physician, educator, mentor/coach, and executive. His career included major leadership roles at Duke University, Providence Health, Mayo Clinic, and most recently Dignity Health. Keith is a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute (BS in Biology), the Medical College of Virginia (MD) and Duke University (MBA). Keith has been actively involved in discipleship, church and ministry leadership roles, including marriage ministry in Slovakia, Christian Medical Dental Association global medical education and as a board member for the Forum of Christian Leaders. Keith has served for three terms on the Scottsdale Bible Church Elder Board. Keith and his wife Melanie were married in 1975 and have one child. Dr. Frey is currently the Chief Physician Executive for Dignity Health in Arizona and has held this position since 2013. His responsibilities include driving clinical excellence, superior patient experiences, academic integration and physician leadership development. He served as the President, Dignity Health Medical Group, a 200+ clinician, academic multispecialty medical group in Phoenix, from 2014 to 2018. He serves in board leadership roles for the Arizona Care Network, Creighton University Arizona Health Education Alliance, and Mercy Care. A former Professor and Chair of Family Medicine at Mayo Clinic Arizona, he is now a Clinical Professor, College of Health Solutions, Arizona State University. Dr. Frey holds a BS in Biology from the Virginia Military Institute, an MD degree from the Medical College of Virginia, and an MBA from Duke University. He is board-certified in both Family Medicine and Clinical Informatics. Additionally, Dr. Frey is Hogan Personality Assessment certified and is an Independent Certified Coach, Teacher, Trainer and Speaker with The John Maxwell Team. On a personal note, he enjoys international travel, golf, spending time with family and participating in church activities.

Steve Giere

Stephen Giere has served in Christian ministry in America and Europe for more than forty years. He taught and led a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class of 500 men in Chicago for seventeen years. Steve is a board member with the Forum of Christian Leaders serving in Europe with the European Leadership Forum. Key to his role is shepherding and mentoring young leaders. He serves as a lecturer/mentor at the Cambridge Leaders Network in Cambridge, UK. Steve and his wife, Connie, are residents of Geneva, IL and members of The Moody Church in Chicago, a diverse, urban congregation with seventy countries of birth and fifty mother languages represented in its membership. There he teaches, mentors, and serves as an elder. They have two grown children and ten grandchildren. Steve retired in 2019 after 45 years engaged in finance with experience in corporate management as CEO of a commercial bank, and as a business owner establishing an investment management practice. Steve earned his B.A. in psychology at North Central College in Naperville, IL, and M.M. from the J.L. Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.

Marian Kanuch

Marián Kanuch is a Lutheran pastor in Žilina, Slovakia. He also serves as a regional leader for twenty-two local congregations. In 2018, he defended his dissertation: “Planting New Churches as a Challenge for Lutheran Missiology”. He is also very interested in the topic of revitalization of local churches. The process of revitalization is also happening in his congregation. He is married to Olinka and they serve together in Žilina.

Henryk Krol

Henryk Król is president & CEO of DEOrecordings Association (CCM Media), an umbrella organisation owning three limited companies: Studio DR, Ltd (he is its President and CEO), Radio CCM Ltd. and MCC Group, Ltd. It forms an innovative media ministry based in Poland that combines traditional media (6 FM Radio stations), art (professional recording studio and publishing), and new tools (Software development with a flagship – Gele/CODEX e-learning platform tailored to spiritual follow-up, Service Center to global evangelistic movement, multiple own portals, multimedia productions, etc). Having a holistic vision of a “full path,” all the communications and technology are backed by an army of hundreds of volunteers who implement it daily with interested seekers, both online as e-coaches and offline as small group leaders. His heart is in building cooperation and partnership across denominations and countries, networking for better effectiveness in spreading the Gospel. Henryk holds a PhD in engineering. His present research focuses on how to best use the Internet without forgetting to "stand firm" on the biblical truth as the final authority. He is married to Boguslawa, with whom he has three adult children: Filip, Paulina, and Szczepan.

Kenneth MacKenzie attends and serves as an elder at The Church St. Blane's, Dunblane and is the Chairman of the Prison Fellowship Scotland. His past leadership roles include being the CEO of five different businesses. In addition to his current ministries, Kenneth is a Trustee of Trinity Forum Scotland, Wycliffe Bible Translators UK, and Covenant Fellowship Scotland.

Philip Miller

Philip Miller is the 17th Senior Pastor of The Moody Church. He and his wife Krista are graduates of Cedarville University (’04) and both hold Th.M. degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary ('10). They live in Chicago with their four children: Claire, Violet, Cora, and Jude. Pastor Philip is passionate about proclaiming God’s Word, cultivating healthy ministry, and investing in future leaders. He can be heard on the weekly Moody Church Hour radio broadcast on over 700 stations nationwide. Philip enjoys cycling on the Chicago lakefront, deep-dish pizza, caramel popcorn, and craft root beer.

Joel Morris attends Grace Church, Porthcawl, UK and is the Executive Director of Union School of Theology. Their ministry works for healthy church growth through raising, deploying, and supporting leaders. They invest in church planting and revitalisation through theological resources, education, and access to funding. Their school has some 170 students who go on to plant and serve churches around Europe and the world.

Zefjan Nikolla

Zefjan Nikolla is the General Secretary of BSKSH (IFES Albania) and pastor of Emanuel Evangelical Church in Tirana. He is involved in various national and international evangelistic initiatives ranging from youth ministries to attempts to reach government leaders. He is also the director of the Albanian Leadership Forum. His passions include sports, reading, and above all, seeing his nation turn to Christ. Zefjan is married to Edita and they have two daughters, Greis and Emili.

Jane Norton

Jane Norton is the daughter of a coach and teacher who taught her the value of work, honesty, family, and service. Those ideals led her to a career in public service where she served in appointed and elected government positions in her home state of Colorado and in Washington, DC. She also worked in the private and non-profit sectors where she served in leadership, development, and consulting roles. Jane earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences, a Master’s Degree in Management, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities Degree from Colorado Christian University. Jane is married to Mike and together they have four children and seven grandchildren.

Bill Skowera

Bill Skowera earned his BS in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Illinois in 1978. His professional background includes over twenty years in the computer industry in product development, marketing and accounting. In 1987, Bill and three others founded Silvon Software, where he worked until coming to Cedarstone Partners in 2001. Bill balances his time at Cedarstone with his involvement at Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church and international travel. He and his wife, Sandy, have three adult children. In his free time, Bill enjoys biking and reading.

Zsolt Szalai

Zsolt Szalai, following his studies on Hungarian and English universities and completion of a university doctor’s degree in finance, has spent the last three decades in mid and upper management roles in banking, private equity, not-for-profit organizations, and Christian churches. Currently, he is self-employed as a business consultant. Besides that, he is Head of the Board of Elders of Szentendre Reformed Church, Chairman of Christian Businessmen Association, Board Member of Compass Europe, and leader of the Leadership Workshop of the Hungarian Evangelical Forum. During his career, Zsolt gained a wide range of experience in corporate finance, capital markets, project finance, innovation management, and business development areas. Zsolt is also an adjunct professor at Károli Gáspár Reformed University, Pentecostal Theological College, and Bakke Graduate University. He is also an active speaker and lecturer on conferences and leadership courses and workshops.

Jeremy Taylor

Jeremy Taylor spent much of his professional life in Christian publishing, working as an editor at Tyndale House Publishers for nearly twenty years, assisting many of the industry’s top authors in making their messages clear and compelling. Currently, he serves as president of Tyndale House Foundation, an international organization with partnerships throughout the world, many related to publishing and literature. He has a BA in Communications from Wheaton College and an MA in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Nancy, have five children and live in Wheaton, Illinois.

Bernd Winkelstraeter

Bernd Winkelstraeter is a professional consultant, trainer, and coach living in Germany. After 29 years working as international computer technology expert in R&D, he switched to study work and organizational psychology. With this unique combination, he supports organizations to cope with all the change and increased uncertainty of the digital age. In 2011, Bernd founded vision2inspire, a Christian startup incubator for charitable projects. He is a coach for Natural Church Development, a church growth concept applied around the world. Bernd is member of an International Baptist Church (IBC), and over almost four decades, he has volunteered in various leadership roles in church. Bernd is trained in Christian counseling and holds an M.A. in work and organizational psychology and a German M.Sc. equivalent in computer science.

Marketplace Leaders

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Steve Giere

Stephen Giere has served in Christian ministry in America and Europe for more than forty years. He taught and led a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class of 500 men in Chicago for seventeen years. Steve is a board member with the Forum of Christian Leaders serving in Europe with the European Leadership Forum. Key to his role is shepherding and mentoring young leaders. He serves as a lecturer/mentor at the Cambridge Leaders Network in Cambridge, UK. Steve and his wife, Connie, are residents of Geneva, IL and members of The Moody Church in Chicago, a diverse, urban congregation with seventy countries of birth and fifty mother languages represented in its membership. There he teaches, mentors, and serves as an elder. They have two grown children and ten grandchildren. Steve retired in 2019 after 45 years engaged in finance with experience in corporate management as CEO of a commercial bank, and as a business owner establishing an investment management practice. Steve earned his B.A. in psychology at North Central College in Naperville, IL, and M.M. from the J.L. Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.



Family Mentoring aims to provide biblically sound advice for building strong families to parents, grandparents, or lay and professional counsellors who deal frequently with family-related issues.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


John Kirkpatrick

John Kirkpatrick served as a minister in the Presbyterian Church for the past 40 years. He’s recently retired but is still very active across several ministries. He chairs the management board at Union Theological College and has some teaching and mentoring responsibilities there. John also serves as part of the preaching team in First Ballymena Presbyterian Church participating in monthly preaching opportunities. This year will mark the 30th year John has served the Motorcycle racing world in Ireland as Chaplain to the Motorcycle Union of Ireland. He gives help and oversight to the church plant Trinity Church Central London. Additionally, at the European Leadership Forum, John has led the Apologetics (Foundational) Network for many years and is now offering more general help across all Networks.

David Van Dyke

David Van Dyke serves as Director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program and Associate Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy at Wheaton College. He works with people in the relationships and systems that shape us all, specifically related to our relationship with Christ. Every person is constantly imbedded in multiple contexts (e.g., family, culture, church, society) that provide possibilities and constraints. These mutual-influencing areas between the individual and the contexts are the focus of Dr. Van Dyke’s teaching and scholarship. His areas of expertise are working with adolescents and their families, and integration of Christian faith and systems thinking. In addition to his teaching and scholarship, he works in practice at the Center for Family & Relational Health with couples and families in Wheaton. In his personal time, he likes traveling with his family, kayaking with his wife and exploring family history.

Financial Disicpleship

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Bert den Hertog

Bert den Hertog is CEO of Compass Europe (, a network in Europe of 18 countries for making financial disciples by financial disciplers. He is also involved in the global leadership of Compass Global (active in 80 countries all over the globe). He serves the national movements and is pioneering new countries of Compass across Europe. He is also a financial coach and trainer in the area of recovery from debt and unemployment. Previously he served for eight years as the general secretary of IFES-Netherlands, a trainer in Governance for IFES Europe, and a member of the Advisory Board of Veritas Europe. He has also been a church planter and the head of youth ministries for a Dutch Reformed Inner Mission Organisation. After graduating he spent six years as a project manager in a consultancy company and in his free time was an elder of a Dutch Reformed Church. Bert is married to Marjon, and they have five children and four grandchildren.


Generosity Mentoring seeks to reveal what the Bible says about generosity and how to cultivate generosity in yourself or address it biblically in your church.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Bert den Hertog

Bert den Hertog is CEO of Compass Europe (, a network in Europe of 18 countries for making financial disciples by financial disciplers. He is also involved in the global leadership of Compass Global (active in 80 countries all over the globe). He serves the national movements and is pioneering new countries of Compass across Europe. He is also a financial coach and trainer in the area of recovery from debt and unemployment. Previously he served for eight years as the general secretary of IFES-Netherlands, a trainer in Governance for IFES Europe, and a member of the Advisory Board of Veritas Europe. He has also been a church planter and the head of youth ministries for a Dutch Reformed Inner Mission Organisation. After graduating he spent six years as a project manager in a consultancy company and in his free time was an elder of a Dutch Reformed Church. Bert is married to Marjon, and they have five children and four grandchildren.

Zsolt Szalai

Zsolt Szalai, following his studies on Hungarian and English universities and completion of a university doctor’s degree in finance, has spent the last three decades in mid and upper management roles in banking, private equity, not-for-profit organizations, and Christian churches. Currently, he is self-employed as a business consultant. Besides that, he is Head of the Board of Elders of Szentendre Reformed Church, Chairman of Christian Businessmen Association, Board Member of Compass Europe, and leader of the Leadership Workshop of the Hungarian Evangelical Forum. During his career, Zsolt gained a wide range of experience in corporate finance, capital markets, project finance, innovation management, and business development areas. Zsolt is also an adjunct professor at Károli Gáspár Reformed University, Pentecostal Theological College, and Bakke Graduate University. He is also an active speaker and lecturer on conferences and leadership courses and workshops.

Leader to Leader

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Keith Frey

Recently retired from a full-time career as a physician and executive, Keith now invests much of his time as a healthcare consultant and leadership developer. He has forty years of experience as a primary care physician, educator, mentor/coach, and executive. His career included major leadership roles at Duke University, Providence Health, Mayo Clinic, and most recently Dignity Health. Keith is a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute (BS in Biology), the Medical College of Virginia (MD) and Duke University (MBA). Keith has been actively involved in discipleship, church and ministry leadership roles, including marriage ministry in Slovakia, Christian Medical Dental Association global medical education and as a board member for the Forum of Christian Leaders. Keith has served for three terms on the Scottsdale Bible Church Elder Board. Keith and his wife Melanie were married in 1975 and have one child. Dr. Frey is currently the Chief Physician Executive for Dignity Health in Arizona and has held this position since 2013. His responsibilities include driving clinical excellence, superior patient experiences, academic integration and physician leadership development. He served as the President, Dignity Health Medical Group, a 200+ clinician, academic multispecialty medical group in Phoenix, from 2014 to 2018. He serves in board leadership roles for the Arizona Care Network, Creighton University Arizona Health Education Alliance, and Mercy Care. A former Professor and Chair of Family Medicine at Mayo Clinic Arizona, he is now a Clinical Professor, College of Health Solutions, Arizona State University. Dr. Frey holds a BS in Biology from the Virginia Military Institute, an MD degree from the Medical College of Virginia, and an MBA from Duke University. He is board-certified in both Family Medicine and Clinical Informatics. Additionally, Dr. Frey is Hogan Personality Assessment certified and is an Independent Certified Coach, Teacher, Trainer and Speaker with The John Maxwell Team. On a personal note, he enjoys international travel, golf, spending time with family and participating in church activities.

Marion Jongkind attends Eden Baptist Church in Cambridge. Having previously served as a chaplain, she now works as a Professional Counsellor/therapist with a vision to provide counselling for Christians.

David Seckington

David Seckington serves as an assistant pastor at Trinity Church Central London. His primary roles are making mature disciple-making disciples, teaching God's word, prayer, responsibility for music, and helping with all other pastoral issues at the church. He completed the International Baccalaureate at Kings College School Wimbledon in London and then studied French and Philosophy at the University of Sheffield, UK.

Keith Sparzak

Keith Sparzak currently serves as the international director of Community Bible Study International. He oversees activities and assists his leadership team in the 113 countries where CBSI currently has a presence. He previously has had the privilege of serving with a Christian foundation as a program officer with a focus on church planting and evangelism. Prior to that role, he was a co-leader of the Global Outreach Ministry at a church with an extensive missional expression in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in addition to serving in other lead and associate pastoral positions. He enjoys investing his experience and gifts as a board member of three organisations: a progressive ministry impacting globalised youth; an inter-denominational mission sending agency empowering local church ministry in more than 100 countries around the world; and a ministry through which coaching and consulting on the effective use of media helps dozens of partner ministries to strategically increase their media impact in over 22 countries. He also enjoys serving through occasional advisory roles to other organisations. He works for Colorado-based CBS while living in Monument, Colorado. He has a gracious, patient, and lovely wife, Suzanne, to whom he has been married for 42 years. They have two children and two grandchildren.



Academic Mentoring gives young academics an opportunity to discuss a piece of academic work (such as a chapter of a thesis/dissertation or a scholarly article) or a general issue related to their experience in academia with a more experienced academic.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Ralf Bergmann

Ralf Bergmann, born in 1962, is married and has three adult children, two children-in-law and three grandchildren. He received his degree in physics and a doctorate from German universities. He is or has been mainly involved in semiconductor physics and technology, photovoltaics and optical technologies at several research institutions in Germany and Australia and has also worked in industrial research. Since 2008 he is a professor and head of a research institute working on optical technologies and optoelectronics. Beyond his research, he is defending the reasonability and relevance of Christian faith, with respect to the joint concerns of physics, philosophy, and theology as well as modern western society. In 2019, he wrote the book Gott und die Erklärung der Welt (God and the explanation of the world), and in 2021 Die freie Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde (The free society and its enemies) in remembrance of Karl Poppers famous book The open society and its enemies and the works of Francis Schaeffer. Corresponding resources in English and German can be found in

Adam Cenian

Adam Cenian is a scientist by profession but has been actively involved in church leadership roles since becoming a Christian 30 years ago. He has led evangelistic camps, served as a pastor, and been treasurer for the National Board of Baptist Churches in Poland. In addition, he leads the Hevelius Forum for Dialog between Science and Religion in Gdansk. He also lectures at universities and Christian conferences and provides material for Christian television in Poland. 

Ruth Davis

Ruth Davis has over 20 years experience of working in University settings, culminating in eight years managing a large academic department of Care Sciences at the University of South Wales. Her professional background is in nursing with a specialist interest in diabetes. Her clinical and research experience is in patient education and service/role development. In 2014 she left that role, though she remains a Visiting Fellow with the University and now works as Academic Director for an online education company, overseeing the quality of around 20 post-graduate Diploma/Master's courses for healthcare professionals. Along with her husband, they are trustees of Heb Ffin, a local charity (not-for-profit non-governmental organisation) supporting God’s work in Wales (UK) and Africa. Over the last year, they have spent several months in Uganda working on various diverse projects from nurse leadership to coffee growing. At home, Ruth is a wife, mother and grandmother; familiar with the struggles of juggling home, work and church life. In the local church, she has been involved in small group ministries and practical demonstrations of God’s love to people in the church and those outside, such as helping to run a luncheon club for older people. 

Alexander Fink

Alexander Fink is Director of the Institute for Faith and Science (Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft) in Marburg, Germany ( He studied physics at Bayreuth and St. Andrews (UK) universities and received his PhD at the Institute for Biophysics at the University of Regensburg. After working as an industrial product manager, he became the director of the SMD graduates' ministry (Akademiker-SMD, the German branch of IFES) until 2014. Since 2008, he has been a member of the ELF Steering Committee and has co-led the Scientists Network. He is the editor of the "Begründet-glauben-Podcast" ( and has produced three documentary movies, "Fascinating Universe", "More than My Brain", and “Is there meaning in suffering?” which were officially recommended for use in secular public schools. Together with his wife, Alexander enjoys raising his two children, preaching and leading a house group in his local church, and being a youth soccer trainer in his local sports club.

David Hilborn

David Hilborn is Academic Dean and Senior Lecturer in Church History at London School of Theology. David was previously Principal of Moorlands College. Prior to that he led St Johns College, Nottingham and was Assistant Dean of St Mellitus College, based in London. This followed nine years as Head of Theology at the Evangelical Alliance UK, during which time he also served on the Executive of the World Evangelical Alliance Theological Commission. David is an ordained Anglican minister and was a member of the Church of England’s Faith and Order Commission from 2006-2016. He currently chairs the Evangelical Alliance’s Theological Advisory Group. He is a graduate of the Universities of Nottingham (BA, PhD) and Oxford (MA), and has led or served on the ministry teams of five local churches. He has authored or edited several books, including Picking Up the Pieces (Hodder), The Nature of Hell, Toronto in Perspective, One Body in Christ, Movement for Change (Paternoster) and The Atonement Debate (Zondervan). He is currently co-editing a book on Anglican-Pentecostal co-operation. David is a Londoner by birth and is married to Mia, a senior hospital chaplain. They have two grown-up children. He loves cricket and enjoys a wide range of music.

Peter Imming

Peter Imming received degrees in pharmacy and chemistry and a PhD and venia legendi in pharmaceutical chemistry from a German university. He has been involved in drug chemistry teaching and research in Germany, the UK, China, Ethiopia and other countries. Until retirement in 2025, he was head of the pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry department of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. His research focuses on the design and synthesis of new drug substances and on molecular mechanisms of drug action. He has a strong interest in the relation of science and Christian faith, frequently lecturing on related topics by invitation of e.g. universities, churches and schools.

David McIlroy

David McIlroy is a practising barrister based in London in the UK. He serves on the editorial board of Law & Justice, teaches the Mission of Justice and the Theology of Law course at Spurgeon’s College, and is a Visiting Professor at the University of Notre Dame (USA) in England. He is convinced that justice matters enormously to God and He wants Christians to work hard to see justice done more and more in situations around the world. Through his books (A Biblical View of Law and Justice, A Trinitarian Theology of Law, The End of Law) and many articles, David seeks to deepen people’s reflections on justice and to inspire others to take up the challenge of acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8).

Andy McIntosh

Andy McIntosh holds an Emeritus chair in Thermodynamics at the University of Leeds and is also an adjunct professor of Engineering at Liberty University in Virginia. He has had a long scientific research career concerning mathematics, combustion and aeronautics, both in academia and in a government establishment, and is author of over 200 academic papers. Andy is the inventor of the 𝜇Mist novel spray technology which copies the Bombardier beetle spray and has led to this spray technology being applied to fuel injectors, pharmaceutical sprays, aerosols and more recently fire sprinkler systems. This was awarded the 2010 Times Higher Educational award for the Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology. His work has also included investigations into the fundamental link between thermodynamics and information. This strikes at the heart of the issue concerning abiogenesis – the information in living systems is neither matter nor energy but is absolutely essential for life.

He now lectures widely on origins, and has authored the books “Genesis for Today” (Day One, 6th Edition, 2017), and “A verse by verse examination of Genesis 1-11” (Day One, 2016) and has contributed to a number of other books including “Wonders of Creation – Design in a fallen world”(co-authored with Stuart Burgess and Brian Edwards, Day One, 2017), “Origins – examining the evidence” (Truth in Science, 2011), “In six days” (Master Books, 2009) and “Should Christians embrace Evolution?” (IVP, 2009). He has also written the booklet “Are you really an Atheist?” (2018) and co-authored the booklets “Is it True – Evidence for Creation” (2018) and “A wonder of Creation – the Kingfisher” (2024) and is co-director of the UK education think tank Truth in Science. He is married with 4 children (one of whom died in infancy), and 7 grandchildren.

Rodica Mocan

Rodica Mocan is Professor at the Department of Cinematography and Media, specializing in digital media and the new media arts. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology (2005), with a focus on e-learning and a Ph.D. in Theater and Performing Arts (2016), with research on interactive digital art performances. She earned her Habilitation in Cinematography and Media with a thesis on Digital Media Arts. Her current research interests are on the impact of digital technologies on different aspects of life, particularly in the field of interactive digital arts and emerging artistic genres, such as interactive documentaries. She has multiple publications including various academic articles. Dr. Mocan is the founder and coordinator of the Digital Interactive Arts master program and a Ph.D. supervisor on digital arts themes.

Charles White

Charles White is Professor of Christian Thought and History at Spring Arbor University in Michigan, USA. He finished his bachelor’s degree at Harvard University and his PhD at Boston University. In the 1970s he was minister to students at Boston’s Park Street Church. He has written two books and a score of academic articles. Bible translation is one of his passions, and he has worked on twenty-five of the twenty-seven New Testament books in seven different languages. He has taught environmentalists in Michigan, physicians in Mexico, pastors in Canada, university students in England, Bible college students in Australia, Muslims in Nigeria, evangelists in India, missionaries in the Philippines and Rwanda, church planters in Iraq, ministers in Jordan, and disciplers in Ethiopia. He is the father of four grown children and has run more than 86,000 kilometers since he turned 40.


Artists Mentoring creates a space for participants to connect with and receive practical help and guidance from an experienced Christian artist leader on living out their calling. 

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Cristian Cazacu

Cristian Cazacu is a songwriter, worship leader, and performing artist for over 25 years. His passion is to see Christian artists engage their craft theologically, as an act of worship and witness to the risen Christ. Cristian is the director of imagoDei Romania, an emerging initiative designed to cultivate community among the faithful artists by means of spiritual formation, theological reflection, networking and culture-making, for the purposes of the kingdom of God.  He also coordinates the Artists Network as a part of the Romanian Leadership Forum. Cristian holds an M.A. in Intercultural Studies (Global Christian Worship), from Fuller Theological Seminary (2010). Cristian and his wife, Bella, have three sons, living near the city of Timișoara, Romania.

Natalie M headshot

Natalie Meeks is the President/CEO of Bridge Builders International, which ministers to artists in multiple countries in Europe and the US. She currently studies at Western Theological Seminary and, as a freelance writer, has penned articles about ministries all over the world Her Christian faith and confidence in the Scriptures inform her understanding of, communication with, and ministry to artists and ministry leaders of all kinds. She and her family reside in Greenville, South Carolina.

Liviu Mocan

Liviu Mocan is a Romanian artist living in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania. The rich Christian legacy that he inherited from his parents, from church, and from mature artists and theologians has guided his philosophy of life and formed the essence of his creation. His many and varied works – which can be can be found exhibited in private collections, indoor and outdoor, on all continents – are a testimony to his commitment to the visual expression of his beliefs. He is currently developing various art projects centered around the major themes of the Bible while experimenting with various materials and new technologies. Actively involved in his artistic community, he strives to be a witness among Romanian artists.

Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership Mentoring exists so that leaders in an academic setting can discuss the successes, challenges, questions, and best practices in leading an educational institution.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Ruth Davis

Ruth Davis has over 20 years experience of working in University settings, culminating in eight years managing a large academic department of Care Sciences at the University of South Wales. Her professional background is in nursing with a specialist interest in diabetes. Her clinical and research experience is in patient education and service/role development. In 2014 she left that role, though she remains a Visiting Fellow with the University and now works as Academic Director for an online education company, overseeing the quality of around 20 post-graduate Diploma/Master's courses for healthcare professionals. Along with her husband, they are trustees of Heb Ffin, a local charity (not-for-profit non-governmental organisation) supporting God’s work in Wales (UK) and Africa. Over the last year, they have spent several months in Uganda working on various diverse projects from nurse leadership to coffee growing. At home, Ruth is a wife, mother and grandmother; familiar with the struggles of juggling home, work and church life. In the local church, she has been involved in small group ministries and practical demonstrations of God’s love to people in the church and those outside, such as helping to run a luncheon club for older people. 

David Hilborn

David Hilborn is Academic Dean and Senior Lecturer in Church History at London School of Theology. David was previously Principal of Moorlands College. Prior to that he led St Johns College, Nottingham and was Assistant Dean of St Mellitus College, based in London. This followed nine years as Head of Theology at the Evangelical Alliance UK, during which time he also served on the Executive of the World Evangelical Alliance Theological Commission. David is an ordained Anglican minister and was a member of the Church of England’s Faith and Order Commission from 2006-2016. He currently chairs the Evangelical Alliance’s Theological Advisory Group. He is a graduate of the Universities of Nottingham (BA, PhD) and Oxford (MA), and has led or served on the ministry teams of five local churches. He has authored or edited several books, including Picking Up the Pieces (Hodder), The Nature of Hell, Toronto in Perspective, One Body in Christ, Movement for Change (Paternoster) and The Atonement Debate (Zondervan). He is currently co-editing a book on Anglican-Pentecostal co-operation. David is a Londoner by birth and is married to Mia, a senior hospital chaplain. They have two grown-up children. He loves cricket and enjoys a wide range of music.

Rodica Mocan

Rodica Mocan is Professor at the Department of Cinematography and Media, specializing in digital media and the new media arts. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology (2005), with a focus on e-learning and a Ph.D. in Theater and Performing Arts (2016), with research on interactive digital art performances. She earned her Habilitation in Cinematography and Media with a thesis on Digital Media Arts. Her current research interests are on the impact of digital technologies on different aspects of life, particularly in the field of interactive digital arts and emerging artistic genres, such as interactive documentaries. She has multiple publications including various academic articles. Dr. Mocan is the founder and coordinator of the Digital Interactive Arts master program and a Ph.D. supervisor on digital arts themes.

Charles White

Charles White is Professor of Christian Thought and History at Spring Arbor University in Michigan, USA. He finished his bachelor’s degree at Harvard University and his PhD at Boston University. In the 1970s he was minister to students at Boston’s Park Street Church. He has written two books and a score of academic articles. Bible translation is one of his passions, and he has worked on twenty-five of the twenty-seven New Testament books in seven different languages. He has taught environmentalists in Michigan, physicians in Mexico, pastors in Canada, university students in England, Bible college students in Australia, Muslims in Nigeria, evangelists in India, missionaries in the Philippines and Rwanda, church planters in Iraq, ministers in Jordan, and disciplers in Ethiopia. He is the father of four grown children and has run more than 86,000 kilometers since he turned 40.

Law and Religious Liberty

Law and Religious Liberty Mentoring is designed to answer questions with regard to international religious liberty, sanctity of life and defence of family or how to receive additional training opportunities in these areas as a barrister (attorney), law student, or pastor.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


David McIlroy

David McIlroy is a practising barrister based in London in the UK. He serves on the editorial board of Law & Justice, teaches the Mission of Justice and the Theology of Law course at Spurgeon’s College, and is a Visiting Professor at the University of Notre Dame (USA) in England. He is convinced that justice matters enormously to God and He wants Christians to work hard to see justice done more and more in situations around the world. Through his books (A Biblical View of Law and Justice, A Trinitarian Theology of Law, The End of Law) and many articles, David seeks to deepen people’s reflections on justice and to inspire others to take up the challenge of acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8).

Michael Norton

Michael J. Norton is an attorney with the Denver, Colorado law firm of Scheffel & Associates, P.C. Norton has also served as United States Attorney for Colorado, having been appointed first by President Ronald Reagan and then by President George H.W. Bush. Norton has also served as a religious liberties litigator with Alliance Defending Freedom. Norton holds a Juris Doctorate degree from American University’s Washington College of Law and a Masters of Divinity degree from Denver Seminary. Norton’s biblical mission is to help people solve life’s problems. 

Media Engagement

Media Engagement Mentoring provides an opportunity for creative personal dialogue with an experienced practitioner relating the individual context and calling to “media ministries” (the creative use of media technologies in the Church and mission), “media presence” (being salt and light in mainstream media), and/ or “media awareness” (media analysis or critique as disciples and witnesses).

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Alexander Fink

Alexander Fink is Director of the Institute for Faith and Science (Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft) in Marburg, Germany ( He studied physics at Bayreuth and St. Andrews (UK) universities and received his PhD at the Institute for Biophysics at the University of Regensburg. After working as an industrial product manager, he became the director of the SMD graduates' ministry (Akademiker-SMD, the German branch of IFES) until 2014. Since 2008, he has been a member of the ELF Steering Committee and has co-led the Scientists Network. He is the editor of the "Begründet-glauben-Podcast" ( and has produced three documentary movies, "Fascinating Universe", "More than My Brain", and “Is there meaning in suffering?” which were officially recommended for use in secular public schools. Together with his wife, Alexander enjoys raising his two children, preaching and leading a house group in his local church, and being a youth soccer trainer in his local sports club.

Bjørn Hinderaker

Bjørn Hinderaker is an Assistant Professor at the accredited NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway (, where he teaches Christian Apologetics, Worldviews, and Ethical Theory. He has previously served as missionary to Kenya and as senior pastor of a local evangelical church ( Bjørn is also involved part-time as a writer and speaker in Damaris Norway (, an organization which is seeking to relate biblical faith to contemporary culture. He is programme director for the annual Veritas Conference (, a member of the advisory editorial committee for Veritas Forlag (Publishing), and has extensive experience as a preacher and as a speaker on biblical, cultural and apologetic topics. Bjørn has published academic and popular articles within his field, was co-editor of Grill en kristen – om Bibelen (Veritas Forlag 2020), and is book editor for Theofilos (

Henryk Krol

Henryk Król is president & CEO of DEOrecordings Association (CCM Media), an umbrella organisation owning three limited companies: Studio DR, Ltd (he is its President and CEO), Radio CCM Ltd. and MCC Group, Ltd. It forms an innovative media ministry based in Poland that combines traditional media (6 FM Radio stations), art (professional recording studio and publishing), and new tools (Software development with a flagship – Gele/CODEX e-learning platform tailored to spiritual follow-up, Service Center to global evangelistic movement, multiple own portals, multimedia productions, etc). Having a holistic vision of a “full path,” all the communications and technology are backed by an army of hundreds of volunteers who implement it daily with interested seekers, both online as e-coaches and offline as small group leaders. His heart is in building cooperation and partnership across denominations and countries, networking for better effectiveness in spreading the Gospel. Henryk holds a PhD in engineering. His present research focuses on how to best use the Internet without forgetting to "stand firm" on the biblical truth as the final authority. He is married to Boguslawa, with whom he has three adult children: Filip, Paulina, and Szczepan.

Sheridan Voysey

Sheridan Voysey is a writer, speaker and broadcaster on faith and spirituality. He is the author of eight books, including Reflect with Sheridan (Lion Hudson, 2020), The Making of Us: Who We Can Become When life Doesn’t Go as Planned (Thomas Nelson/Harper Collins, 2019), Resurrection Year: Turning Broken Dreams into New Beginnings (shortlisted for the 2014 ECPA Book of the Year Award), Resilient: Your Invitation to a Jesus-Shaped Life, and Unseen Footprints: Encountering the Divine Along the Journey of Life (winner of the 2006 Australian Christian Book of the Year). He writes for Our Daily Bread, a devotional read by 90 million people daily. Sheridan is a regular presenter of Pause for Thought on BBC Radio 2’s Zoe Ball Breakfast Show (heard by 9 million people daily), and has conducted over 2000 radio interviews in his 25-year broadcast career. He speaks at conferences and events around the world, and has been featured on numerous TV and radio programs including BBC Breakfast, BBC News, Channel 5 News, Day of Discovery, 100 Huntley Street, CBC’s Tapestry, plus publications like The Times, Telegraph, and Christianity Today.

Professional Counselling

This mentoring type is available for cohort mentoring.


Eric Johnson

Eric L. Johnson is professor of Christian Psychology at Houston Baptist University, serving in the Gideon Institute of Christian Psychology & Counseling. He taught psychology for 10 years at University of Northwestern and counseling for 17 years at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition to writing more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals, he edited Psychology and Christianity: Five Views, and was a co-editor of Marriage: Its Foundation, Theology, and Mission in a Changing World. He has written Foundations for Soul Care: A Christian Psychology Proposal and God and Soul Care: The Therapeutic Resources of the Christian Faith. He was the first director of the Society for Christian Psychology and has been doing pastoral counseling for 20 years. He’s married to Rebekah, and they have two children, Laura and Iain, and a son-in-law, Rich. They have two grandchildren, Cash and Jedi.


You can sign up for a mentoring session with a speaker from your ELF Network (see the list below). Once you complete the mentoring registration form, we will pair you with a suitable mentor.

  • Academic
  • Apologetics Advanced
  • Apologetics Foundational
  • Artists
  • Bible Teachers and Preachers Advanced
  • Bible Teachers and Preachers Foundational
  • Church Life, Leadership, and Planting Foundational
  • Church Revitalisation
  • Disciple-Making Leaders Advanced
  • Disciple-Making Leaders Foundational
  • Evangelism
  • Leaders of Christian Organisations Network: Emerging Leaders
  • Leaders of Christian Organisations Network: Experienced Leaders
  • Leadership Foundations
  • Media Communicators
  • Organisational Development and Fundraising
  • Pastoral Counsellors
  • Politics and Society
  • Professional Counsellors
  • Scientists
  • Theologians
  • Youth Ministry Leaders