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Rodica Mocan

Rodica Mocan
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  • Romania
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Babes-Bolyai University

Rodica Mocan is Professor at the Department of Cinematography and Media, specializing in digital media and the new media arts. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology (2005), with a focus on e-learning and a Ph.D. in Theater and Performing Arts (2016), with research on interactive digital art performances. She earned her Habilitation in Cinematography and Media with a thesis on Digital Media Arts. Her current research interests are on the impact of digital technologies on different aspects of life, particularly in the field of interactive digital arts and emerging artistic genres, such as interactive documentaries. She has multiple publications including various academic articles. Dr. Mocan is the founder and coordinator of the Digital Interactive Arts master program and a Ph.D. supervisor on digital arts themes.