Workshops take place Sunday - Wednesday of ELF. Please register for the Workshops you would like to attend by following the instructions below:
Saturday, 17 May - 17:30 CEST
Welcome Newcomers! We invite you to this meeting for any Newcomers to the Forum, where you can learn how to make the most of the Forum and connect with other new participants. After the meeting, we encourage you to go to dinner together and continue the conversation. We hope to… Read more
Sunday, 18 May - 14:45 CEST
Scientific apologetics strongly suggests that there is a Creator. Naturalist scientists deny God's existence by claiming that science alone can explain everything. This so-called scientism, however, has serious difficulties when trying to explain the universe's… Read more
Ministry and leadership can be a lonely task, but we need not face this alone. One of the sad realities of mission and church leadership in Europe is just how many good godly men and women find themselves isolated and alone, devoid of meaningful peer ministry relationships and… Read more
Someone once said: “Church would be a great place if it weren’t for all the people!” And yet, people are everywhere, all the time. And sometimes, they can be difficult. If we live and work with people, the occasional relational conflict is inevitable. This seminar will explore… Read more
During a lifetime of leadership we will each encounter a few especially complex challenges, and our formal leadership training (if we’ve had any) will probably not have equipped us for these. What makes some situations inherently complex? How do we make sense of what’s… Read more
How can we turn our vision into reality? Defining clear, specific, and time-bound projects is essential for effectively advancing our organisation. In this workshop, we’ll explore how to keep daily tasks aligned with our broader mission and develop practical strategies to… Read more
The ceremonial laws, and frankly most of Leviticus, are on any short-list for neglected passages in the Bible. Prohibitions of certain foods are stellar examples of why the Law has nothing to do with our ethics. We will attempt to read them within both the big sweep and the tiny… Read more
Most of us are familiar with C.S. Lewis' "Screwtape Letters," outlining the devil's tactics to subvert the church. But is this actually happening today? If so, how? This workshop will reflect on a real-life case study based on Communist Romania and the… Read more
Money is a great servant but a terrible master. The Lord warned us that we cannot serve God and money at the same time. What are the ways that money can subvert our lives and ministries? This workshop will address the five biggest mistakes we make about money and give biblical… Read more
From London to South Asia, Muslim friends will zero in on five common objections to the Christian faith. Here are the top three: the Trinity, the divinity of Jesus, and the crucifixion. Add to that a 12th century Muslim philosopher’s idea of a ‘corrupted Bible’ and its core… Read more
'There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.' These words were part of the (in)famous campaign led by atheist scientist Richard Dawkins, in which buses running through England shared this message. Is there any truth behind this statement? Is… Read more
Adolescent brain development is highly sensitive to particular inputs, including social media. Research has shown a decline in adolescent mental health since 2012, the same year that key changes occurred with the large social media platforms. This session will look at the… Read more
Humans are wired to favor happiness over unhappiness. Yet, we were created with the ability to experience a number of negative emotions: sadness, anger, anxiety/fear, shame, and guilt. The purpose of these emotions in a fallen world will be discussed, along with some basic… Read more
From books to modern cinema, our culture is captivated by heroes and villains. Why? This workshop will examine how the archetypes of heroes and villains pervade society in the tales we tell on screen, stage, and page to shape who we become. We will offer a biblical perspective… Read more
Sunday, 18 May - 16:15 CEST
Communicating what you do as a ministry is critical, yet many organizations struggle to create effective communication. In this seminar, Keith Ogorek will share five simple principles you can apply to make your communications more impactful as you work to help others know what… Read more
How do we motivate, encourage, and train those under our leadership so that our team is strong and positioned to live out our mission well? There is no better training manual for Christian leaders than the Bible itself, abounding with good and bad leadership models that are… Read more
Church conflict and splits distress mature believers, disillusion new believers, cause havoc in the lives of pastors and their families, and bring reproach upon the name of Christ. What are the signposts of a problem that could result in a church split? How can we have good… Read more
How can European believers meaningfully engage with other believers who differ in race, Christian tradition, and culture to reach the nations in their communities with the Gospel? What are the practical steps to build trust so we can work together to reach those without faith in… Read more
With unbelief on the rise around the world, the church needs a robust view of disciple making. Yet many people in the church believe they cannot disciple because they lack the knowledge to disciple well. How can we move past our uncertainty and start to walk alongside the next… Read more
Why is it that so many women are believers but not disciples? How can we faithfully call women to true discipleship? In this session, we will discuss the current landscape of women’s discipleship, be reminded of why discipleship is so important, and gain practical resources in… Read more
In 1943, C.S. Lewis warned about the rise of the transhumanist age, which he believed would fundamentally alter what it means to be human. This talk will explore transhumanism's core principles and its current impact on society, including advancements in artificial… Read more
We all want to obey God and become spiritually mature. Why don’t we? We often don’t have practical strategies. We don’t know the “How?” This workshop will unpack a lifetime of hard-learned lessons about the practical biblical vision of how we become who we want to be.
Popular media often states that there is no evidence for the Old Testament histories. How should we respond to these assertions? In this session, we will take a closer look at the Old Testament history of the Amorites and Assyrians. We will explain how historians study the past… Read more
As our days go, so do our lives and ministries. How can we live in a prayerful, reflective frame of mind throughout the day? And how is technology hampering our devotion and keeping us shallow and distracted? This workshop will help you incorporate prayer at different times of… Read more
The Gospel is the greatest story ever told. Yet, today, it seems most people in the West do not care. Church leaders and organisations struggle to get new members and connect with modern audiences. Where once the church was a cornerstone of local communities, today, many people… Read more
The Apostle Peter calls us “to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour.” We are always learning as the Holy Spirit works in our lives refining us. Our journey with God and in leadership is one of rich experiences, challenges, and snares. Looking back on 17 years… Read more
The problem of suffering is one from which no one can escape. Why do some people have to suffer more than others? And why do innocent babies suffer? In what sense is God in control of a world filled with accidents? If God exists, why doesn’t He make His existence more obvious by… Read more
The leaders of many churches believe that in order to attract new members, they need to adapt to the culture. This workshop will examine the trends in the post-war West, what factors stand out as driving church growth or decline, and what we can learn from the differences in… Read more
Worship Evangelism challenges traditional evangelistic methods by asserting that authentic worship can serve as a powerful form of outreach. This session will explore how engaging in genuine, God-focused worship can draw seekers into an encounter with the divine presence, making… Read more
Monday, 19 May - 13:30 CEST
The Open Art Studio is an opportunity for participants interested in art and creativity to gather together for a relaxing time of painting, drawing, music, reflection, and interaction.
Monday, 19 May - 16:15 CEST
We live in an age of uninformed scepticism about Jesus. This talk will show how the physical discoveries of archaeology undermine common misconceptions about: the existence of Jesus; the reliability of the Gospels; the historical credentials of the crucifixion, burial, and empty… Read more
Imagine a world where justice, freedom, and equality are not just ideals, but lived realities for all. Have you ever wondered where this deep yearning for a better world comes from? Join this journey as we uncover the captivating story behind the Christian worldview and its… Read more
A generation with broken relationships and in identity crisis is thirsty for community and truth. A discipleship relationship is sharing life with someone, not expecting them to come to me but going to where they are and intentionally showing them what it means to follow Jesus… Read more
Out of a desire to go deeper in their walks with God, many evangelicals are adopting an understanding of spiritual disciplines and spiritual direction that is grounded in asceticism and mysticism. In this workshop, we will seek to understand and evaluate the mystical and ascetic… Read more
In this session, Jeremy Taylor and David Sveen, directors of two US-based Christian foundations, will share their insights on resourcing your ministry. They will discuss the essential 'dos and don'ts' of successful fundraising, exploring how organizations and… Read more
Our European context is increasingly secular, and we need to take this into account in our evangelism. How can we reach out with the Gospel to people who are switching out of Christianity or have no religious affiliation at all. Re-engaging this secular age requires fresh ways… Read more
Leadership can be fulfilling and joyful, but it can also be discouraging and painful. Is it possible to thrive in ministry even when things are hard? This session is a look at some key leadership lessons in Scripture. We'll explore how to navigate the numerous challenges of… Read more
The Bible teaches that humans are made in God’s image (Imago Dei), giving us creativity, intelligence, and moral responsibility. Technology, in many ways, reflects this—helping us extend our abilities and solve problems. But what happens when artificial intelligence starts to… Read more
Jesus spent his time with the people who knew they were sinners. It was his mission to seek and save the lost and to love those far from God. Jesus was different from the religious people of his day. Should not his followers and their gatherings be different in the same way… Read more
Today, we live in a pornified culture. Thanks to the normalization of pornography and easy accessibility through the internet, the number of people addicted to pornography is rapidly rising—and the church is not immune to this trend. In this workshop, we will start talking about… Read more
Why aren’t more Gospel leaders engaging intentionally in disciple making? Jesus should be our model in how to invest in others. This session will equip attendees with practical tools to develop discipleship models in their churches, para-church ministries, home groups, and… Read more
The story of Christ and His Gospel is the story of the Bible. How do we see this in the Old Testament? What is the biblical basis for connecting the Old Testament to Christ, and how can we do it faithfully?
Since its inception, hip-hop has evolved into a multi-trillion-dollar industry, shaping music, fashion, and social movements across the globe. More than just a genre, it is a cultural powerhouse that has influenced politics, identity, and storytelling on an unprecedented scale.… Read more
There is a “longevity problem” in the church today: as our youth get older, there are less and less of them. For the church to flourish in Europe, we need to be reflecting on the strategies we can enact to help young people stay in the faith. This seminar will briefly focus on… Read more
Tuesday, 20 May - 14:45 CEST
Our culture, rife with tensions, mirrors our individual struggles with relationships. True peace is a rare commodity these days! How can we as followers of Jesus be people of peace? In this workshop, we'll explore what true peace is and learn about practical ways to… Read more
A biblical church isn’t just built from the pulpit. It’s built in personal conversations. This session will explore practical ways to help individuals confidently teach the Bible and share the Gospel with others, as well as think through how to replicate that training in their… Read more
That cold winter day, I prayed, and prayed, but inside I was not praying, I was screaming. Heal her! You can. You did it before; do it again. Throw some crumbs my way. Nothing! In the face of pain, sorrow, and despair, we eventually begin to question everything. Naomi lost her… Read more
Drug abuse floods the world. Opioids are claimed to have lowered the average life expectancy of the white US population, a line of cocaine has become almost as cheap as a beer in Germany, and amphetamines are reported to be a major source of income for some governments. What do… Read more
Singleness is becoming more common worldwide, yet many churches struggle with how to support and engage single adults in meaningful ways. How can we approach this growing reality in a way that is both biblically grounded and relevant to today’s world? In this session, we’ll… Read more
This session will engage common arguments sceptics use to discredit the gospels. Why is John’s gospel so different from Matthew, Mark, and Luke? What should we make of differences in parallel gospel accounts that sceptics use to try and undercut the credibility of the gospels?… Read more
What happens when leaders don’t listen well? And is there any hope for leaders who do struggle to listen? As we look at how Jesus developed Peter’s leadership in the Gospel of John, we discover that Peter had an issue with listening. In this session, we’ll examine Peter’s life… Read more
In today’s world, Christians are bombarded by questions on difficult topics ranging from same-sex marriage to bioethics to suffering to God’s existence. Each encounter is different. How can we overcome nervousness so that we don’t “freeze” when the moment comes? How do we… Read more
The health of a ministry’s board is one of the most important parts of Christian ministry yet it is the aspect of leadership that is rarely discussed. A healthy board can help ensure a ministry flourishes and is sustained and can protect the leadership in a time of crisis. The… Read more
Our Heavenly Father owns the cattle on 1000 hills (Psalms 50:10), and yet most Christian leaders are anxious and nervous about fundraising. This workshop will provide a different prism as you work with partners to resource your ministry. Come learn how to not only steward your… Read more
The Fourth Lausanne Congress (Seoul, 2024) marked the 50th anniversary of the 1974 Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization. It was also the opportunity to assess how present-day evangelicalism understands its mission to the world. I had the opportunity to participate in the… Read more
In this workshop, we will hear about how Christians in Ukraine view the war as well as some of the creative ways they have responded to the challenge. Following this, there will be an opportunity for people engaged in Ukrainian refugee relief and ministry in Ukraine to share… Read more
This seminar will present findings from a research study examining 80 failed or struggling church plants across 27 countries. We will explore key lessons for planting healthier churches—and equipping healthier planters—that are more likely to thrive long-term. The discussion… Read more
When Muslims become Christians, they risk their lives and the lives of their families. They and their families suffer terrible persecution. Why do some of them take this risk? This workshop will examine questionnaire-based research results from almost 1,600 believers from Muslim… Read more
In Ephesians, the Apostle Paul commands us to "speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs." But what does that mean exactly, and why is it important? What is the role of the worship leader, and how should music look in our church services? In this… Read more
Tuesday, 20 May - 16:15 CEST
Paul encouraged the young Timothy by saying, "if a man seeketh the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work" (1 Tim. 3:1). However, good work does not mean easy work. There are some shadows in the work of ministry (e.g., power, loneliness, conflict, results, and… Read more
We all face crises, from personal setbacks to genuine tragedies. How do we understand God’s seeming absence during those times when we really needed Him to be there for us? How do we find comfort for ourselves? How do we provide comfort to those who so desperately need to know… Read more
In our globalized world, we are increasingly rubbing shoulders with people from other cultures, ethnicities, and countries. Many business and ministry leaders used to take months to learn the culture of a country in order to engage effectively. Does working with others who have… Read more
Many people still think that you can’t believe in God and science at the same time. Has science truly disproved the existence of a personal God? Asking this question can trigger very interesting conversations about worldview presuppositions, the scientific method, and evidence.… Read more
Our modern Bibles are translated from the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament. The first was written over a period of over 1,000 years, the latter within a single generation. These two parts of Scripture have quite different transmission histories, and, as with… Read more
We live in a world with plenty to fear for marriage partners and for families, even those in Christian ministry. We fear failure and burnout, acts of war or violence, financial disaster, sickness and disease, and wrong choices by our kids or our spouses. We wonder if we have… Read more
How many of us have been at a crossroads of a decision and wondered what God really wanted us to do? How are we supposed to know God’s will? This session will explore practical principles for discerning God’s will in our lives.
We want to be fruitful and effective leaders and to see our organisations and churches flourish. But how can you develop yourself into the kind of leader you want to be, and how can you establish priorities and develop your organisation into what you want it to be? Using… Read more
While every church is faced with the temptation of turning inwards, this workshop, in contrast, will explore the key marks of missional churches – those who look up and reach out. Through the early chapters of Acts, we will consider the key dynamics at play in the dynamic… Read more
New Atheism ran out of steam because of its inability to answer the questions of meaning and purpose. Europeans are increasingly happy to describe themselves as “spiritual” and to say things like “the universe told me” or “the universe wants me to do this”. These ideas can be… Read more
All change requires adjustment and adaptation, but for Muslims who convert to Christianity, the journey comes with significant sacrifices and challenges. What are the unique struggles they face? And how can other believers provide meaningful support? This session explores these… Read more
In recent years, some evangelicals have argued that questions of sexual ethics should not be considered tests for orthodoxy, and that evangelicals should instead unite over more primary issues of Gospel proclamation. How should evangelical leaders respond? Are questions of… Read more
Why are social media and video games so irresistible? Why are so many people constantly looking at their cell phones? It seems like there's a new, legal, and highly addictive 'drug' on the market. What steps can we take to avoid the pitfalls and support the… Read more
Wednesday, 21 May - 16:15 CEST
Leaders across Europe are experiencing a new phenomena—people do not want to experience leadership as being done “to” them, but rather, “alongside” them. Leadership should not only further the organisations goals, but also seek to include and develop the people being led. The… Read more
When we preach God’s Word in our churches today, we tend to have a mixed crowd – established believers, new believers, not-yet-believers, skeptics, visitors and guests. In this workshop, we will explore five principles for effective biblical preaching to a diverse gathering of… Read more
Embedded in each of us are deep felt needs that, when properly understood, reveal the heart’s quest for God. As Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee”. To understand these longings, as a fact evident in in our own lives, will make us better… Read more
In this session, we will teach principles and models for relevantly sharing Jesus and making disciples among young people who would not usually walk into your church. How can we communicate the Gospel to them when they have such a negative view of God? When you have the boldness… Read more
The shape of our society tomorrow will depend, to a large extent, on how we relate to and care for our young people today. So, what do young people really need? How can we ensure that our youth ministries are caring for the whole person? What mistakes are frequently made? This… Read more
This workshop will cover the scientific concepts underpinning artificial intelligence and recent innovations that have enabled entirely new capabilities. We will include examples of exciting applications and discuss the limitations and potential misuse of AI. A key objective is… Read more
Learn key biblical principles that will set the stage for God to work, bringing health, vibrancy and renewal to your church and ministry. No matter the size or setting, this practical biblical strategy will help you evaluate the strengths of your church as well as assess the… Read more
Following Jesus today can often feel overwhelming. After all, we are living in a Western society that philosophers have called the first godless culture in human history. How can we faithfully follow Jesus today in light of the challenges the culture poses? This workshop will… Read more
The tempestuous poetry of the Psalms is raw; it’s unnerving. It tells us we do not need to cover bewildered days with surface smiles and clichés. But how do we voice our aches, and how do we help those we lead to not walk away from God when trouble comes? This session will give… Read more
Among the many qualities of leaders, integrity and vulnerability stand out. Without integrity, leadership is emptied of any meaning. But how is integrity developed and maintained in a fallen world? Vulnerability might seem incompatible with strong leadership, but it is strength… Read more
Why does so much teaching on the letters of Paul fail to convince or inspire? One of the reasons is that many fail to read the letters against the background of the preaching of the Gospel as we find it written down in the four Gospels. In this session, we will analyse the… Read more
This workshop will practise the art of ‘double-listening’ as we relate the Bible to the world around us. We will examine the strange new world of gender fluidity, gender self-identification and gender transition from a cultural and medical perspective, attend to the experience… Read more
The world is changing again. Elements of postmodernism are shifting, and a new cultural framework could be emerging. This session explores the rise of metamodernism and what it means for truth, meaning, and faith. How should Christian leaders understand and evaluate this new… Read more