Brian Chan

Dr. Brian S. Chan, professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, is passionate about Biblical beauty that leads to a love for God. Before joining the DTS family, he served for 18 years as a pastor in Los Angeles and taught integration courses for 17 years as a professor at Biola University on a theology of beauty, art, and film. He is a workshop instructor and conference speaker in Hollywood on story, creativity, and beauty. As a pastor, he discipled entertainment industry professionals and innovated creative outreaches to the community. As an award-winning fine artist, Chan has exhibited around the U.S. and is a member of LELA International Artists. As an accomplished martial artist in multiple disciplines of kung fu, he is a certified Wing Chun master (sifu) and worked as a fight choreographer, stuntman, and trainer for actors. As a writer, he is the author of “The Purple Curtain: Living Out Beauty in Faith & Culture from a Biblical Perspective, Not Easily Broken” (a novel), “Shadow” in “It Was Good: Performing Arts to the Glory of God,” and “Movies: Celluloid Sanctification” in “Ordinary Saints.” His other interests include geekdom in pop culture of comics, backpacking in nature, traveling, and bonsai art. He is married to his soulmate and journey mate, Ellen, and is the proud dad of his son. Chan’s mission is to create beauty out of brokenness, exhibiting the beauty of Christ in all of life.