Andrew Dickson

Andrew Dickson lives by the sea on Northern Ireland’s world-famous Antrim Coast with his wife, Katherine, and their two young children. After spending over 13 years in local church and para-church ministry, Andrew now serves as the Congregational Life Development Officer for the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, where he holds the brief for the development of discipleship, leadership, and pastoral care across the denomination. Regularly speaking on and writing about these things, Andrew is passionate about equipping and empowering PCI congregations across Ireland today to follow Jesus closely, care biblically well for one another, and invest in raising up transformed, Spirit-filled leaders who play their part within the life Christ’s church. Andrew is a graduate of Union Theological College, Belfast, and has a Master’s degree in Theology from the University of Cumbria. In life’s quieter moments, he loves to eat mint choc chip ice cream, build Lego with his kids, and take long, slow walks by the sea.