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Forum Meal-Time Mentoring

Have you been accepted to attend this year's European Leadership Forum? If so, we invite you to sign up for Meal-Time Mentoring at this year's Forum.  


Paul constantly used the language of the One Anothers to describe how Jesus’ disciples were to relate to one another. Believers were to 'love one another', 'encourage one another', 'pray for one another', and dozens of other One Anothers. But we can’t live the 'one anothers' if we don’t get to know one another. This is why you are coming to the European Leadership Forum – to unite with other Gospel leaders.

One of ELF's main ways to serve you is to give you a chance to meet with, talk with, and be prayed for by faithful and godly Gospel leaders. This is what ELF is all about. If you don't sign up for mentoring, you are missing out.

This important initiative provides you with the chance to meet in-person with an experienced leader (or in some cases two leaders) to:

  • Pose difficult questions
  • Seek advice on a specific situation
  • Learn more about a particular topic of interest
  • Receive prayer
  • Gain encouragement

Meetings are formatted in one of two ways:

  • One-on-one: just you and the mentor(s)
  • In a cohort: you, a small group of four to eight peers, and the mentor(s)  

How to Sign Up for Mentoring

  • Register for this year's European Leadership Forum.
  • After you've been acceptedreview the mentoring options below. As you can see below, we offer a variety of types of mentoring to meet a variety of needs!
  • Choose up to two types of mentoring that would be of interest to you. Some types offer both one-on-one and cohort mentoring. If this is the case for one of the types you've chosen, decide whether you'd like to meet with your mentor(s) alone or in a group.
  • Sign up for the type(s) you have selected. If you choose two types, you'll have to fill out two forms. Forms can be found below each type.
  • Look for an email from Forum staff telling you when you're meeting and which mentor(s) you'll be meeting with. Your meeting will also be added to your personal schedule in the app the week of the Forum.
  • At the Forum, show up in the restaurant on the day and time you've been assigned. All mentoring meetings are scheduled for an hour over a meal.

We hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity! The deadline for signing up is 23 April.

Have questions? Contact Milena Nikolova at

2025 Forum Mentoring Opportunities

Apologetics and Evangelism


Apologetics Mentoring focuses specifically on how to think strategically about apologetics, how to identify and connect with important points of contact in a culture, and how to remove roadblocks to the Gospel

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


Jym Gregory

Jym Gregory is Lead Pastor of LifePoint Church Indy in Indianapolis, Indiana. He also serves as adjunct professor of Christian Apologetics and Christian Leadership at The Indianapolis Theological Seminary. He has served in local church ministry for 25 years. Along with his wife and children, he served as an international missionary in Costa Rica and Spain. Additional missionary work has taken him to a dozen countries. He holds degrees from Eastern Illinois University (B.S., M.S.), and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., D.Min). He has pursued additional studies in history and higher education at The University of Florida and missions studies at The Instituto de Lenqua Espanola in San Jose, Costa Rica. Married for 36 years to his wife Dedra, they share two grown daughters and six grandchildren.

Bjørn Hinderaker

Bjørn Hinderaker is an Assistant Professor at the accredited NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway (, where he teaches Christian Apologetics, Worldviews, and Ethical Theory. He has previously served as missionary to Kenya and as senior pastor of a local evangelical church ( Bjørn is also involved part-time as a writer and speaker in Damaris Norway (, an organization which is seeking to relate biblical faith to contemporary culture. He is programme director for the annual Veritas Conference (, a member of the advisory editorial committee for Veritas Forlag (Publishing), and has extensive experience as a preacher and as a speaker on biblical, cultural and apologetic topics. Bjørn has published academic and popular articles within his field, was co-editor of Grill en kristen – om Bibelen (Veritas Forlag 2020), and is book editor for Theofilos (

John Kirkpatrick

John Kirkpatrick served as a minister in the Presbyterian Church for the past 40 years. He’s recently retired but is still very active across several ministries. He chairs the management board at Union Theological College and has some teaching and mentoring responsibilities there. John also serves as part of the preaching team in First Ballymena Presbyterian Church participating in monthly preaching opportunities. This year will mark the 30th year John has served the Motorcycle racing world in Ireland as Chaplain to the Motorcycle Union of Ireland. He gives help and oversight to the church plant Trinity Church Central London. Additionally, at the European Leadership Forum, John has led the Apologetics (Foundational) Network for many years and is now offering more general help across all Networks.

Pasi Turunen

Pasi Turunen, theologian (M.Th), author, blogger, and apologist, has been working as a Christian radio broadcaster for over 30 years. He studied theology at Helsinki University, where his master’s thesis dealt with Jewish views on resurrection in the intertestamental Jewish literature. Turunen is a well-known Bible teacher and is often invited to speak at various apologetic seminars in Finland. He has written a number of books dealing with subjects such as cult evangelism, same-sex marriage, the inerrancy of the Bible, and apologetics. He has experience with Christian television and currently hosts a weekly radio program that analyzes current events and changing culture in light of the Christian worldview and the Scriptures. Turunen has also appeared on secular national television and radio programs in Finland defending his Christian faith and views on contemporary issues. He is the current president of the Patmos Foundation for World Missions, an evangelical missions and relief organization bringing humanitarian aid and the Gospel of Christ to over 20 nations across the world. The Patmos Foundation has an extensive media ministry in Finland and was the first Finnish Christian organization to start broadcasting Christian programs on commercial radio stations in 1985. Pasi is married to Parvin, who was born in the Middle East and in 1984 was supernaturally led to Finland to find Jesus and be saved.

Peter S. Williams

Peter S. Williams ( studied philosophy at Cardiff University (BA), Sheffield University (MA) and the University of East Anglia in Norwich (MPhil), and obtained a masters level Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Educational Practice from Bournemouth University in 2024. Peter lives in England, and is Assistant Professor in Communication and Worldviews at NLA University College in Norway. His publications include: Behold the Man: Essays on the Historical Jesus (Wipf and Stock, 2024), An Informed Cosmos: Essays on Intelligent Design Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2023), A Universe From Someone: Essays on Natural Theology (Wipf & Stock, 2022), Apologetics in 3D: Essays on Apologetics and Spirituality (Wipf and Stock, 2021), Outgrowing God? A Beginner’s Guide to Richard Dawkins and the God Debate (Cascade, 2020), Getting at Jesus: A Comprehensive Critique of Neo-Atheist Nonsense About the Jesus of History (Wipf & Stock, 2019) and A Faithful Guide to Philosophy: A Christian Introduction to the Love of Wisdom (Wipf & Stock, 2019).


Evangelism Mentoring is designed for evangelists, pastors, and lay people who want to be equipped to be more effective in communicating the Gospel relevantly, biblically, and credibly.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Jubi da Silva

Jubi da Silva is an evangelist, writer, and speaker, passionate about equipping the local church in evangelism. Jubi pastored in Brazil before gaining a Master's in Theology at Regent College, Vancouver. Now serving as International Director of Training for Christianity Explored Ministries, Jubi travels the world delivering training that is interactive, Word-centred, and story-rich. Jubi lives with his wife and two daughters in Wargrave, Berkshire.

Stephen McQuoid

Stephen McQuoid grew up in Ethiopia where his parents were missionaries. He then lived in Ireland where he qualified as a nurse before going on to study theology, gaining a variety of degrees including an MTh and PhD in theology. He is the author of 16 books on subjects such as discipleship, evangelism, apologetics, and church discipline. Stephen is the General Director of Gospel Literature Outreach, a missionary organisation based in Europe. He is married to Debbie, and they along with their three children. Stephen and Debbie attend Clyde Valley Community Church in Motherwell. His interests include motorbikes, football, boxing, MMA, and Politics.

Avi Snyder

Avi Snyder serves as the European Ambassador of Jews for Jesus, an international mission agency that relentlessly pursues God’s plan for the salvation of the Jewish people. Avi was raised in a Jewish home in New York and came to a saving faith in Jesus in 1977 with the help of a Jews for Jesus tract and the forthright witness of Christian friends. He graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary, the School of World Mission, with a master’s degree in missiology. Avi has served with Jews for Jesus since 1978 and has provided leadership for the ministry in Los Angeles, New York, and London, as well as establishing the work in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, and Hungary. He is the author of "Never Ashamed," and "Jews Don’t Need Jesus – and Other Misconceptions." He and his wife Ruth have three children and four grandchildren.

Pasi Turunen

Pasi Turunen, theologian (M.Th), author, blogger, and apologist, has been working as a Christian radio broadcaster for over 30 years. He studied theology at Helsinki University, where his master’s thesis dealt with Jewish views on resurrection in the intertestamental Jewish literature. Turunen is a well-known Bible teacher and is often invited to speak at various apologetic seminars in Finland. He has written a number of books dealing with subjects such as cult evangelism, same-sex marriage, the inerrancy of the Bible, and apologetics. He has experience with Christian television and currently hosts a weekly radio program that analyzes current events and changing culture in light of the Christian worldview and the Scriptures. Turunen has also appeared on secular national television and radio programs in Finland defending his Christian faith and views on contemporary issues. He is the current president of the Patmos Foundation for World Missions, an evangelical missions and relief organization bringing humanitarian aid and the Gospel of Christ to over 20 nations across the world. The Patmos Foundation has an extensive media ministry in Finland and was the first Finnish Christian organization to start broadcasting Christian programs on commercial radio stations in 1985. Pasi is married to Parvin, who was born in the Middle East and in 1984 was supernaturally led to Finland to find Jesus and be saved.

Internet Discipleship and Evangelism

Internet Discipleship and Evangelism Mentoring provides an opportunity to discuss how to start a ministry in internet discipleship and evangelism, the best approaches, and ways to measure impact with an experienced practitioner.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Daniel Fodorean

Daniel Fodorean currently serves as Dean of the School of Theology and Associate Professor of Applied Theology at the Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest. In addition to these roles, he fulfills the duties of Director of Leader Formation Institute and Antioch Church Network, Pastor of Bucharest Alpha Omega Baptist Church, and associate member of The Academy of Romanian Scientists. Dr. Fodorean holds a PhD in Theology and is currently pursuing a PhD in Constitutional Law with a focus on religious freedom. He has accumulated over 30 years of pastoral experience and expertise in church transformation, organisational and church leadership, church law and administration, mission and church planting, and sixteen years in teaching at the pre-university and university levels. Daniel is the author (or co-author) of five books and numerous articles and studies.

LGBT and Church Politics

LGBT and Church Politics Mentoring focuses on equipping church leaders on how to respond to LGBT questions and arguments against traditional marriage in a pastorally sensitive way and on how to contend for biblical orthodoxy on issues of marriage, sex, and gender in our churches and denominations.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Christopher Townsend

Christopher Townsend chairs the editorial group of Cambridge Papers, a quarterly publication with the strapline ‘Towards a Biblical Mind’, which aims to help Christians engage with a complex and changing world ( He wrote ‘Gender: Where Next? Personal journeys, radical agendas and perplexing dilemmas’ (Cambridge Paper: December 2016) and since then has engaged with this topic, in conversation with medical professionals, and has spoken at churches and conferences on the ‘gender revolution'. Following his retirement as a lawyer, he completed an MPhil in New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of Cambridge, and he is a trustee of The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion.


Missions Mentoring offers the opportunity for leaders of missions agencies or those considering missions as a calling to talk to an experienced leader who can relate to their struggles or to dialogue and analyse a specific missions problem and think through resources for dealing with that issue.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Jym Gregory

Jym Gregory is Lead Pastor of LifePoint Church Indy in Indianapolis, Indiana. He also serves as adjunct professor of Christian Apologetics and Christian Leadership at The Indianapolis Theological Seminary. He has served in local church ministry for 25 years. Along with his wife and children, he served as an international missionary in Costa Rica and Spain. Additional missionary work has taken him to a dozen countries. He holds degrees from Eastern Illinois University (B.S., M.S.), and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., D.Min). He has pursued additional studies in history and higher education at The University of Florida and missions studies at The Instituto de Lenqua Espanola in San Jose, Costa Rica. Married for 36 years to his wife Dedra, they share two grown daughters and six grandchildren.

Dawn Patterson

Dawn Patterson has worked with para-church ministries for about 45 years — in the US, Germany and Russia. She is married (36 years) and has 4 adult children and 3 granddaughters. Her ministry focus is leading and mentoring women of various ages and cultures through encouragement and study of the Scriptures. Currently, she lives in Minnesota. 

Tim Patterson

Tim Patterson has been involved in para-church ministry since 1976 - in the USA, Germany and Russia.  He and Dawn, his wife of 35 years, are presently staff members with GLINTS (Global Intercultural Services) for whom they oversee Member Care for the small missionary sending agency.  Tim and Dawn live in Minnesota, USA.

Junias Venogupal

Junias Venugopal is the Associate Dean at the Litfin School of Ministry and Theological Studies at Wheaton College, where he also co-directs the M.A. in Leadership program. He has a Ph.D. in Education, a Th.M. in Bible Exposition, an M.B.A. in Finance, and a B.E. (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering. Junias is an experienced higher education administrator having served as a dean for the last 23 years in Asia, Columbia International University, SC, Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and now at Wheaton College. Junias, his wife, Beth and his family served for 15 years overseas. Over 8 years in India as a pastor of Delhi Bible Fellowship and another 6 years in the Philippines as a dean at AGST-Philippines. His passion is to be a catalyst in the lives of those with whom he intersects so that they achieve their God-given potential. Junias and Beth have four adult children and five grandchildren.


Muslim Ministry

Muslim Ministry Mentoring provides an opportunity to dialogue with an experienced leader to learn more about ministry to Muslims or to discuss specific issues and ideas in building relationships with Muslims.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Fari B

Fari Boosheri is the Leader of Iranian Christian Outreach in Swansea, Wales, reaching out to Muslims, particularly Iranians, and refugees with the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a Muslim, Fari was saved by God's Grace, and all he wanted was to reach out to his own people from Muslim background. The Iranian Fellowship began around 1995 as a prayer group formed by a small number of people. Around 1999, they took the step of faith to expand this work by having regular open meetings where they invite Muslims who have never heard the Gospel. Their open meetings, have around 150-200 people attending for worship, sharing about Christ and teaching with translation into Farsi language. Those who attend these events range from committed Christians to those who have never ever attended any sort of Christian meeting. Fari’s vision is to introduce Muslims to Jesus Christ and encourage them to go to local Churches.

Kenneth Kühn

Kenneth Kühn has been serving as Area Director for Europe in Elam Ministries since March 2016. He was brought up in a pastor’s home in Denmark, serving in teenage ministry and Student Missions. He started his full-time ministry at the age of twenty, pioneering a youth work that later became a church. He has a BA in Theology from Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels and an MA in Theology from the University of Wales. Kenneth has been in pastoral ministry since 1995, while also serving as the National Director for the Danish Pentecostal Teenage Program (1996-2000) and pioneering two church-based Bible school programs. In 2004, he planted the Metropol Church in the heart of Copenhagen and began effectively to reach out to Iranian and Afghan immigrants. Also, he assisted a number of churches in developing missions among Farsi speakers. Kenneth is married to Alexia and is the father of Kaleb and Eva Mae. Since 2006, Alexia and Kenneth have been travelling and teaching in the Iran region as part of the Elam training staff. In his spare time, he likes reading, seeing friends, cooking and playing music.

Emil S

Emil Shehadeh was born in Israel and educated mainly in the UK, achieving BSc Hons (Medical Biology), MSc (Biochemistry), MB ChB (Medicine), and a Diploma in Dermatology and MRCGP, as well as a DPGT and PhD in Islamic studies. Growing up in Israel, he accompanied his parents all over Galilee, spreading the Gospel amongst all communities including Muslims. He also worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship and OM. In the early 1990s, he co-founded an Arabic Church in Cardiff, S Wales. He practiced as a GP (Family Physician and a trainer) until 2016. Upon retirement, he dedicated his time to writing and speaking on the subject of Islam and evangelising Muslims. He supports evangelistic work amongst Muslims in North Africa and Nigeria. Emil has a PhD in Islamic Studies from Logos University and is engaged in another piece of research on the Causes and Consequences of Muslim Conversions to Christianity. He believes that the expansion of the Kingdom of God must be the chief concern of the people of God.

Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism Mentoring provides guidance to pastors and leaders who are asking questions about how we as evangelicals should interact with Roman Catholics.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


Leonardo de Chirico

Leonardo De Chirico is the pastor of Breccia di Roma, a church that he helped plant in Rome in 2009, and Chair of the Theological Commission of the Italian Evangelical Alliance. Previously, Leonardo planted and pastored an evangelical church in Ferrara, Italy from 1997 to 2009. He earned degrees in history (University of Bologna), theology (ETCW, Bridgend, Wales) and bioethics (University of Padova). His PhD is from King's College (London); it was published as "Evangelical Theological Perspectives on Post-Vatican II Roman Catholicism". His recent books are "A Christian Pocket Guide to Papacy" (Christian Focus, 2015), "A Christian Pocket Guide to Mary" (Christian Focus, 2017), "Same Words, Different Worlds: Do Roman Catholics and Evangelicals Believe the Same Gospel?" (IVP, 2021), and "Engaging with Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Approach" (IVP, 2024). He is a lecturer of historical theology at Istituto di Formazione Evangelica e Documentazione in Padova, Italy. Additionally, Leonardo is the director of the Reformanda Initiative, which aims to equip evangelical leaders to better understand and engage with Roman Catholicism, and the leader of the Rome Scholars and Leaders Network (RSLN).

Clay Kannard

Clay Kannard serves as a co-pastor at Breccia di Roma, where he partners in ministry with Leonardo De Chirico. He is involved in the Reformanda Initiative, supporting its mission as communications director and cohosting the Reformanda Initiative podcast. Clay also serves on the board of the Istituto di Cultura Evangelica e Documentazione in Rome, Italy. In addition to these roles, he works with Redeemer City to City Europe (trainer), mentors students through the Union School of Theology’s Rome Learning Community, and teaches biblical theology for an American study-abroad program in Rome. Clay has spent over 11 years in Italy with his wife and their four children, partnering with local leaders to equip emerging leaders, strengthen existing churches, and plant new churches.

Scientific Apologetics

Scientific Apologetics Mentoring helps those who want to be involved in scientific apologetics to think strategically about questions of how to respond to the challenges posed by scientific naturalism to the Gospel.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Alexander Fink

Alexander Fink is Director of the Institute for Faith and Science (Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft) in Marburg, Germany ( He studied physics at Bayreuth and St. Andrews (UK) universities and received his PhD at the Institute for Biophysics at the University of Regensburg. After working as an industrial product manager, he became the director of the SMD graduates' ministry (Akademiker-SMD, the German branch of IFES) until 2014. Since 2008, he has been a member of the ELF Steering Committee and has co-led the Scientists Network. He is the editor of the "Begründet-glauben-Podcast" ( and has produced three documentary movies, "Fascinating Universe", "More than My Brain", and “Is there meaning in suffering?” which were officially recommended for use in secular public schools. Together with his wife, Alexander enjoys raising his two children, preaching and leading a house group in his local church, and being a youth soccer trainer in his local sports club.

Peter Imming

Peter Imming received degrees in pharmacy and chemistry and a PhD and venia legendi in pharmaceutical chemistry from a German university. He has been involved in drug chemistry teaching and research in Germany, the UK, China, Ethiopia and other countries. Until retirement in 2025, he was head of the pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry department of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. His research focuses on the design and synthesis of new drug substances and on molecular mechanisms of drug action. He has a strong interest in the relation of science and Christian faith, frequently lecturing on related topics by invitation of e.g. universities, churches and schools.

Andrew Loke

Dr. Andrew Loke is an elected Fellow of the prestigious International Society for Science and Religion and Associate Professor in the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Hong Kong Baptist University. He has published seven monographs with world-leading academic publishers in the fields of theology, philosophy, and science and religion, and has been invited to speak at leading universities such as Harvard and Oxford, at the PBS program "Closer to Truth: the greatest thinkers, the deepest questions", and at seminaries and churches around the world.

Andy McIntosh

Andy McIntosh holds an Emeritus chair in Thermodynamics at the University of Leeds and is also an adjunct professor of Engineering at Liberty University in Virginia. He has had a long scientific research career concerning mathematics, combustion and aeronautics, both in academia and in a government establishment, and is author of over 200 academic papers. Andy has long worked on combustion and its interaction with acoustics and larger pressure waves. He has also worked on the mathematical modelling of ignition, and he is the inventor of the 𝜇Mist novel spray technology which mimics the Bombardier beetle spray and has led to this spray technology being applied to fuel injectors, pharmaceutical sprays, aerosols and more recently fire sprinkler systems. This was awarded the 2010 Times Higher Educational award for the Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology. His work has also included investigations into the fundamental link between thermodynamics and information. This strikes at the heart of the issue concerning abiogenesis – the information in living systems is neither matter nor energy but is absolutely essential for life.

Andy now lectures widely on origins, and has authored the books “Genesis for Today” (Day One, 6th Edition, 2017), and “A verse by verse examination of Genesis 1-11” (Day One, 2016) and has contributed to a number of other books including “Wonders of Creation – Design in a fallen world”(co-authored with Stuart Burgess and Brian Edwards, Day One, 2017), “Origins – examining the evidence” (Truth in Science, 2011), “In six days” (Master Books, 2009) and “Should Christians embrace Evolution?” (IVP, 2009). He has also written the booklet “Are you really an Atheist?” (2018) and co-authored the booklets “Is it True – Evidence for Creation” (2018) and “A wonder of Creation – the Kingfisher” (2024) and is co-director of the UK education think tank Truth in Science. He is married with 4 children (one of whom died in infancy), and 7 grandchildren.

Church Leadership and Ministry

Bible Teaching and Preaching

Bible Teaching and Preaching Mentoring gives leaders an opportunity to learn key principles, ask questions, and receive feedback on their Bible Teaching and Preaching from a senior and experienced mentor.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Mike Chalmers

Mike Chalmers is a mentor and podcaster with Cor Deo, a ministry training programme, and is also UFM Worldwide’s Short-term Mission Coordinator. Previously, he was a Staff Worker in Wales with UCCF. He enjoys preaching and discipling, and continues to support and encourage university students by speaking at training events. Mike is an uncle to four nephews and a niece, a brother to one sister, and is married to Susana.

Church Leadership

Church Leadership Mentoring aims to support, equip, and mentor the leaders and aspiring leaders of churches, networks, denominations, and Christian organizations to face the complexity of leading growing ministries.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Jonathan Bond

Jonathan Bond was brought up near Bakewell in Derbyshire. Jonathan was a management accountant before his call to full-time Christian ministry. He undertook 2 ½ years on the job training at the church he attended in Leeds before, on his 40th birthday, becoming pastor of Jennyfield Evangelical Church, a smaller church in Harrogate. After nearly 18 years, he left to become FIEC’s Director for Smaller Churches. This role involves supporting, encouraging and seeking to be a blessing to some 300 churches within the FIEC (35 members or less) through offering advice, being the conduit for partnerships and supporting churches through revitalisation programs. Jonathan is still keen on sport, he is married to Sarah - they have 4 grown-up daughters and 5 grandchildren (2 girls and 3 boys). 

David Fleming

Pastor David Fleming served the local church for nearly 30 years, most recently as Sr. Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. Under David’s leadership, the church grew to become a large multi-cultural and multi-site congregation that also planted churches across the US and abroad. David is now the Executive Director of the Lanier Foundation and oversees the Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center in Houston, Texas. Along with his wife, Beverly, David also happily spends 10 days every month in the UK developing the Lanier Theological Library and Learning Centre at Yarnton Manor near Oxford. A graduate of the University of Florida, David received his MDiv and PhD from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. David and Beverly have been married for 37 years. They have three amazing children and two adorable grandchildren.

Jym Gregory

Jym Gregory is Lead Pastor of LifePoint Church Indy in Indianapolis, Indiana. He also serves as adjunct professor of Christian Apologetics and Christian Leadership at The Indianapolis Theological Seminary. He has served in local church ministry for 25 years. Along with his wife and children, he served as an international missionary in Costa Rica and Spain. Additional missionary work has taken him to a dozen countries. He holds degrees from Eastern Illinois University (B.S., M.S.), and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., D.Min). He has pursued additional studies in history and higher education at The University of Florida and missions studies at The Instituto de Lenqua Espanola in San Jose, Costa Rica. Married for 36 years to his wife Dedra, they share two grown daughters and six grandchildren.

Church Planting

Church Planting Mentoring provides guidance to church planters who are struggling with difficulties in ministry, including a lack of resources or a particular issue in a church plant.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Rene Breuel

René Breuel was born in São Paulo, Brazil and has lived in Rome, Italy for the past 13 years, where he serves as the Founding Pastor of Hopera, a church in Rome’s university neighborhood. He holds a Master of Studies in Creative Writing from Oxford University in the UK, a Master of Divinity from Regent College in Vancouver, Canada, a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, in São Paulo, Brazil, and has completed additional studies at Universität Mannheim in Germany. He has written for the Washington Post, Times Literary Supplement, Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Evangelical Focus, and Protestante Digital. He is the author of The Paradox of Happiness and a forthcoming publication about how churches can grow in cultural awareness and spiritual maturity. René is married to Sarah Breuel, the Executive Director of Revive Europe, and a member of the Lausanne Movement’s international board of directors. They have two teenage boys.

Ján Máhrik

Ján Máhrik has been wholeheartedly involved in youth ministry in Slovakia for over a decade. On a local level, he has been working full-time as a youth pastor while developing an outreach project called ESCAPEclub with the purpose of creating a platform where the church and the city meet. On a national level, Jan is co-founder of the Union of Children and Youth which serves to develop youth ministries across Slovakia. Jan has been called to a church-planting movement in recent years but still serves youth leaders as a teacher, coach, and mentor.

John Stevens

John Stevens is the National Director of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, a family of over 500 Bible-centred churches in the UK, a position that he has held since 2010. Prior to this he was one of the founding pastors of City Evangelical Church Birmingham, which was planted in the centre of the UK’s 2nd largest city in 1999. He was instrumental in starting the Midlands Gospel Partnership, was the course Director of the Midlands Ministry Training Course and is a visiting lecturer at Oak Hill Theological College. John is also one of the pastors of Christchurch Market Harborough, a church he helped to plant when he took up his current role. He was converted whilst studying law at Cambridge University, and after taking a post-graduate degree at the University of Oxford worked for 16 years as a University Lecturer, ending his career as Deputy Head of the Law School at the University of Birmingham. John is married to Ursula and they have four children aged between 12 and 7. He blogs at on theology, church life and ministry, culture and politics.

Church Revitalisation

Church Revitalisation Mentoring provides an opportunity for participants to discuss the common obstacles and available tools to bring revitalization to an existing church.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Jonathan Bond

Jonathan Bond was brought up near Bakewell in Derbyshire. Jonathan was a management accountant before his call to full-time Christian ministry. He undertook 2 ½ years on the job training at the church he attended in Leeds before, on his 40th birthday, becoming pastor of Jennyfield Evangelical Church, a smaller church in Harrogate. After nearly 18 years, he left to become FIEC’s Director for Smaller Churches. This role involves supporting, encouraging and seeking to be a blessing to some 300 churches within the FIEC (35 members or less) through offering advice, being the conduit for partnerships and supporting churches through revitalisation programs. Jonathan is still keen on sport, he is married to Sarah - they have 4 grown-up daughters and 5 grandchildren (2 girls and 3 boys). 

David Brown

David Brown planted three churches before revitalising a church in central Paris. For many years he was involved with GBU (Groupes Bibliques Universitaires), the French student movement affiliated with IFES. More recently he has been promoting church revitalisation through his chairmanship of the Evangelism Commission of the French “National Council of Evangelicals” and through his teaching and mentoring at the Bible Institutes in Geneva and Paris and by leading a range of seminars and workshops in France and across Europe. 

Daniel Fodorean

Daniel Fodorean currently serves as Dean of the School of Theology and Associate Professor of Applied Theology at the Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest. In addition to these roles, he fulfills the duties of Director of Leader Formation Institute and Antioch Church Network, Pastor of Bucharest Alpha Omega Baptist Church, and associate member of The Academy of Romanian Scientists. Dr. Fodorean holds a PhD in Theology and is currently pursuing a PhD in Constitutional Law with a focus on religious freedom. He has accumulated over 30 years of pastoral experience and expertise in church transformation, organisational and church leadership, church law and administration, mission and church planting, and sixteen years in teaching at the pre-university and university levels. Daniel is the author (or co-author) of five books and numerous articles and studies.

Jay Mosser

Jay Mosser has served in pastoral roles for 43 years – about 20 years in various assistant pastor capacities and the rest as senior pastor. Through those years he has served in three churches ranging from smaller (less than 50) to larger (about 1,000). Along the way he has worked with children, teens, worship ministry, pastoral care, preaching, and leadership. Jay has an M.Div. from Western (Conservative Baptist) Seminary and a D.Min. from Corban University in Oregon, where his doctoral thesis was titled How a Pastor’s Theology of Shepherding Affects the Health & Growth of a Church. He is married to Kathy and has three daughters and five grandchildren. In his spare time, he loves to read, hike, travel, watch sports, and spend time with his family.

Diaspora Leaders

 Diaspora Leaders Mentoring helps leaders navigate diverse Christian faith traditions, integrating challenges, and strengthen community impact. Through mentorship, diaspora leaders will be helped to serve effectively in both religious and social spheres.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Eben Adu

Eben Adu is an ordained minister of the Gospel, interdisciplinary scholar, and theologian with extensive academic and pastoral experience. He currently serves as the Principal of Christ Theological College in England. His educational journey includes a diploma in Teaching from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, a BA (Hons) in Theology from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, an MA in Missiology from the Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary in Seoul, South Korea, and a PhD in Pastoral Studies/Practical Theology from North-West University, South Africa. He also holds a Post-graduate Certificate in Leadership and Management from Northumbria University, England. He has served as a pastor in Ghana and London throughout his ministerial career. As Training Manager at London City Mission (LCM), Dr Adu contributes to the in-house Mission Formation Programme and Foundation courses, where he lectures on Majority World Missions, the History of Missions, Understanding Global Pentecostalism with a particular focus on Neo-Pentecostalism, Leadership, and Biblical Interpretation among others. He also serves as a learning mentor for Union School of Theology’s Graduate Diploma programme with one of its learning hubs at London City Mission, where he facilitates modules on Studies in Biblical Preaching and Pastoral Theology and Systematic Theology. Dr Adu lives in Northfleet, Kent, with his family. Outside of his theological and ministerial work, he enjoys exploring various cuisines, particularly African and Asian dishes, with a special appreciation for Korean food. He is also an avid Manchester United fan.

Disciple-Making Leadership

Disciple-Making Leadership Mentoring helps participants consider how to nurture God's people toward biblical maturity through a recovery of the biblical foundation for leadership, spiritual formation, pastoral care and personal discipleship.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


Amy Allert

Amy Allert was born and raised in Austin, Texas, United States, before God called her and her family to serve abroad in Kenya, Germany, and currently, the UK. She has discipled leaders for over 30 years through local church university ministries, Cru, and most recently Via. She helps to lead her London-based team with her husband of 32 years, John, and gives oversight to teams in Germany and Georgia. She has four mostly-grown children who live on three continents and a new grandbaby they are absolutely in love with.  

Tom Drake

Tom Drake recently retired from the business world as the chief financial officer of a credit union. He worked in the financial services industry for most of his professional career. He is married and has 3 sons and 5 grandchildren.  Tom has been involved in small group leadership development and discipleship with his local church for over 30 years and has seen the number of small groups grow from 10 to over 350. For the last 12 years he has focused on Ministry to Men in his church and has helped develop a Core Men’s Leadership Team and Discipleship for Life small groups to help committed men grow in their maturity to become multiplying disciple-makers.  

Daniel Fodorean

Daniel Fodorean currently serves as Dean of the School of Theology and Associate Professor of Applied Theology at the Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest. In addition to these roles, he fulfills the duties of Director of Leader Formation Institute and Antioch Church Network, Pastor of Bucharest Alpha Omega Baptist Church, and associate member of The Academy of Romanian Scientists. Dr. Fodorean holds a PhD in Theology and is currently pursuing a PhD in Constitutional Law with a focus on religious freedom. He has accumulated over 30 years of pastoral experience and expertise in church transformation, organisational and church leadership, church law and administration, mission and church planting, and sixteen years in teaching at the pre-university and university levels. Daniel is the author (or co-author) of five books and numerous articles and studies.

Melinda Hendry

Melinda Hendry leads ministry development for women in ministry with Living Leadership. Previously, she served on the senior ministry team at All Souls Langham Place where she ran the ministry training scheme. Melinda completed an MA in Spiritual Formation at Gordon Conwell Seminary and is currently training to be a Spiritual Director.

Dafydd Job

Dafydd Job served as a pastor for over 40 years in Wales, including 37 years in the Bangor Welsh Evangelical Church. He has been active in a number of organisations, including UCCF and The Evangelical Movement of Wales, and is the coordinator of the Barnabas Project for UFM Worldwide - a project for encouraging churches, pastors and Christian leaders. He visits Eastern Europe regularly to speak, and to mentor pastors. He has recently been appointed as an associate of Living Leadership, which means he is available to mentor and advise pastors, Christian leaders, and help churches through difficult times.

Stephen McQuoid

Stephen McQuoid grew up in Ethiopia where his parents were missionaries. He then lived in Ireland where he qualified as a nurse before going on to study theology, gaining a variety of degrees including an MTh and PhD in theology. He is the author of 16 books on subjects such as discipleship, evangelism, apologetics, and church discipline. Stephen is the General Director of Gospel Literature Outreach, a missionary organisation based in Europe. He is married to Debbie, and they along with their three children. Stephen and Debbie attend Clyde Valley Community Church in Motherwell. His interests include motorbikes, football, boxing, MMA, and Politics.

Steve Mitchell

Steve Mitchell is part of the leadership team at Cornerstone Church in Swindon, a small church plant in the rapidly expanding north of the town. Steve is passionate about seeing God’s people equipped to share God’s Word no matter what context they are in. Previously, he worked in the IT industry and spent 4 months in Uganda with Mission Aviation Fellowship. Steve is married to Jackie and they have three adult children.

Jay Mosser

Jay Mosser has served in pastoral roles for 43 years – about 20 years in various assistant pastor capacities and the rest as senior pastor. Through those years he has served in three churches ranging from smaller (less than 50) to larger (about 1,000). Along the way he has worked with children, teens, worship ministry, pastoral care, preaching, and leadership. Jay has an M.Div. from Western (Conservative Baptist) Seminary and a D.Min. from Corban University in Oregon, where his doctoral thesis was titled How a Pastor’s Theology of Shepherding Affects the Health & Growth of a Church. He is married to Kathy and has three daughters and five grandchildren. In his spare time, he loves to read, hike, travel, watch sports, and spend time with his family.

Jerry Root

Jerry Root is a Professor of Evangelism and Leadership at Wheaton College and serves as the Director of the Evangelism Initiative. Jerry is a graduate of Whittier College and Talbot Graduate School of Theology at Biola University; he received his PhD from the Open University. Jerry is the author or co-author of numerous books on C.S. Lewis, including The Surprising Imagination of C.S. Lewis: An Introduction, with Mark Neal, C.S. Lewis and a Problem of Evil: An Investigation of a Pervasive Theme, and The Soul of C.S. Lewis: A Meditative Journey through Twenty-six of His Best Loved Writings. Jerry is the co-author of The Sacrament of Evangelism and co-editor, with Wayne Martindale, of The Quotable C.S. Lewis. He also teaches graduate courses (MA in Evangelism and Leadership Program) and undergraduate courses (Christian Formation and Ministry Department) at Wheaton College. In addition, Jerry has been a visiting professor at Talbot Graduate School of Theology and Biola University from 1990 to the present. He and his wife, Claudia, have four grown children - all of whom are married - and thirteen grandchildren.

Melissa S

Melissa Spoelstra is a Bible teacher and author who is madly in love with Jesus. She is passionate about studying God’s Word and helping women of all ages to seek Christ and know Him more intimately through serious Bible study. Melissa has a degree in Bible theology and has authored many Bible studies, including Isaiah: Striving Less and Trusting God More and The Gospel of John: Savoring the Peace of Jesus in a Chaotic World. Melissa enjoys spending time with her pastor husband, Sean, and their children: Zach & Morgan, Abby, Sara, Rachel, and foster son Yoni.

Financial Stewardship

Financial Stewardship Mentoring provides guidance to leaders in learning, apply and multiplying Gods financial principles in their personal life or ministry or church

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Pavel Pavlov

Pavel Pavlov is the CEO of Compass Europe, a financial discipleship movement. He previously worked with the Forum of Christian Leaders (FOCL), organizing and developing year-round training and mentoring initiatives for Christian leaders across Europe. Before that, he served as an administrator for a church actively engaged in community outreach and organized several Forum National Conferences. Pavel also gained managerial experience working for international corporations. He serves on the board of trustees for European Christian Mission International (ECMI) and is a member of its finance and audit committee. His passion lies in life and executive coaching. Pavel is married, has three children, and lives in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.

Zsolt Szalai

Zsolt Szalai, following his studies on Hungarian and English universities and completion of a university doctor’s degree in finance, has spent the last three decades in mid and upper management roles in banking, private equity, not-for-profit organizations, and Christian churches. Currently, he is self-employed as a business consultant. Besides that, he is Head of the Board of Elders of Szentendre Reformed Church, Chairman of Christian Businessmen Association, Board Member of Compass Europe, and leader of the Leadership Workshop of the Hungarian Evangelical Forum. During his career, Zsolt gained a wide range of experience in corporate finance, capital markets, project finance, innovation management, and business development areas. Zsolt is also an adjunct professor at Károli Gáspár Reformed University, Pentecostal Theological College, and Bakke Graduate University. He is also an active speaker and lecturer on conferences and leadership courses and workshops.

Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry Mentoring addresses the basics for men’s ministry and examples of how this ministry could be started and developed, focusing on growing a small team of men to live with a heart and vision for Biblical leadership and discipleship.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Tom Drake

Tom Drake recently retired from the business world as the chief financial officer of a credit union. He worked in the financial services industry for most of his professional career. He is married and has 3 sons and 5 grandchildren.  Tom has been involved in small group leadership development and discipleship with his local church for over 30 years and has seen the number of small groups grow from 10 to over 350. For the last 12 years he has focused on Ministry to Men in his church and has helped develop a Core Men’s Leadership Team and Discipleship for Life small groups to help committed men grow in their maturity to become multiplying disciple-makers.  


Pastors Mentoring provides pastors with the chance to discuss questions and concerns about their ministry with a more experienced mentor and to receive encouragement, prayer, and refreshment.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Jym Gregory

Jym Gregory is Lead Pastor of LifePoint Church Indy in Indianapolis, Indiana. He also serves as adjunct professor of Christian Apologetics and Christian Leadership at The Indianapolis Theological Seminary. He has served in local church ministry for 25 years. Along with his wife and children, he served as an international missionary in Costa Rica and Spain. Additional missionary work has taken him to a dozen countries. He holds degrees from Eastern Illinois University (B.S., M.S.), and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., D.Min). He has pursued additional studies in history and higher education at The University of Florida and missions studies at The Instituto de Lenqua Espanola in San Jose, Costa Rica. Married for 36 years to his wife Dedra, they share two grown daughters and six grandchildren.

Bjørn Hinderaker

Bjørn Hinderaker is an Assistant Professor at the accredited NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway (, where he teaches Christian Apologetics, Worldviews, and Ethical Theory. He has previously served as missionary to Kenya and as senior pastor of a local evangelical church ( Bjørn is also involved part-time as a writer and speaker in Damaris Norway (, an organization which is seeking to relate biblical faith to contemporary culture. He is programme director for the annual Veritas Conference (, a member of the advisory editorial committee for Veritas Forlag (Publishing), and has extensive experience as a preacher and as a speaker on biblical, cultural and apologetic topics. Bjørn has published academic and popular articles within his field, was co-editor of Grill en kristen – om Bibelen (Veritas Forlag 2020), and is book editor for Theofilos (

Dafydd Job

Dafydd Job served as a pastor for over 40 years in Wales, including 37 years in the Bangor Welsh Evangelical Church. He has been active in a number of organisations, including UCCF and The Evangelical Movement of Wales, and is the coordinator of the Barnabas Project for UFM Worldwide - a project for encouraging churches, pastors and Christian leaders. He visits Eastern Europe regularly to speak, and to mentor pastors. He has recently been appointed as an associate of Living Leadership, which means he is available to mentor and advise pastors, Christian leaders, and help churches through difficult times.

John Kirkpatrick

John Kirkpatrick served as a minister in the Presbyterian Church for the past 40 years. He’s recently retired but is still very active across several ministries. He chairs the management board at Union Theological College and has some teaching and mentoring responsibilities there. John also serves as part of the preaching team in First Ballymena Presbyterian Church participating in monthly preaching opportunities. This year will mark the 30th year John has served the Motorcycle racing world in Ireland as Chaplain to the Motorcycle Union of Ireland. He gives help and oversight to the church plant Trinity Church Central London. Additionally, at the European Leadership Forum, John has led the Apologetics (Foundational) Network for many years and is now offering more general help across all Networks.

Jay Mosser

Jay Mosser has served in pastoral roles for 43 years – about 20 years in various assistant pastor capacities and the rest as senior pastor. Through those years he has served in three churches ranging from smaller (less than 50) to larger (about 1,000). Along the way he has worked with children, teens, worship ministry, pastoral care, preaching, and leadership. Jay has an M.Div. from Western (Conservative Baptist) Seminary and a D.Min. from Corban University in Oregon, where his doctoral thesis was titled How a Pastor’s Theology of Shepherding Affects the Health & Growth of a Church. He is married to Kathy and has three daughters and five grandchildren. In his spare time, he loves to read, hike, travel, watch sports, and spend time with his family.

Small Group Leadership

Small Group Leadership Mentoring participants will learn about the biblical role of a leader and discuss the essentials for a healthy small group that helps others to grow to maturity in Christ.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Tom Drake

Tom Drake recently retired from the business world as the chief financial officer of a credit union. He worked in the financial services industry for most of his professional career. He is married and has 3 sons and 5 grandchildren.  Tom has been involved in small group leadership development and discipleship with his local church for over 30 years and has seen the number of small groups grow from 10 to over 350. For the last 12 years he has focused on Ministry to Men in his church and has helped develop a Core Men’s Leadership Team and Discipleship for Life small groups to help committed men grow in their maturity to become multiplying disciple-makers.  

Melinda Hendry

Melinda Hendry leads ministry development for women in ministry with Living Leadership. Previously, she served on the senior ministry team at All Souls Langham Place where she ran the ministry training scheme. Melinda completed an MA in Spiritual Formation at Gordon Conwell Seminary and is currently training to be a Spiritual Director.

Sports Ministry

Sports Ministry Mentoring is designed to answer questions and provide support to those seeking to build bridges from the church to the sports community with the Gospel.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


John Kirkpatrick

John Kirkpatrick served as a minister in the Presbyterian Church for the past 40 years. He’s recently retired but is still very active across several ministries. He chairs the management board at Union Theological College and has some teaching and mentoring responsibilities there. John also serves as part of the preaching team in First Ballymena Presbyterian Church participating in monthly preaching opportunities. This year will mark the 30th year John has served the Motorcycle racing world in Ireland as Chaplain to the Motorcycle Union of Ireland. He gives help and oversight to the church plant Trinity Church Central London. Additionally, at the European Leadership Forum, John has led the Apologetics (Foundational) Network for many years and is now offering more general help across all Networks.

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Mentoring is designed to encourage youth ministers, while offering them an opportunity to talk through difficult issues and to give them some of the tools they need to impact the church of tomorrow.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Ania Greenwood

Ania Greenwood has been a creative evangelist and Steiger missionary since 2006. Steiger is a rapidly growing, worldwide mission organization that is called to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. Ania has served in Eng­land and Brazil, and for the last 6 years, she has been work­ing in Poland. To­geth­er with her hus­band, Luke, and their two chil­dren, Daniel and Sara, she has been liv­ing in Wrocław where she supports relevant and creative evangelism throughout Poland, as well as in Europe. She is creating and developing evangelistic projects, collaborating with the arts ("Revolutionary Art") and the special show "I Am", mixing various art forms to share the truth about Jesus. Ania actively seeks to inspire others, bring passion, and mobilise a new generation to spread the Good News. She leads development of the Steiger mission in Poland and is part of the leadership of Steiger Europe. With her gift of networking, she started a national evangelistic project, “Who Am I.” She strongly believes in partnering with other mission organisations, local churches, and Christian NGOs reaching Gen Z all over Poland and starting new discipleship platforms that create healthy and safe communities online and in person.

Ken Moser

Ken Moser spent 20 years in the USA, 24 in Australia, and 18 in Canada. He has been a youth minister for four decades and was the Professor of Youth Ministry at Briercrest College and Seminary (Saskatchewan Canada) for 11 years. He completed his BTh at Moore Theological College, MA at Morling Baptist Seminary (both in Sydney, Australia), and his PhD in Practical Theology at the University of Pretoria South Africa (The Impact of Attractional Theology on Young People Leaving the Church). He teaches Practical Theology at Tyndale Theological Seminary (Amsterdam, Netherlands). He is the author of a number of youth ministry resources including Changing the World through Effective Youth Ministry, and Youth Evangelism: What the Bible Teaches about Reaching Young People. He is married to Julie.

Kristy Williams

Kristy Williams has 18 years of experience as a full-time missionary in the context of youth ministry and leadership training. She serves primarily in Ukraine, though her love for training leaders takes her to different places across Europe with her missionary organization, Josiah Venture. Kristy is passionate about disciple-making and investing in the next generation. Kristy and her husband, Ben, together lead the team in Ukraine. They grew up in Wheaton, IL, and live with their two kids in Lviv, Ukraine. There Kristy volunteers in schools with the Department of Education, teaches in several seminaries, and frequently visits eastern Ukraine to encourage and train pastors and youth workers. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance, a Master’s of Business Administration, an MA in Global Leadership, and finished a PhD in Organisational Leadership in 2023.

Organisational Leadership

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Mentoring provides guidance and support for leaders seeking to learn more on how to effectively use the benefits of the artificial intelligence in their churches, ministries and Christian organizations.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Charlie Catlett

Charlie Catlett is a computer scientist who has focused his research for nearly 40 years in the development of the Internet and WorldWideWeb, computer security, and high-performance computing, holding scientific leadership positions at multiple universities and national laboratories. During the past decade his research has focused on the use of computational modeling and artificial intelligence (AI) embedded with sensors to create new classes of environmental measurements and urban planning capabilities. Recently he has also used AI-based data analysis to assess community vulnerability to factors ranging from communicable disease to impacts of climate change, such as flooding and extreme temperatures. He has received numerous awards for his research and leadership, including being named to Crain’s “Tech 50” leaders in Chicago in 2014, GovTech magazine’s national “25 Doers, Dreamers & Drivers” of 2016, and as a Distinguished Performer in 2019 by the Board of Trustees of Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago. Charlie is a Computer Engineering graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Emerging Leaders

Emerging Leaders Peer Mentoring is designed to provide a safe space for a new generation of leaders to have honest peer-to-peer conversations about how to navigate the challenges of leadership, life and family in their 30s.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Bob Pourcho

Bob Pourcho was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He and Karen met at First Baptist Church of Ferguson, Missouri and have been married for 37-years. Bob is an ordained Southern Baptist minister who was trained at Covenant Theological Seminary and has a BS from Taylor University and an MBA from Washington University. He has served as Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church and Youth Minister at Parkway Baptist Church in St. Louis, MO. Bob has a business background as a vice president at Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and United Healthcare and is currently self-employed as an executive consultant. He plays guitar and loves to hike and play with his grandkids and dogs. Bob has been a member at College Park Church since 2009 and is serving as Bible study and CPCi Equip teacher, small group leader, and elder. 

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Entrepreneurial Leadership Mentoring: Starting a new organisation and moving it through the early stages of growth can be a daunting task for anyone, even those with leadership experience.  Some have great ideas but lack the confidence to move them beyond the vision. What key issues should be considered before getting started in order to avoid failure?  What skill sets are needed to get a new organisation off the ground?  Are you the right person to lead the organisation? What aspects of business best practice can be used in a Christian organisation, and how do you ensure that the organisation is run by Christian principles? Forum Entrepreneurial Leadership Mentoring provides an opportunity to discuss these issues and other personal concerns that you may have with an experienced entrepreneur.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Nick Davis

Nick Davis is a retired Managing Director of a group of international medical products companies and is a member of a large diverse church in South Wales.  Nick is a qualified accountant who now sits on the boards of several charities and non-profit companies (covering areas such as the Christian response to poverty alleviation in the UK and Africa, human trafficking and slavery), advising particularly on strategic planning, business development, financial, and regulatory issues.  Nick and his wife Ruth have spent much of the last year living in Uganda working with Christian businesses and NGOs.


Event Mentoring helps participants consider how to evaluate the effectiveness of events and how to design events with the long-term impact in mind in order to maximize kingdom impact in their ministries.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Don Ireland

Don Ireland is currently a B-737 Captain and instructor pilot for Alaska Airlines. He has been married to his wife, Ferol for the last 40+ years.  He has three sons, all pilots. Together they have six grandchildren.  His oldest son has also completed seminary.  Don has organized and coordinated short-term mission trips to Mexico, Russia, and Nepal.  He has assisted in organizing and conducting pastor and leader conferences in conjunction with local churches in Nepal. He also organizes the special events for his home church in Washington and oversees the property needs of his church. He also serves as a Referee for American football.

Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management Mentoring provides organisation leaders an opportunity to talk over a specific management problem(s) with an experienced leader who is willing to listen, ask relevant questions, and offer opinions about the problem, based on their experience.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Andrea Aresca

Andrea Aresca is a management consultant and trainer based in Turin, Italy. He holds a Master’s Degree in Management Engineering and an Executive Master in Digital Transformation. He has been working for 13 years as a manager in a manufacturing company and he now helps companies and non-profit organizations to define their strategy, optimize their processes, and manage their projects. He believes that time management is the starting point for effectiveness in both professional and personal life and a crucial skill for every leader, so he frequently speaks and trains about that. Andrea has been preaching and speaking in various churches, camps, and student gatherings. He serves in his local church as an elder and leader of the young adult group. He is married to Marta and they have three children.

Keith Bintley

Keith Bintley is married and has four adult children. He was converted as a teenager and was awarded degrees in theology in Wales and England. In 2010 he founded a specialist law firm in England which is now ranked nationally as a leading firm. He has been a director or trustee of secular companies and Christian ministries for over 25 years. He has served as vice chair of two multi-million pound charities and is currently chair of the board of Tyndale House, Cambridge. Keith has been in local church leadership throughout his life and is currently an elder at a medium-sized Baptist church which is also a charity. 

David Fleming

Pastor David Fleming served the local church for nearly 30 years, most recently as Sr. Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. Under David’s leadership, the church grew to become a large multi-cultural and multi-site congregation that also planted churches across the US and abroad. David is now the Executive Director of the Lanier Foundation and oversees the Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center in Houston, Texas. Along with his wife, Beverly, David also happily spends 10 days every month in the UK developing the Lanier Theological Library and Learning Centre at Yarnton Manor near Oxford. A graduate of the University of Florida, David received his MDiv and PhD from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. David and Beverly have been married for 37 years. They have three amazing children and two adorable grandchildren.

Steve Giere

Stephen Giere has served in Christian ministry in America and Europe for more than forty years. He taught and led a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class of 500 men in Chicago for seventeen years. Steve is a board member with the Forum of Christian Leaders serving in Europe with the European Leadership Forum. Key to his role is shepherding and mentoring young leaders. He serves as a lecturer/mentor at the Cambridge Leaders Network in Cambridge, UK. Steve and his wife, Connie, are residents of Geneva, IL and members of The Moody Church in Chicago, a diverse, urban congregation with seventy countries of birth and fifty mother languages represented in its membership. There he teaches, mentors, and serves as an elder. They have two grown children and ten grandchildren. Steve retired in 2019 after 45 years engaged in finance with experience in corporate management as CEO of a commercial bank, and as a business owner establishing an investment management practice. Steve earned his B.A. in psychology at North Central College in Naperville, IL, and M.M. from the J.L. Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.

Nola Leach

Nola Leach is a co-leader of the European Politics and Society Network and served as the Chief Executive of CARE (Christian Action Research & Education), one of Europe’s leading Christian charities, which provides resources and helps bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy and practical caring initiatives. CARE undertakes a variety of social caring and educational programmes and research and is represented in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies. As Head of the Public Affairs team, Nola led campaigns on topics such as human trafficking, Internet pornography, and the value of human life from its beginning to natural end. She oversaw the publication of Living Free, a sequel to the CARE book Searching for Intimacy – a resource designed to help those trapped in the net of Internet pornography. She has a passion for developing Christian leaders and headed up CARE’s unique Leadership Programme. She is increasingly in demand as both a writer and a public speaker, has penned numerous articles, and regularly appears in the media. She now spends her time mentoring leaders, speaking, and writing.

Jane Norton

Jane Norton is the daughter of a coach and teacher who taught her the value of work, honesty, family, and service. Those ideals led her to a career in public service where she served in appointed and elected government positions in her home state of Colorado and in Washington, DC. She also worked in the private and non-profit sectors where she served in leadership, development, and consulting roles. Jane earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences, a Master’s Degree in Management, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities Degree from Colorado Christian University. Jane is married to Mike and together they have four children and seven grandchildren.

John Stevens

John Stevens is the National Director of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, a family of over 500 Bible-centred churches in the UK, a position that he has held since 2010. Prior to this he was one of the founding pastors of City Evangelical Church Birmingham, which was planted in the centre of the UK’s 2nd largest city in 1999. He was instrumental in starting the Midlands Gospel Partnership, was the course Director of the Midlands Ministry Training Course and is a visiting lecturer at Oak Hill Theological College. John is also one of the pastors of Christchurch Market Harborough, a church he helped to plant when he took up his current role. He was converted whilst studying law at Cambridge University, and after taking a post-graduate degree at the University of Oxford worked for 16 years as a University Lecturer, ending his career as Deputy Head of the Law School at the University of Birmingham. John is married to Ursula and they have four children aged between 12 and 7. He blogs at on theology, church life and ministry, culture and politics.

Zsolt Szalai

Zsolt Szalai, following his studies on Hungarian and English universities and completion of a university doctor’s degree in finance, has spent the last three decades in mid and upper management roles in banking, private equity, not-for-profit organizations, and Christian churches. Currently, he is self-employed as a business consultant. Besides that, he is Head of the Board of Elders of Szentendre Reformed Church, Chairman of Christian Businessmen Association, Board Member of Compass Europe, and leader of the Leadership Workshop of the Hungarian Evangelical Forum. During his career, Zsolt gained a wide range of experience in corporate finance, capital markets, project finance, innovation management, and business development areas. Zsolt is also an adjunct professor at Károli Gáspár Reformed University, Pentecostal Theological College, and Bakke Graduate University. He is also an active speaker and lecturer on conferences and leadership courses and workshops.

Alan Taylor

Alan Taylor is a native of Northern Ireland and has been involved in mission in his spare time at a leadership level for 25 years. He has been managing partner and Chairman of a large commercial law firm. He is currently a non-executive director and Chairman of a lab services company and a company helping care-experienced young people succeed in life. He believes that good leadership is essential in mission as well as in business. He likes to help grow teams and people.

Ministry Partnerships

Ministry Partnerships Mentoring provides guidance for those who are eager to learn and share in ministry and have relevant questions about ministry partnerships within the local church and between churches and organisations.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Alexander Fink

Alexander Fink is Director of the Institute for Faith and Science (Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft) in Marburg, Germany ( He studied physics at Bayreuth and St. Andrews (UK) universities and received his PhD at the Institute for Biophysics at the University of Regensburg. After working as an industrial product manager, he became the director of the SMD graduates' ministry (Akademiker-SMD, the German branch of IFES) until 2014. Since 2008, he has been a member of the ELF Steering Committee and has co-led the Scientists Network. He is the editor of the "Begründet-glauben-Podcast" ( and has produced three documentary movies, "Fascinating Universe", "More than My Brain", and “Is there meaning in suffering?” which were officially recommended for use in secular public schools. Together with his wife, Alexander enjoys raising his two children, preaching and leading a house group in his local church, and being a youth soccer trainer in his local sports club.

Worship Event

Worship Event Mentoring helps worship leaders consider how to evaluate the effectiveness of worship events and how to design them with the long-term impact in mind in order to maximize kingdom impact in their ministries.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Colin Peckham

Colin Peckham is the artistic and ministry director for Origin Ministries, an event-based arts ministry in the central belt in Scotland, and in Cape Town, South Africa. He served as a worship leader, arranger and worship advisor for the 3rd Lausanne Congress and has worked for many years as a worship and music leader in the local church, both in Scotland and South Africa. He currently serves as an orchestra, choir and band director, and arranger & orchestrator with Origin, varying broadly in styles from classical through jazz, blues, gospel, and contemporary Christian music, in venues such as churches, concert halls and public spaces in Scotland and South Africa in both evangelism and worship ministry. He studied music at Edinburgh University and theology with the University of South Africa. He is married to Norma and has a teenage son, Andrew.



Family Mentoring aims to provide biblically sound advice for building strong families to parents, grandparents, or lay and professional counsellors who deal frequently with family-related issues.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Ferol Ireland

Ferol Ireland has elected to be a stay-at-home mom.  She has raised three sons and currently has six grandchildren.  She has been married to her husband, Don for the last 40 years.  Ferol has led and coordinated the children's and women's ministry programs of her home church.  She has been active in mission ministry in Russia, Mexico, N. Ireland, Spain and Poland.   Ferol has volunteered with the pro-life program, CareNet, in the Olympia area.   She has a heart for women and families who are struggling with marriage and parenting issues that are influenced by the culture of the world.   The goal is always to seek God's way from Prayer, His Word and the Holy Spirit.

John Kirkpatrick

John Kirkpatrick served as a minister in the Presbyterian Church for the past 40 years. He’s recently retired but is still very active across several ministries. He chairs the management board at Union Theological College and has some teaching and mentoring responsibilities there. John also serves as part of the preaching team in First Ballymena Presbyterian Church participating in monthly preaching opportunities. This year will mark the 30th year John has served the Motorcycle racing world in Ireland as Chaplain to the Motorcycle Union of Ireland. He gives help and oversight to the church plant Trinity Church Central London. Additionally, at the European Leadership Forum, John has led the Apologetics (Foundational) Network for many years and is now offering more general help across all Networks.

Dawn Patterson

Dawn Patterson has worked with para-church ministries for about 45 years — in the US, Germany and Russia. She is married (36 years) and has 4 adult children and 3 granddaughters. Her ministry focus is leading and mentoring women of various ages and cultures through encouragement and study of the Scriptures. Currently, she lives in Minnesota. 


Marriage Mentoring aims to help married couples strengthen their relationships, provide effective resources for couples in distress and encourage individuals to develop a comprehensive approach to marriage-focused ministry.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Ann Blaser

Ann Pritchard Blaser has led women through Bible Study Fellowship International for thirty years, teaching Scripture classes for women and training leadership groups. Her work now consists of mentoring and advising other women who are teaching and training leaders in Bible Study Fellowship. She is responsible for visiting classes and observing the training and teaching taking place and for giving encouragement and shepherding to the teachers. She is involved in her church through discipling, teaching, and writing training materials. Ann is married to Bill, and they have two children and two grandsons.

Tim Patterson

Tim Patterson has been involved in para-church ministry since 1976 - in the USA, Germany and Russia.  He and Dawn, his wife of 35 years, are presently staff members with GLINTS (Global Intercultural Services) for whom they oversee Member Care for the small missionary sending agency.  Tim and Dawn live in Minnesota, USA.

Personal Counselling

Personal Counselling was created in response to a request by many Forum participants over the years for the opportunity to meet with experienced Forum leaders and counsellors to talk and pray about personal issues or struggles.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Ann Blaser

Ann Pritchard Blaser has led women through Bible Study Fellowship International for thirty years, teaching Scripture classes for women and training leadership groups. Her work now consists of mentoring and advising other women who are teaching and training leaders in Bible Study Fellowship. She is responsible for visiting classes and observing the training and teaching taking place and for giving encouragement and shepherding to the teachers. She is involved in her church through discipling, teaching, and writing training materials. Ann is married to Bill, and they have two children and two grandsons.

Steve Giere

Stephen Giere has served in Christian ministry in America and Europe for more than forty years. He taught and led a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class of 500 men in Chicago for seventeen years. Steve is a board member with the Forum of Christian Leaders serving in Europe with the European Leadership Forum. Key to his role is shepherding and mentoring young leaders. He serves as a lecturer/mentor at the Cambridge Leaders Network in Cambridge, UK. Steve and his wife, Connie, are residents of Geneva, IL and members of The Moody Church in Chicago, a diverse, urban congregation with seventy countries of birth and fifty mother languages represented in its membership. There he teaches, mentors, and serves as an elder. They have two grown children and ten grandchildren. Steve retired in 2019 after 45 years engaged in finance with experience in corporate management as CEO of a commercial bank, and as a business owner establishing an investment management practice. Steve earned his B.A. in psychology at North Central College in Naperville, IL, and M.M. from the J.L. Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.

Peter K

Peter Korevaar studied physics and astronomy at the University of Utrecht, Netherlands. In 1989, he acquired his PhD in astronomy on the topic of "Time-dependent models of stellar coronae". After two years at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in 1991 Peter accepted a position at IBM. Since then he has worked as consultant in the areas of logistics, optimization, and analytics, mainly for automotive companies. For many years Peter was the leader of the Physics and Astronomy Group of the German Creationist Society "Wort und Wissen". Currently he is a member of the board of this society. Peter and his wife Heleen live in Germany near Heidelberg. They have five children and are members of a free evangelical church.

Tim Patterson

Tim Patterson has been involved in para-church ministry since 1976 - in the USA, Germany and Russia.  He and Dawn, his wife of 35 years, are presently staff members with GLINTS (Global Intercultural Services) for whom they oversee Member Care for the small missionary sending agency.  Tim and Dawn live in Minnesota, USA.

Bob Pourcho

Bob Pourcho was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He and Karen met at First Baptist Church of Ferguson, Missouri and have been married for 37-years. Bob is an ordained Southern Baptist minister who was trained at Covenant Theological Seminary and has a BS from Taylor University and an MBA from Washington University. He has served as Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church and Youth Minister at Parkway Baptist Church in St. Louis, MO. Bob has a business background as a vice president at Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and United Healthcare and is currently self-employed as an executive consultant. He plays guitar and loves to hike and play with his grandkids and dogs. Bob has been a member at College Park Church since 2009 and is serving as Bible study and CPCi Equip teacher, small group leader, and elder. 

Karen Pourcho

Karen Pourcho is a passionate leader and visionary, currently serving as the Director of Women’s Ministry at College Park Church in Indianapolis, IN. In this role, she oversees a range of initiatives, including women’s Bible studies, discipleship programs, and community-building groups and events. As a member of the Directional Team, Karen contributes to the church’s strategic vision, ensuring that its mission resonates deeply with the community. Before her current position, Karen served as a Teaching Director with Community Bible Study, a role that allowed her to nurture a deep love for helping women grow in their understanding of Scripture and their ability to engage with it meaningfully. Her heart is dedicated to empowering others with the tools to explore, interpret, and live out the Word. Married to Bob for 40 years, they enjoy travelling, hiking, and creating memories with their children and six grandchildren.

David Seckington

David Seckington serves as an assistant pastor at Trinity Church Central London. His primary roles are making mature disciple-making disciples, teaching God's word, prayer, responsibility for music, and helping with all other pastoral issues at the church. He completed the International Baccalaureate at Kings College School Wimbledon in London and then studied French and Philosophy at the University of Sheffield, UK.

Pornography Mentoring for Men

Pornography Mentoring for Men was created either for men who struggle with pornography themselves or for those who want to help others to experience freedom from pornography.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Petr Lupton

Pete Lupton earned his Magister degree in Biblical and Applied Theology at the International Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2018, he started NePornu in the Czech Republic, which focuses on raising awareness of the dangers of pornography and helping those who are addicted to pornography. Since the beginning, this NGO has helped over 3,500 clients struggling with pornography, has 11 employees, and works with over 70 volunteers.

Pornography Mentoring for Women

Pornography Mentoring for Women was created either for women who struggle with pornography themselves or for those who want to help others to experience freedom from pornography.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Táňa Reháková

Táňa Reháková is the Chief Operating Officer at NePornu, a nonprofit organisation supporting individuals struggling with pornography addiction and their partners. Beyond NePornu, Táňa is a psychologist specialising in solution-focused therapy and crisis intervention. She holds a degree in psychology and is currently undergoing psychotherapy training. She also leads a support group for partners of individuals dealing with porn addiction.

Women and Leadership

Women and Leadership Mentoring provides a time to seek the perspective that God may have on your circumstances and situations from an experienced mentor.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one and/or cohort mentoring.


Ann Blaser

Ann Pritchard Blaser has led women through Bible Study Fellowship International for thirty years, teaching Scripture classes for women and training leadership groups. Her work now consists of mentoring and advising other women who are teaching and training leaders in Bible Study Fellowship. She is responsible for visiting classes and observing the training and teaching taking place and for giving encouragement and shepherding to the teachers. She is involved in her church through discipling, teaching, and writing training materials. Ann is married to Bill, and they have two children and two grandsons.

Michelle C

Michelle is the Minister of Staff Development and on the Executive Leadership Team at Scottsdale Bible Church in Arizona. She has a passion for discipleship and drawing out a greater thirst for more of God and His Word in others. Michelle also enjoys developing people within the Church in such a way that brings into focus who God has created them to be for the glory of God and the building up of His church. Michelle has been married to her husband, Jared, since 2003, and they have two children: Chase (12) and Morgan (9). She graduated from the University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Science, has also obtained a master’s degree from Phoenix Seminary, and is currently pursuing a doctorate at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Margunn Dahle

Margunn Serigstad Dahle, the co-leader of the European Media Communicators Network, is Associate Professor at NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway, where she has taught in the fields of communication, media, and worldviews since 1991. She was for many years Programme Director for the Communication and Worldviews Bachelor Program, which is designed to equip evangelical communicators and apologists in various fields for the contemporary Western cultural context. Especially connected to her Damaris involvement, she is a regular lecturer, speaker, and writer in various contexts in Norway and beyond. She was a co-editor of "The Lausanne Movement: A Range of Perspectives" (Oxford: Regnum, 2014). Margunn formerly served as Chairman of Lunde Publishing House.

Ruth Davis

Ruth Davis has over 20 years experience of working in University settings, culminating in eight years managing a large academic department of Care Sciences at the University of South Wales. Her professional background is in nursing with a specialist interest in diabetes. Her clinical and research experience is in patient education and service/role development. In 2014 she left that role, though she remains a Visiting Fellow with the University and now works as Academic Director for an online education company, overseeing the quality of around 20 post-graduate Diploma/Master's courses for healthcare professionals. Along with her husband, they are trustees of Heb Ffin, a local charity (not-for-profit non-governmental organisation) supporting God’s work in Wales (UK) and Africa. Over the last year, they have spent several months in Uganda working on various diverse projects from nurse leadership to coffee growing. At home, Ruth is a wife, mother and grandmother; familiar with the struggles of juggling home, work and church life. In the local church, she has been involved in small group ministries and practical demonstrations of God’s love to people in the church and those outside, such as helping to run a luncheon club for older people. 

Melinda Hendry

Melinda Hendry leads ministry development for women in ministry with Living Leadership. Previously, she served on the senior ministry team at All Souls Langham Place where she ran the ministry training scheme. Melinda completed an MA in Spiritual Formation at Gordon Conwell Seminary and is currently training to be a Spiritual Director.

Nola Leach

Nola Leach is a co-leader of the European Politics and Society Network and served as the Chief Executive of CARE (Christian Action Research & Education), one of Europe’s leading Christian charities, which provides resources and helps bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy and practical caring initiatives. CARE undertakes a variety of social caring and educational programmes and research and is represented in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies. As Head of the Public Affairs team, Nola led campaigns on topics such as human trafficking, Internet pornography, and the value of human life from its beginning to natural end. She oversaw the publication of Living Free, a sequel to the CARE book Searching for Intimacy – a resource designed to help those trapped in the net of Internet pornography. She has a passion for developing Christian leaders and headed up CARE’s unique Leadership Programme. She is increasingly in demand as both a writer and a public speaker, has penned numerous articles, and regularly appears in the media. She now spends her time mentoring leaders, speaking, and writing.

Jane Norton

Jane Norton is the daughter of a coach and teacher who taught her the value of work, honesty, family, and service. Those ideals led her to a career in public service where she served in appointed and elected government positions in her home state of Colorado and in Washington, DC. She also worked in the private and non-profit sectors where she served in leadership, development, and consulting roles. Jane earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences, a Master’s Degree in Management, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities Degree from Colorado Christian University. Jane is married to Mike and together they have four children and seven grandchildren.

Melissa S

Melissa Spoelstra is a Bible teacher and author who is madly in love with Jesus. She is passionate about studying God’s Word and helping women of all ages to seek Christ and know Him more intimately through serious Bible study. Melissa has a degree in Bible theology and has authored many Bible studies, including Isaiah: Striving Less and Trusting God More and The Gospel of John: Savoring the Peace of Jesus in a Chaotic World. Melissa enjoys spending time with her pastor husband, Sean, and their children: Zach & Morgan, Abby, Sara, Rachel, and foster son Yoni.



Academic Mentoring gives young academics an opportunity to discuss a piece of academic work (such as a chapter of a thesis/dissertation or a scholarly article) or a general issue related to their experience in academia with a more experienced academic.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Darrell Bock

Darrell L. Bock is Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas, as well as Executive Director of Cultural Engagement for the Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership there. An author or editor of about fifty books, his special fields of study involve hermeneutics, the use of the Old Testament in the New, Luke-Acts, the historical Jesus, Gospel studies, and the integration of theology and culture. It is this latter area that is the focus of his work at the Hendricks Center, where he is responsible for producing a web-based, weekly podcast on issues of God and culture called The Table and author of the recent book, Cultural Intelligence: Living for God in a Diverse, Pluralistic World. He is a graduate of the University of Texas (B.A.), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.), and the University of Aberdeen (Ph.D.). He has had four annual stints of post doctoral study at the University of Tübingen, the second through fourth as an Alexander von Humboldt scholar at Tübingen University through a scholarship offered by the Federal Republic of Germany (1989-90, 1995-96, 2004-05, 2010-2011). He was editor at large for Christianity Today for several years and served as President of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) for the year 2000-2001. He currently serves on the boards of Wheaton College, Chosen People Ministries, Christians in Public Service (CIPS), and the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE). He also serves as elder emeritus at Trinity Fellowship Church in Richardson, Texas and as advisor to staff at Bent Tree Fellowship. Married to Sally for almost fifty years, he is the father of two married daughters and a married son, and is also a proud grandfather of five.

Ruth Davis

Ruth Davis has over 20 years experience of working in University settings, culminating in eight years managing a large academic department of Care Sciences at the University of South Wales. Her professional background is in nursing with a specialist interest in diabetes. Her clinical and research experience is in patient education and service/role development. In 2014 she left that role, though she remains a Visiting Fellow with the University and now works as Academic Director for an online education company, overseeing the quality of around 20 post-graduate Diploma/Master's courses for healthcare professionals. Along with her husband, they are trustees of Heb Ffin, a local charity (not-for-profit non-governmental organisation) supporting God’s work in Wales (UK) and Africa. Over the last year, they have spent several months in Uganda working on various diverse projects from nurse leadership to coffee growing. At home, Ruth is a wife, mother and grandmother; familiar with the struggles of juggling home, work and church life. In the local church, she has been involved in small group ministries and practical demonstrations of God’s love to people in the church and those outside, such as helping to run a luncheon club for older people. 

Per Ewert

Per Ewert is the director of The Clapham Institute, Sweden’s leading Christian think tank and research institute. His PhD describes the political process which shaped Sweden into the world's arguably most secular-individualistic nation. Per is the author of several books on apologetics, relations, and the role of faith in society. He also writes weekly editorials in one of Sweden's Christian dailies. He lives with his wife and four children in southern Sweden.

Alexander Fink

Alexander Fink is Director of the Institute for Faith and Science (Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft) in Marburg, Germany ( He studied physics at Bayreuth and St. Andrews (UK) universities and received his PhD at the Institute for Biophysics at the University of Regensburg. After working as an industrial product manager, he became the director of the SMD graduates' ministry (Akademiker-SMD, the German branch of IFES) until 2014. Since 2008, he has been a member of the ELF Steering Committee and has co-led the Scientists Network. He is the editor of the "Begründet-glauben-Podcast" ( and has produced three documentary movies, "Fascinating Universe", "More than My Brain", and “Is there meaning in suffering?” which were officially recommended for use in secular public schools. Together with his wife, Alexander enjoys raising his two children, preaching and leading a house group in his local church, and being a youth soccer trainer in his local sports club.

Peter Imming

Peter Imming received degrees in pharmacy and chemistry and a PhD and venia legendi in pharmaceutical chemistry from a German university. He has been involved in drug chemistry teaching and research in Germany, the UK, China, Ethiopia and other countries. Until retirement in 2025, he was head of the pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry department of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. His research focuses on the design and synthesis of new drug substances and on molecular mechanisms of drug action. He has a strong interest in the relation of science and Christian faith, frequently lecturing on related topics by invitation of e.g. universities, churches and schools.

David McIlroy

David McIlroy is a practising barrister based in London in the UK. He serves on the editorial board of Law & Justice, teaches the Mission of Justice and the Theology of Law course at Spurgeon’s College, and is a Visiting Professor at the University of Notre Dame (USA) in England. He is convinced that justice matters enormously to God and He wants Christians to work hard to see justice done more and more in situations around the world. Through his books (A Biblical View of Law and Justice, A Trinitarian Theology of Law, The End of Law) and many articles, David seeks to deepen people’s reflections on justice and to inspire others to take up the challenge of acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8).

Andy McIntosh

Andy McIntosh holds an Emeritus chair in Thermodynamics at the University of Leeds and is also an adjunct professor of Engineering at Liberty University in Virginia. He has had a long scientific research career concerning mathematics, combustion and aeronautics, both in academia and in a government establishment, and is author of over 200 academic papers. Andy has long worked on combustion and its interaction with acoustics and larger pressure waves. He has also worked on the mathematical modelling of ignition, and he is the inventor of the 𝜇Mist novel spray technology which mimics the Bombardier beetle spray and has led to this spray technology being applied to fuel injectors, pharmaceutical sprays, aerosols and more recently fire sprinkler systems. This was awarded the 2010 Times Higher Educational award for the Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology. His work has also included investigations into the fundamental link between thermodynamics and information. This strikes at the heart of the issue concerning abiogenesis – the information in living systems is neither matter nor energy but is absolutely essential for life.

Andy now lectures widely on origins, and has authored the books “Genesis for Today” (Day One, 6th Edition, 2017), and “A verse by verse examination of Genesis 1-11” (Day One, 2016) and has contributed to a number of other books including “Wonders of Creation – Design in a fallen world”(co-authored with Stuart Burgess and Brian Edwards, Day One, 2017), “Origins – examining the evidence” (Truth in Science, 2011), “In six days” (Master Books, 2009) and “Should Christians embrace Evolution?” (IVP, 2009). He has also written the booklet “Are you really an Atheist?” (2018) and co-authored the booklets “Is it True – Evidence for Creation” (2018) and “A wonder of Creation – the Kingfisher” (2024) and is co-director of the UK education think tank Truth in Science. He is married with 4 children (one of whom died in infancy), and 7 grandchildren.

Karis Riley

Karis Riley is a literary scholar of Medieval and Renaissance Literature. She was a postdoctoral research associate on the Faculty of History at the University of Cambridge for the AHRC project Remembering the Reformation (2018-2019). She has a BA in philosophy from Wheaton College, IL (2012), a PhD in English Literature from the University of York (2016), and a Master’s in Classics from the University of Oxford (2017). She is currently preparing her first book, Milton's Passions, which investigates the complex and varied relationship between emotion, morality, and literary history from the Plato to the Renaissance with a particular focus on the poet John Milton. She has published in Renaissance Studies, The Seventeenth Century, and Routledge’s Remembering the Medieval and Early Modern World series and has spoken at the Renaissance Society of America. Karis is married to Malcolm and together they started Trinity Church Central London in 2014, an evangelical church-plant and community in the capital city.

David Sandifer

David Sandifer was born and raised in France, of American parents. He holds a Ph.D. in history, from the University of Cambridge (2014). He spent 20 years in pastoral ministry in the U.S. and Australia, and also worked for a Christian public advocacy organisation in Australia, where he co-launched an on-going campaign to protect children from online pornography. He currently lectures in the area of practical theology and ethics at Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands. He has a heart to see the church in Europe renewed in love for God and holiness, and to see Christian families equipped to raise counter-cultural disciples who will 'shine like stars in the universe' (Phil. 2:15).


Artists Mentoring creates a space for participants to connect with and receive practical help and guidance from an experienced Christian artist leader on living out their calling.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Brian Chan

Brian S. Chan is a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary in Media Arts & Worship, teaching creative writing, visual artmaking, and theologies of beauty, creativity, story, and film. Dr. Chan pastored in Hollywood/Los Angeles and taught courses at Biola University on a theology of beauty, art, and film. He is a workshop instructor and conference speaker in Hollywood on story, creativity, and beauty. He discipled entertainment industry professionals and innovated creative outreaches to the community. As an award-winning fine artist, Chan exhibited around the U.S.A., at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum, and in Rome and is a board member of LELA International Artists. As an accomplished martial artist in kung fu, he is a certified Wing Chun master (sifu) and worked as a fight choreographer, stuntman, and trainer for actors.  As a writer, he is the author of “The Purple Curtain: Living Out Beauty in Faith & Culture from a Biblical Perspective, Not Easily Broken” (a novel), “Shadow” in “It Was Good: Performing Arts to the Glory of God,” and “Movies: Celluloid Sanctification” in “Ordinary Saints.” His other interests include the pop culture of comics, hiking in nature, traveling, and bonsai art. He is married to Ellen, and is the proud dad of his 11-year-old son. Chan’s mission is to create beauty that causes a love for God and exhibit the beauty of Christ in all of life.

Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees Mentoring identifies the key principles of a healthy trustee board and the parts played by the chair, trustees, and ministry leaders as well as identifies the underlying biblical principles.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Keith Bintley

Keith Bintley is married and has four adult children. He was converted as a teenager and was awarded degrees in theology in Wales and England. In 2010 he founded a specialist law firm in England which is now ranked nationally as a leading firm. He has been a director or trustee of secular companies and Christian ministries for over 25 years. He has served as vice chair of two multi-million pound charities and is currently chair of the board of Tyndale House, Cambridge. Keith has been in local church leadership throughout his life and is currently an elder at a medium-sized Baptist church which is also a charity. 

Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership Mentoring exists so that leaders in an academic setting can discuss the successes, challenges, questions, and best practices in leading an educational institution.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Ruth Davis

Ruth Davis has over 20 years experience of working in University settings, culminating in eight years managing a large academic department of Care Sciences at the University of South Wales. Her professional background is in nursing with a specialist interest in diabetes. Her clinical and research experience is in patient education and service/role development. In 2014 she left that role, though she remains a Visiting Fellow with the University and now works as Academic Director for an online education company, overseeing the quality of around 20 post-graduate Diploma/Master's courses for healthcare professionals. Along with her husband, they are trustees of Heb Ffin, a local charity (not-for-profit non-governmental organisation) supporting God’s work in Wales (UK) and Africa. Over the last year, they have spent several months in Uganda working on various diverse projects from nurse leadership to coffee growing. At home, Ruth is a wife, mother and grandmother; familiar with the struggles of juggling home, work and church life. In the local church, she has been involved in small group ministries and practical demonstrations of God’s love to people in the church and those outside, such as helping to run a luncheon club for older people. 

Law and Religious Liberty

Law and Religious Liberty Mentoring is designed to answer questions with regard to international religious liberty, sanctity of life, and defence of family or how to receive additional training opportunities in these areas as a barrister (attorney), law student, or pastor.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


David McIlroy

David McIlroy is a practising barrister based in London in the UK. He serves on the editorial board of Law & Justice, teaches the Mission of Justice and the Theology of Law course at Spurgeon’s College, and is a Visiting Professor at the University of Notre Dame (USA) in England. He is convinced that justice matters enormously to God and He wants Christians to work hard to see justice done more and more in situations around the world. Through his books (A Biblical View of Law and Justice, A Trinitarian Theology of Law, The End of Law) and many articles, David seeks to deepen people’s reflections on justice and to inspire others to take up the challenge of acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8).

Marketing Communications

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Keith Ogorek

Keith Ogorek, president of the Author Learning Center, brings a unique perspective to communications, having worked simultaneously in ministry and the marketplace for virtually his whole career. Using his experience as a marketing and communications professional for banks, as an ad agency creative director, and at the world’s leading self-publishing company, he has worked with a number of ministries to vastly improve their communication and development efforts by crafting a message that is compelling, differentiating, and true. In addition, he has cultivated unique opportunities for independent authors to have their work pitched to Hollywood. Along with pursuing excellence in the marketplace, Keith is passionate about discipleship and has led multiple men’s groups through a two-year discipleship process at his local church. His book, A Clear View, which addresses how a person’s worldview is formed, is now used in select high schools and at a Biblical Institute in Italy. When his schedule allows, Keith speaks at conferences on the topic of marketing communications for ministries, as well as at men’s retreats and family camps.

Marketplace Leaders

Marketplace Leaders Mentoring aims to support experienced and aspiring leaders in the marketplace; helping them to navigate the challenge of integrating the professional, personal, and spiritual dimensions of their lives.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Steve Giere

Stephen Giere has served in Christian ministry in America and Europe for more than forty years. He taught and led a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class of 500 men in Chicago for seventeen years. Steve is a board member with the Forum of Christian Leaders serving in Europe with the European Leadership Forum. Key to his role is shepherding and mentoring young leaders. He serves as a lecturer/mentor at the Cambridge Leaders Network in Cambridge, UK. Steve and his wife, Connie, are residents of Geneva, IL and members of The Moody Church in Chicago, a diverse, urban congregation with seventy countries of birth and fifty mother languages represented in its membership. There he teaches, mentors, and serves as an elder. They have two grown children and ten grandchildren. Steve retired in 2019 after 45 years engaged in finance with experience in corporate management as CEO of a commercial bank, and as a business owner establishing an investment management practice. Steve earned his B.A. in psychology at North Central College in Naperville, IL, and M.M. from the J.L. Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.

Media Engagement

Media Engagement Mentoring provides an opportunity for creative personal dialogue with an experienced practitioner relating the individual context and calling to 'media ministries' (the creative use of media technologies in the Church and mission), 'media presence; (being salt and light in mainstream media), and/ or 'media awareness'; (media analysis or critique as disciples and witnesses).

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Margunn Dahle

Margunn Serigstad Dahle, the co-leader of the European Media Communicators Network, is Associate Professor at NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway, where she has taught in the fields of communication, media, and worldviews since 1991. She was for many years Programme Director for the Communication and Worldviews Bachelor Program, which is designed to equip evangelical communicators and apologists in various fields for the contemporary Western cultural context. Especially connected to her Damaris involvement, she is a regular lecturer, speaker, and writer in various contexts in Norway and beyond. She was a co-editor of "The Lausanne Movement: A Range of Perspectives" (Oxford: Regnum, 2014). Margunn formerly served as Chairman of Lunde Publishing House.

Bjørn Hinderaker

Bjørn Hinderaker is an Assistant Professor at the accredited NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway (, where he teaches Christian Apologetics, Worldviews, and Ethical Theory. He has previously served as missionary to Kenya and as senior pastor of a local evangelical church ( Bjørn is also involved part-time as a writer and speaker in Damaris Norway (, an organization which is seeking to relate biblical faith to contemporary culture. He is programme director for the annual Veritas Conference (, a member of the advisory editorial committee for Veritas Forlag (Publishing), and has extensive experience as a preacher and as a speaker on biblical, cultural and apologetic topics. Bjørn has published academic and popular articles within his field, was co-editor of Grill en kristen – om Bibelen (Veritas Forlag 2020), and is book editor for Theofilos (

Music, Praise, and Worship

Music, Praise, and Worship Mentoring is designed for worship leaders, singers, and musicians who lead and influence worship ministry in their local church, to help them develop and grow in their gifting.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Angela MacKenzie

Angela MacKenzie is a dedicated broadcaster, accomplished pianist, and soulful vocalist, celebrated for her heartfelt piano-led worship. Her award-winning music resonates globally through conferences, concerts, and engaging online events. A fifth-generation Floridian now residing in Scotland, Angela previously served as Vice President of SuperChannel, a Christian television station in Orlando, where she produced multiple award-winning programs and albums.

As the founder and director of the Amazing Life Gospel Choir, Angela brings together singers from various churches and communities to create joyful music. Her delightful blend of humor and spontaneity adds sparkle to her messages, making them both uplifting and relatable. Additionally, she leads a monthly Bible study in Stirling, Scotland, fostering a vibrant community of faith and creativity.

With a Bachelor’s in Music and Vocal Performance from the University of Central Florida and a Master’s in Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology, Angela artfully combines musical talent with deep theological insight. Married to Kenneth MacKenzie since 2014, she enjoys a lively family life with 31 family members, including 19 grandchildren. Through her music and media presence, Angela inspires others to explore the intersection of faith and creativity, encouraging everyone to keep a song in their heart.

Colin Peckham

Colin Peckham is the artistic and ministry director for Origin Ministries, an event-based arts ministry in the central belt in Scotland, and in Cape Town, South Africa. He served as a worship leader, arranger and worship advisor for the 3rd Lausanne Congress and has worked for many years as a worship and music leader in the local church, both in Scotland and South Africa. He currently serves as an orchestra, choir and band director, and arranger & orchestrator with Origin, varying broadly in styles from classical through jazz, blues, gospel, and contemporary Christian music, in venues such as churches, concert halls and public spaces in Scotland and South Africa in both evangelism and worship ministry. He studied music at Edinburgh University and theology with the University of South Africa. He is married to Norma and has a teenage son, Andrew.


Theologians Mentoring is for evangelical theologians with little opportunity for dialogue, fellowship, and encouragement from their evangelical brothers and sisters. It has been designed to make available an opportunity to interact one-on-one with some of the world's leading evangelical scholars.

This mentoring type is available for one-on-one mentoring.


Darrell Bock

Darrell L. Bock is Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas, as well as Executive Director of Cultural Engagement for the Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership there. An author or editor of about fifty books, his special fields of study involve hermeneutics, the use of the Old Testament in the New, Luke-Acts, the historical Jesus, Gospel studies, and the integration of theology and culture. It is this latter area that is the focus of his work at the Hendricks Center, where he is responsible for producing a web-based, weekly podcast on issues of God and culture called The Table and author of the recent book, Cultural Intelligence: Living for God in a Diverse, Pluralistic World. He is a graduate of the University of Texas (B.A.), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.), and the University of Aberdeen (Ph.D.). He has had four annual stints of post doctoral study at the University of Tübingen, the second through fourth as an Alexander von Humboldt scholar at Tübingen University through a scholarship offered by the Federal Republic of Germany (1989-90, 1995-96, 2004-05, 2010-2011). He was editor at large for Christianity Today for several years and served as President of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) for the year 2000-2001. He currently serves on the boards of Wheaton College, Chosen People Ministries, Christians in Public Service (CIPS), and the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE). He also serves as elder emeritus at Trinity Fellowship Church in Richardson, Texas and as advisor to staff at Bent Tree Fellowship. Married to Sally for almost fifty years, he is the father of two married daughters and a married son, and is also a proud grandfather of five.

Steffen Jenkins

Steffen Jenkins is half German, half Welsh, was born in Spain but again in England. He has served in seminaries in Cuba as a lecturer, and as a pastor in an evangelical Presbyterian church. He greatly enjoyed a partnership with Tyndale House, Cambridge, to train up self-replicating Cuban lecturers in Greek and Hebrew. His doctoral research under Prof Gordon Wenham focused on prayers for vengeance in the Psalms, and is available as Imprecations in the Psalms: Love for Enemies in Hard Places. His twin passions of equipping pastors with languages to a high enough standard that they can use them, and of helping pastors to love the Old Testament shamelessly, are happily combined by his idiosyncratic position as lecturer of Greek and OT at Union School of Theology. He is writing a Greek textbook and a beginner’s guide to the Inspiration of Scripture. He is no good at sports (whether playing, watching or discussing).

Adam Szabados

Ádám Szabados is a Hungarian theologian and the leader of the Hungarian Evangelical Forum. Until 2017 he had been a pastor for 20 years. He is married to Dóra and has two adult sons. He studied English literature and linguistics at the University of Veszprém (MA equivalent, with honours), and theology at Schloss Mittersill Study Center (Diploma in Biblical Studies and Culture) and at Covenant Theological Seminary (ThM in Exegetical Theology). He received his PhD (summa cum laude) in the area of New Testament at Károli Reformed University. His study on the Reformational understanding of sin has been published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He wrote three other books: Erosz nyomában (Traces of Eros) (Harmat Publishing House, 2008), Az apostolok hagyománya (The Tradition of the Apostles) (KRE-L'Harmattan 2020; 2nd edition 2021), and Teológus a sakktáblán (Theologian on the Chessboard) (Luther-Harmat - 2021). Ádám also has a popular theological-apologetic website (

Network Mentoring

You can sign up for a mentoring session with a speaker from your ELF Network (see the list below). Once you complete the mentoring registration form, we will pair you with a suitable mentor.

  • Bible Study Leaders
  • Church Revitalisation
  • Disciple-Making Leaders Advanced
  • Leaders of Christian Organisations (Senior)
  • Leadership Foundations
  • Muslim Ministry
  • Organisational Development and Fundraising
  • Pastoral Counsellors
  • Professional Counsellors
  • Scientists
  • Theologians