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Kenneth Kühn

Kenneth Kühn
Person Details
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  • Denmark
Leader/Speaker Details
Job Title
Area Director for Europe
Elam Ministries

Kenneth Kühn has been serving as Area Director for Europe in Elam Ministries since March 2016. He was brought up in a pastor’s home in Denmark, serving in teenage ministry and Student Missions. He started his full-time ministry at the age of twenty, pioneering a youth work that later became a church. He has a BA in Theology from Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels and an MA in Theology from the University of Wales. Kenneth has been in pastoral ministry since 1995, while also serving as the National Director for the Danish Pentecostal Teenage Program (1996-2000) and pioneering two church-based Bible school programs. In 2004, he planted the Metropol Church in the heart of Copenhagen and began effectively to reach out to Iranian and Afghan immigrants. Also, he assisted a number of churches in developing missions among Farsi speakers. Kenneth is married to Alexia and is the father of Kaleb and Eva Mae. Since 2006, Alexia and Kenneth have been travelling and teaching in the Iran region as part of the Elam training staff. In his spare time, he likes reading, seeing friends, cooking and playing music.


Title Date Type
Discipleship of Muslim Background Believers - 2025 Muslim Ministry Network