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2022 Politics and Society Network

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    Politics and Society
Equipping leaders to influence society through a Christian worldview

The European Politics and Society Network is designed to teach key Christian political, legal, and social leaders how to be salt and light through effectively communicating Christ’s character in their respective contexts. Applicants should be those who are working in the areas of politics, law, campaigning, or community action. Both seasoned lawyers, activists, and campaigners and aspirants will benefit from the input of leading thinkers and practitioners. Prior preparation will be set for all applicants.

Applicants should be those who are working in areas of politics, campaigning, or community action. Both seasoned campaigners and aspirant politicians will benefit from the input of leading thinkers and practitioners.

Network Leadership

Nola Leach is a co-leader of the European Politics and Society Network and served as the Chief Executive of CARE (Christian Action Research & Education), one of Europe’s leading Christian charities, which provides resources and helps bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public… Read more
Roxana Stanciu is a co-leader of the European Politics and Society Network and serves as Director of Operations and Development at Christ Church Mayfair Trust London. Prior to this, she was the Chief Operating Officer of CARE (Christian Action, Research and Education) in London. CARE’s vision is to… Read more
Charlie Hoare is a co-leader of the European Politics and Society Network. He received his bachelor's degree in History at the University of Durham. After a year of working for a British Member of Parliament, he studied law before taking a master’s degree at the London School of Economics in… Read more

Network Speakers

Ralf Bergmann, born in 1962, is married and has three adult children, two children-in-law and three grandchildren. He received his degree in physics and a doctorate from German universities. He is or has been mainly involved in semiconductor physics and technology, photovoltaics and optical… Read more

Per Ewert is the director of The Clapham Institute, Sweden’s leading Christian think tank and research institute. His PhD describes the political process which shaped Sweden into the world's arguably most secular-individualistic nation. Per is the author of several books on apologetics,… Read more

Stefan Gustavsson is a member of the European Leadership Forum Steering Committee. He is the director for Apologia – Centre for Christian Apologetics and makes his home in Stockholm. He was the founding general secretary for 16 years of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance. Stefan travels widely… Read more

David Hilborn is Academic Dean and Senior Lecturer in Church History at London School of Theology. David was previously Principal of Moorlands College. Prior to that he led St Johns College, Nottingham and was Assistant Dean of St Mellitus College, based in London. This followed nine years as… Read more

Charlie Hoare is a co-leader of the European Politics and Society Network. He received his bachelor's degree in History at the University of Durham. After a year of working for a British Member of Parliament, he studied law before taking a master’s degree at the London School of Economics… Read more

Nola Leach is a co-leader of the European Politics and Society Network and served as the Chief Executive of CARE (Christian Action Research & Education), one of Europe’s leading Christian charities, which provides resources and helps bring Christian insight and experience to matters of… Read more

Peter Saunders was born in New Zealand and originally trained as a General Surgeon, before serving with the Africa Inland Mission in Kenya and completing two years mission training at All Nations Christian College in the UK. Since 1992 he has worked in full-time Christian ministry first with… Read more

Roxana Stanciu is a co-leader of the European Politics and Society Network and serves as Director of Operations and Development at Christ Church Mayfair Trust London. Prior to this, she was the Chief Operating Officer of CARE (Christian Action, Research and Education) in London. CARE’s vision is… Read more

Network Programme

Sunday, 22 May

Many western societies suffer from cultural conflict because of incompatible worldviews. The public square is governed by moralized debates that frequently culminate in quasi-religious claims. How can we as Christians strengthen free and stable democratic societies with intellectual, cultural, and social leadership rooted in biblical wisdom and courage?

This session provides participants an opportunity to explore their experiences with polarization, fragmentation, and hostility and how the idea of a free society is understood in their countries. This group activity will equip participants to better understand their contexts and thus respond to discover their personal part in helping to overcome polarization with intellectual leadership, truth, and love.

Monday, 23 May

The focus of liberal and radical campaigning within and beyond the church has critically shifted of late, from recognition of gay male and lesbian partnerships to the much broader canvas of Queer Theory and Queer Theology. This session will explore the development of Queer Theory, its adaptation into Queer Theology, and how queer theological ideas are entering church discourse around LGBT+ issues. In particular, it will show how these ideas are characterised by a more general shift of focus from creation to eschatology, and how classic Evangelicals will need to marshal counter-arguments in favour of biblical marriage and sexual chastity accordingly.

How do we successfully address the LGBTQ/Pride movement in the public arena without being rejected as homophobic or facing similar accusations? Based on the example from The Clapham Institute’s report “The Colourful Darkness”, this session provides practical examples on how to uncover the deeply troubling content and agenda of the Pride movement, as well as gives advice on which attitudes and way of reasoning work well and what ought to be avoided. Properly handled, opinion-making about this issue can reveal much-needed information and can impact a nation.

Tuesday, 24 May

This session will help you understand the non-Christian mindset and confidently communicate the Gospel in the way the Apostles did it – in understandable language, in a safe place, and with the opportunity for discussion. We will focus on understanding the basic worldview categories, determining a person’s worldview, and what is distinctive about Christian theism in contrast.

How can we confidently communicate the Gospel? In this session, we will seek to understand the apostles’ strategy, address our fears, identify common questions, and develop the three main lines of argument for Christianity and how best to share them.

Wednesday, 25 May

Drawing on experiences from the Centre for Christian Apologetics and the foundation of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance, this open discussion will address the tools we need to engage well in the public square. This session will equip participants with the best points of entry into public conversations, arguments to use (and not use), and the right type of language and tone to employ.

There is no area in the realm of politics and society into which our Christian faith does not speak. Across this Network, participants have grappled with considerable issues of our day and sought to understand how we as Christians can best stand for the Lord and help His Church shine as a light for hope and truth. This session will bring together the key points that have emerged across the four days with opportunities for participants to express their take-home points.