2023 Bible Teachers and Preachers (Advanced) Network
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The church is always at its healthiest where there is a passion for the preaching of God’s Word. Across the world there is a growing movement of church leaders and lay preachers who are committed to biblical, clear, engaging, and relevant Bible teaching and preaching. This movement transcends denominations and brings together people with a passion to feed the church and spread the Gospel through effective presentation of God’s Word.
This year’s Bible Teachers and Preachers Network will again be split into two levels. Each level will incorporate the dynamics of a learning community to enable participants to learn together and grow together as Bible teachers. Both levels are driven by a commitment to understanding not only the mechanics of Bible teaching and preaching, but also the theological heartbeat of effective ministry. They will share a passion for practical training as well as a determination to understand the Word and expound it clearly, relevantly, and engagingly in our European context.
All those who teach the Bible, (whether in a local church setting, on university campuses, or elsewhere, whether from the pulpit or not), are welcome to join us. While the primary focus will be on pulpit preaching, the principles of handling and communicating the Bible will apply in multiple ministry contexts.
The Advanced Track is for those who have either attended a previous European Bible Teachers and Preachers Network, participated in the Year-Round Mentoring Preachers track, a Cor Deo preaching course, or a Langham Preaching seminar in Europe.
For those who have proven success in these areas and would like to be considered for the Advanced Network, please email ksaylor@euroleadership.org with a description of your background, experience in Bible teaching, and an explanation of why you would like to move up into the Advanced Network.
Prior preparation will be set for all applicants.
Applicants should be those who have either attended the European Bible Teachers and Preachers Network: Foundational Track or who have attended Langham Partnership Preaching conferences in their countries. The aim each year is to consider the challenges and opportunities presented by different biblical genres, building on the key skills gained in the Foundational Track.
Network Leadership
Network Speakers
Mike Chalmers is a mentor and podcaster with Cor Deo, a ministry training programme, and is also UFM Worldwide’s Short-term Mission Coordinator. Previously, he was a Staff Worker in Wales with UCCF. He enjoys preaching and discipling, and continues to support and encourage university students by… Read more
Andy Hamilton is originally from Northern Ireland but has lived in Italy for most of his life. Andy obtained a Master of Theology from Queen’s University Belfast through Belfast Bible College and a Doctor of Ministry degree in preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He lives in the… Read more
Conrad Mbewe has served as pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia since 1987. He is a graduate of the University of Zambia, the Cape Town Baptist Seminary, and the University of Pretoria in South Africa. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Missions. He is the founding Chancellor… Read more
Peter Mead is the director of Cor Deo, a ministry training programme in Chippenham, England. He is also part of the leadership team of Trinity Chippenham, a church Peter helped to plant back in 2014. Peter is a lecturer for Union School of Theology. He studied at Multnomah Biblical Seminary… Read more
Lindsay Olesberg is a Bible teacher and Scripture Engagement leader with over 35 years of ministry experience. She has provided Scripture Engagement leadership for numerous Urbana Missions Conferences, Cape Town 2010 (Lausanne’s Third Global Congress), and Lausanne’s Younger Leaders Generation.… Read more
Network Programme
Sunday, 21 May
We will introduce the energetic and vivid Gospel of Mark as we start the week. Comparisons of the Gospels may cause you to think that Mark is somehow a plainer version of Matthew and Luke as if the literary crafting was all their doing. In reality, the Gospel of Mark is a powerful and well-crafted work of literary art designed to impact the lives of those exposed to it.
The main ingredient in Mark’s Gospel is short, punchy narratives. As we look at the book's first chapters, what can we learn about the nature of narrative gospel literature and how it changes lives? In this session, we will look at some narratives together to understand how they work and to consider how we might preach them most effectively.
Monday, 22 May
The ministry of the local church is not limited to pulpit preaching. There are multiple opportunities to promote a healthy engagement with Scripture through the local church's ministries. The former Director of Scripture Engagement for InterVarsity/USA, Lindsay Olesberg, will lead this session to help us consider how to unleash the joy of inductive Bible study into the life of the local church.
The synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) will sometimes present similar materials in a different order. These books are not assorted jumbles of stories randomly collected together. There is inspired crafting at work. In this session, we will look at some examples of the crafting evident in the sequencing of accounts and consider how we can reflect this design in our preaching.
Tuesday, 23 May
As the Gospel of Mark progresses, the cross of Christ starts to loom over the story. The Gospels are not mere biographies of Jesus; they are passion narratives with an extended introduction! So, how does the text establish the cross-focus for the reader? We will look at the role of predictive sections and the shadow of the cross over other events in Mark’s account.
Each Gospel leads the reader or listener to a front-row seat at the passion of Christ. How does Mark recount this vital history? What does he intend to achieve through his presentation? How can we most effectively preach the Easter story in Mark?
Wednesday, 24 May
This combined session of the Bible Teachers Networks will offer a unique opportunity to hear and learn from Conrad Mbewe. We will bring questions to him about the plenary Bible sessions and other aspects of the preacher’s life and ministry.
Preaching is not something we learn once and repeat forever. There is always more to learn. In this final session, we will think together about growing as a preacher. What plans can we put in place to continue growing in the ministry that God has given us? For this session, the foundational and advanced networks will be combined.