The New Testament Idea of a Teacher: Once the biblical vision of learning has been established, much that is challenging about discipleship will be easily resolved. The insights gained will provide the context for determining the unique patterns of discipleship that can be embraced by each participant for discipleship groups and movements within their own sphere of influence.
The Relationship Between Evangelism and Discipleship: In this session, we will discuss the Great Commission as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20. After carefully exegeting and discussing Jesus’ well-known command and examining the specific language used in the text, we will consider how the Apostles understood His directive to take the gospel to every tongue, tribe, and nation. Then, we will reflect on the implications for contemporary ministry. Finally, we will discuss how wrong interpretations of this passage directly impact the Church’s mission in and to the world.
The Language of Disciplemaking: During this session, we will examine 13 specific Greek words which tell a story about the process of disciple-making.
The Power of Spiritual Multiplication: There is a great difference between adding people to the Church (even on a daily basis) and building multiplying labourers. During this session, we will advance the biblical idea that the people we disciple can and should become fruitful to the third and fourth generations.