2025 Muslim Ministry Network
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Europe has had to respond to Islam since the latter’s inception. Today, Europe is dealing with Islam and Muslims on its own turf. According to Pew Research, “Europe's Muslim population is projected to exceed 58 million by 2030. Muslims today account for about 6% of Europe's total population” (January 27, 2011, The Future of The Global Muslim Population).
Muslims have a strong sense of identity. According to Huntington, author of Clash of Civilizations, religious identities will be the root cause of future wars. Indeed, they have been the root cause of many wars already. But as Christians, we believe that this clash/conflict is spiritual at its core. As such, the approach to resolving this conflict must be spiritual. True peace will only be attained when the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, changes the hearts of both Muslims and Europeans. Until then, the clash will continue.
We praise God for the fruitful and much-appreciated labour of individual European Christians. But we could do better. At the moment, European witness to Muslims is fractured and patchy. The European Evangelical church needs to develop an effective and coordinated outreach strategy that trains church members in a way which multiplies their ministry among refugees and immigrants. There is also a need for practical outreach and discipleship tools in their native languages.
The Muslim Ministry Network’s vision is to:
- Teach with content, means, and styles of sharing the Gospel with Muslims
- Equip in practical training and support for European leaders engaged in ministry to Muslims
- Encourage to participate in various opportunities related to Muslim outreach throughout Europe
- Connect leaders across diverse backgrounds and ministries to come together and discuss the most effective ways to engage with Muslims
- Resource leaders to train others in evangelising and discipling Muslims and Muslim background believers
The Muslim Ministry Network seeks to teach, equip, and resource those engaged in Muslim ministry or those desiring to learn more about Muslim outreach, helping to bridge the gap between evangelism and discipleship among Muslims and Muslim background believers.