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2024 Media Communicators Network

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    Media Communicators
Equipping gifted communicators for relating biblical faith

In today's world, journalism, movies, television, and social media dominate the way we, as an increasingly global community, understand and relate to the world and each other. If Christians wish to continue making a meaningful impact upon the world, gifted communicators who want to relate biblical Christian faith to contemporary culture through these media platforms will be greatly needed.

This Network seeks to encourage and equip such existing or emerging leaders who can speak with authenticity, relevance, and integrity from within these influential cultural arenas. It will also focus on biblical foundations and models, worldview analysis of media and popular culture, and critical reflections on creative communication in contemporary media contexts.

The ELF Media Communicators Network draws upon the strategies and the resources developed within the global Lausanne Media Engagement Network, and will seek to build friendships and facilitate networking and partnership among evangelical media communicators in Europe and beyond.

Prior preparation will be set for all applicants.

What Network Participants Are Saying

  • "I have been attending ELF for over a decade and it has been one of the greatest resources in my ministry. ELF’s impact is irreplaceable. Thanks to ELF I have met people who have helped me shape my understanding of cultural impact and taught me how to engage with secular post-Christian culture." 
    - Jan Mahrik, Pastor and Church Planter, Slovakia
  • "I lead a news and opinion website for Europe called 'Evangelical Focus,' through which we report the news from a Christian perspective. Being at the Forum has been key for this work. It has led to many connections with leaders from across Europe, including good thinkers and fellow media communicators. All the media and communication training and gospel encouragement I have received has made a big difference."
    - Joel Forster, Journalist, Spain

Applicants should be current or potential leaders who are gifted communicators in the media (in such creative fields as journalism, movies, television, or social media), media commentators, media critics, media teachers, or media scholars. Whatever the role, the common missional vision should be the wish to relate biblical Christian faith to contemporary media in a way that is authentic, appropriate, and relevant.

Network Leadership

Lars Dahle is a theologian, educator, preacher, and apologist. Having a long previous experience in various academic leadership roles, he now works as Professor in Systematic Theology (with a speciality in Christian Apologetics) at NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway, where he has lectured… Read more
Margunn Serigstad Dahle, the co-leader of the European Media Communicators Network, is Associate Professor at NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway, where she has taught in the fields of communication, media, and worldviews since 1991. She was for many years Programme Director for the… Read more
Bjørn Hinderaker is an Assistant Professor at the accredited NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway (, where he teaches Christian Apologetics, Worldviews, and Ethical Theory. He has previously served as missionary to Kenya and as senior pastor of a local evangelical… Read more

Network Speakers

Shawn Boskie has accumulated over 25 years of executive leadership experience focused on strategic growth, building teams and fundraising for a variety of for-profit and non-profit organisations. He is the founder and CEO of Canyon Productions, an independent film company that makes movies and… Read more

Lars Dahle is a theologian, educator, preacher, and apologist. Having a long previous experience in various academic leadership roles, he now works as Professor in Systematic Theology (with a speciality in Christian Apologetics) at NLA University… Read more

John Dickson’s story is eclectic. Starting out as a professional singer-songwriter, he now works as an author, speaker, historian, and media presenter. He was the Founding Director of the Centre for Public Christianity (2007-17). He has published over 20 books, two of which became television… Read more

Harald Endresen is a communicator and fundraiser, journalist and writer. He has been involved in media ministry for almost 25 years in Norea Mediemisjon, an organization based in Kristiansand, Norway. The last 10 years he has been the Communication… Read more

Roger A. Gihlemoen is an accomplished animation filmmaker with a diverse background in film and visual arts, educated as an Art Director from Westerdal, and recognized with several awards. His work blends technical proficiency with a passion for storytelling,… Read more

Stefan Gustavsson is a member of the European Leadership Forum Steering Committee. He is the director for Apologia – Centre for Christian Apologetics and makes his home in Stockholm. He was the founding general secretary for 16 years of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance. Stefan travels widely… Read more

Bjørn Hinderaker is an Assistant Professor at the accredited NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway (, where he teaches Christian Apologetics, Worldviews, and Ethical Theory. He has previously served as missionary to Kenya and as… Read more

Ján Máhrik is a church planter pastoring Za Kostolom church in Žilina, Slovakia. He is passionate about bringing the Gospel and truths of the Bible to the unchurched - sceptic, secular, and post-Christian. He is a host of the award-winning podcast… Read more

Philip Miller is the 17th Senior Pastor of The Moody Church. He and his wife Krista are graduates of Cedarville University (’04) and both hold Th.M. degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary ('10). They live in Chicago with their four children: Claire, Violet, Cora, and Jude. Pastor Philip is… Read more

Mihail Stefanov is the assistant pastor at Crossroad’s Church Sofia ( and the founder of Culture and People ( – an international consulting firm helping global business leaders transform the culture of their organizations. He has a deep passion for… Read more

Kristy Williams has 18 years of experience as a full-time missionary in the context of youth ministry and leadership training. She serves primarily in Ukraine, though her love for training leaders takes her to different places across Europe with her missionary organization, Josiah Venture.… Read more

Network Programme

Sunday, 26 May

Media has a highly significant role globally in pre-evangelism and evangelism through a wide variety of channels, platforms, and genres. This session introduces two different case studies on challenges and opportunities in using media to reach unreached people groups. During this session, the participants are invited to ask clarifying questions.

The aim of this learning community session is to share together on the use of media to reach the unreached with the biblical Gospel. This session includes plenary and group discussions of the two case studies from the previous session, in an open dialogue with the two presenters. Participants will have an opportunity to contribute from their own experience and to apply lessons to their own contexts.

Monday, 27 May

The worldview, this hidden network of beliefs that drives our lives, is a key to decrypting every human being's perspective towards the world. In this session, we will discuss how to use a specific ‘listening’ process for discovering worldview beliefs as a powerful generator of apologetic insight.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a great video is worth a million! The impact of stories communicated in a powerful way can amplify your message and transform your organization. Visual storytelling is not new. From cave paintings thousands of years ago to today’s virtual reality platforms, the fundamentals have held constant. Dive into the power of storytelling by examining the art of communicating messages, emotions, narratives, and information in a way which reaches viewers at a deep and lasting level. In this session, Shawn Boskie, CEO of Arizona-based film studio and entertainment company, Canyon Productions, will share a list of his essential tools for telling attention-grabbing stories that connect with your audience.

Tuesday, 28 May

"Undeceptions" is Australia’s most downloaded religion podcast, with nearly 3 million downloads and a growing audience across Asia, the US, and Europe. John Dickson (the founder and host of the show) is seeking to bring a big-hearted traditional Christianity to today’s thoughtful doubter. This session is a conversation with Dr. Dickson about how podcasting provides the perfect platform for the Christian faith today.

If we look carefully, we will find echoes of the Gospel embedded in many of the great stories and films of our culture. From Marvel’s Endgame, Disney’s Frozen, Pixar’s Toy Story, and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, the Gospel is woven into the fabric of these compelling storylines. How can we learn to recognize these Gospel moments? What are their main features? Why do they keep arising, even in secular storytelling? And what would it look like to leverage them in evangelism and apologetics?

Wednesday, 29 May

Adolescent brain development is highly sensitive to particular inputs, including social media. Research has shown a decline in adolescent mental health since 2012, the same year that key changes occurred with the large social media platforms. This session will look at the effects of social media and persuasive technology on brain development and addiction in order to consider how we can better shepherd the next generation.

In the final session of the Network, participants will reflect on the insights and outcomes of the week, identify take-aways, and spend time together in prayer.