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2025 Evangelism Network

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Equipping evangelists with fresh understanding, best practices, and biblically-rooted insights

Europe is one of the most relativistic and strategic continents on the earth. Europeans desperately need to hear and understand the life-giving word of truth - the Gospel. How can this message be shared relevantly, biblically, and credibly? This Network brings together some of the best evangelists from across Europe to provide fresh understandings, best practices, and biblically rooted insights. 

Optional prior preparation will be set for all applicants.

What Network Participants Are Saying

  • "The Forum is amazing! It helps all of us Polish leaders to meet other evangelicals. We have only 0.3% of them in our country, so occasions like the European Leadership Forum bring hope, knowledge, and energy to our evangelistic efforts. This year, the Evangelism Network broadened my understanding and sharpened my vision for the ministry." 
    - Maciej Bialecki, Missionary at Kościół na Skale Poznań, Poland
  • "The Forum's Evangelism Network has been enormously impactful in my life and my ministry. I know the impact it has had on multiple people across multiple nations. So, as we look at the vision of renewing the biblical church and evangelising Europe, I am extremely confident that the Forum is working towards that goal. That is a wonderful vision to be working towards - it is such a need here." 
    - David Seckington, associate pastor, England
  • "This year in the Forum I joined the Evangelism Network because I need more support and inspiration to start conversations with young adults who don't know Jesus. Every lecture, seminar, and small group is really helpful to my mission context. They help me to build a strong, gospel-hearted church and outreach teams. The mentors help me to be wise as a church planter and protect myself from burnout."
    - Peter Baji, Pastor/Church Planter at yHive, Hungary

Applicants could be anyone interested in growing in evangelism who wants to be equipped to share the gospel messages in ways that are relevant, biblical, and credible. Applicants could also be anyone interested in helping others grow in evangelism as this programme could serve as a model to train others. The Network is focused at conversational evangelism and encouraging excitement around doing evangelism.

Network Leadership

Rico is a passionate evangelist, and former Senior Minister of Evangelism at All Souls, Langham Place in London. Co-Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries, he is a regular speaker at missions and evangelistic events around the world. He’s married to Lucy and they have three young children.
Kay Carter is the Joint Chief Executive of Christianity Explored Ministries, where she is primarily responsible for producing video-based courses which introduce people to Jesus through the pages of Scripture. She previously worked at Tyndale House, a biblical research institute, heading up… Read more

Network Speakers

Lindsay Brown is a native of Wales. He studied European history at Oxford (MA) and theology at the Free Faculty of Theology at Vaux-sur-Seine, near Paris, under Henri Blocher. Lindsay has worked with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) for the past 45 years in a variety… Read more

Kay Carter is the Joint Chief Executive of Christianity Explored Ministries, where she is primarily responsible for producing video-based courses which introduce people to Jesus through the pages of Scripture. She previously worked at Tyndale House, a biblical research institute, heading up… Read more

Jubi is an evangelist, writer, and speaker, passionate about equipping the local church in evangelism. Jubi pastored in Brazil before gaining a Master's in Theology at Regent College, Vancouver. Now serving as Director of Training for Christianity Explored Ministries, Jubi travels the world… Read more

Ania Greenwood has been a creative evangelist and Steiger missionary since 2006. Steiger is a rapidly growing, worldwide mission organization that is called to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. Ania has served in Eng­land and Brazil, and for the last 6 years, she has been… Read more

Ján Máhrik is a church planter pastoring Za Kostolom church in Žilina, Slovakia. He is passionate about bringing the Gospel and truths of the Bible to the unchurched - sceptic, secular, and post-Christian. He is a host of the award-winning podcast… Read more

Rico is a passionate evangelist, and former Senior Minister of Evangelism at All Souls, Langham Place in London. Co-Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries, he is a regular speaker at missions and evangelistic events around the world. He’s married to Lucy and they have three young children… Read more

Network Programme

Sunday, 18 May

What does it mean to be an evangelist? What are some common misconceptions about evangelism? In this session, we’ll consider what Scripture has to say about the crucial work of evangelists, spend time in prayer, and get to know other participants in the Network.

How do we self-lead when we know that sin, the world, and the devil want to destroy us? This session seeks to put in place some principles for our daily walk that enable us to establish the golden chain of ministry: sin, grace, joy, discipleship, evangelism, and training. So, we'll be thinking about how we look in the mirror to our own hearts before we look out the window to the world.

Monday, 19 May

2 Corinthians 4:1-6 is perhaps the most important passage on evangelism in the Bible. In this session, we will be thinking through how its key principles of Sovereignty, Integrity and Creativity should underpin everything we seek to do as personal evangelists and as those who seek to build a culture of evangelism in the local church.

What can we learn from some of Europe's leading evangelists like John Stott, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Francis Schaeffer, Jurgen Spiess, Michael Green, and John Lennox? In this session, Lindsay Brown will reflect on years of partnership with these leading evangelists. He will share insights, lessons learned, and best practices from these modern "Apostle Pauls" who persuasively argued why the Gospel is true.

Tuesday, 20 May

The message of the Gospel is the same, but the environment has changed, allowing new delivery methods. The world has moved from analog to digital, from offline to online, from local to global. In this session, we will outline a few ways in which we can leverage these fundamental shifts in technology for sharing the Gospel.

In this session, we will teach principles and models for relevantly sharing Jesus and making disciples among young people who would not usually walk into your church. How can we communicate the Gospel to them when they have such a negative view of God? When you have the boldness to step outside the Church and share your faith, people are open and ready to hear the Gospel. This session will equip, inspire, and challenge you to reach a lost generation.

Wednesday, 21 May

You were placed in your job, your church, and especially on your street because God has a purpose for you in it. In this session, we will share a long-term vision with simple strategies for you to reach out to your divinely appointed next-door neighbour.

This session will bring together the key points that have emerged across the four days with some curated time of discussion, reflection, and prayer that will help embed key learnings at an individual and group level. It will be the start of planning what each person can do as they go back to their own context and what support and resources will help them realise their aims.