Are the historical narratives of the Old Testament invented legends made up by Jews writing during or after the Babylonian exile, as “biblical minimalists” say? How does the Old Testament fare in light of the criticism of atheist Richard Dawkins? What’s the evidence for the historicity of the Old Testament narratives from Genesis to Daniel? Looking at key elements and stories, this Pre-Forum Conference will consider internal and external evidence for the sweep of biblical history from the Creation to the return from exile.
Part 1 - Old Testament History Matters
This session introduces the critical debate between biblical minimalism and maximalism, exploring why many modern scholars dismiss Old Testament narratives as non-historical. We’ll engage with key voices on both sides of the debate and lay the groundwork for examining the reliability of the Old Testament's narrative through both internal and external evidence. A response to the criticism of atheist Richard Dawkins will highlight how the Old Testament is treated in Western culture today.
Part 2 - The Beginnings of History: Evidence from Genesis to Joseph
In this session, we explore the historical plausibility of Genesis. Topics include the literary and archaeological challenges of interpreting Genesis 1–11, the origins of humanity, the historicity of the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob), and the reliability of the Joseph narrative. This session will highlight both the complexity of the early biblical narratives and the surprising alignment of some details with ancient geography, culture, and records.
Part 3 - Exodus and Conquest: From Egypt to the Promised Land
This session investigates the historical basis for the events surrounding Moses, the Exodus, and the Israelites’ entrance into Canaan. We will consider scholarly critiques and competing chronologies in light of archaeological evidence.
Part 4 - United and Divided: Israel’s Kingdom from Judges to Exile
Focusing on the period from the judges to the Babylonian exile, this session covers figures like Gideon, Samson, David, and Solomon, and addresses questions surrounding the development of the monarchy, temple, and national identity of Israel. It also includes the divided kingdom, the fall of Jerusalem, and Assyrian and Babylonian invasions. We will examine archaeological findings, inscriptions, and city excavations that shed light on these tumultuous centuries.
Part 5 - The Old Testament Stands
In this session, we turn to the Babylonian exile and the Book of Daniel. We’ll explore the historical evidence supporting these narratives. The session will conclude with a summary synthesis: while not every detail of biblical history is confirmed, the weight of the internal and external evidence contradicts biblical minimalism and encourages a confident trust in Scripture as a reliable historical source.