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Yasuko Arakawa

Yasuko Arakawa
Person Details
All Persons


  • Japan
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2023 Disciple-Making Leaders (Foundational) Network

Ministry Focus

  • Discipleship


  • Christian Organisation

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

I lead discovery Bible studies with medical students and young professionals to help them grow in faith and take the initiative to share the good news. I also lead medical and life skill training support for orphanages and children's homes around Yangon, serving 4500 children. I serve with Lily Handicraft, a sewing project for orphanage girls to gain life skills and know God's love. I also serve with the Christian Media Center, a Christian library that provides resources for seminary students and people who would like to read.

When did you trust Christ?

I grew up as a pastor's kid. When I was 14, God spoke to me. A great joy and peace came to me, and I committed my life to the Lord.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

When I was 14, a missionary in Afghanistan challenged me to attend medical school to serve, where missionaries were not allowed to enter. I became a pediatrician. Being a medical doctor is a good job, but I started to fall spiritually. I forgot to align with God and listen to Him. Then, I remembered God's calling to serve where missionaries cannot enter. I left my job. One morning, God spoke to me from Joshua Chapter 3. When the feet of the priests got into the river of Jordan, the water stopped and made a way for Israel to cross the river. This passage challenged me to step in where there seems to be no way. I decided to follow His words to step into missions. Then you know what? God opened many doors for me: orphanage medical work, the student bible study project, and ICMDA, which I had never imagined.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

I look forward to spiritual encouragement and Bible teaching. Also, meeting with people from different backgrounds, professionals, and different countries will broaden my sight and inspire our creativity in moving forward in ministries.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

As a student, I led a student Bible study group and led a national conference of the Evangelical Medical Fellowship in Japan. I have been joining the ministry for orphans and children at risk to provide medical support and basic medical training in the last five years, and I am taking on a management role for the ministry. I started leading the Christian Media Center as the leader retired last year. I was appointed to be the Area Representative by ICMDA to serve to encourage the Christian fellowship of doctors and dentists in the Indochina region.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

As people are going through a very tough time in my country, the people I serve and I need an ample flow of spiritual encouragement. God calls me to be with people with His Word. I want to come closer to Him and see how God works in me so that I can do the same for the people around me in my ministries. Many people are seeking God but also giving up knowing God as his hands seem short in the country's situation. We are hearing many are coming to Christ in this period, and this is a crucial time for us to share the good news because His Good news has the power to save people.