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Roula Abi Hanna

Roula Abi Hanna
Person Details
All Persons


  • Lebanon
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2025 Leaders in Christian Organisations Network

Ministry Focus

  • Ministry Administration and Service


  • Christian Organisation

Funding Status (ELF)

  • Needs ELF Funding
Participants Answers

Roula Abi Hanna is the Publishing Director of Inspire Publishing House (MENA) and General Secretary of Lebanon InterVarsity Fellowship in Lebanon.

When did you trust Christ?

In 2003, at age 16, after my two older brothers passed away within two months of each other, I skeptically started looking for answers. I started reading the Bible but still needed evidence. I told God that to believe in Christ, I needed a sign, and He immediately answered me. Once I accepted Him, God’s Spirit filled me with joy, reconciliation, peace, and faith.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

I have experienced God’s presence and goodness throughout my life. I started in ministry at a young age. I have traveled for studies, living in a foreign country for over 12 years. I endured sickness and the death of three brothers. I have worked in the courts, with immigrants and police. I met my husband and we had our first child. I came back to war-torn Lebanon to serve with LIVF, finish my PhD, and lead local and regional teams.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

Connecting with like-minded individuals and sharing our journeys will be invaluable. I believe attending will broaden my understanding of the challenges facing leaders in different contexts and provide me with renewed motivation and a clearer vision for my own leadership path.

What is your ministry?

I work for Inspire Publishing House, which was founded by IFES MENA. We focus on publishing books in Arabic, identifying and training local authors, and developing resources to meet the unique needs of each movement across the region. LIVF serves university students, fostering service and leadership development through inductive Bible studies, discipleship, mentoring, training programs, and outreach to new students in a multicultural environment.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I have served women and children, leading youth groups for more than 20 years in Lebanon and France. I have been General Secretary of Lebanon InterVarsity Fellowship since 2022.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

IPH and LIVF have a proven track record. We consistently witness transformed lives, fulfilled needs, emergence of leaders, and strengthened communities throughout the MENA region. These ministries hold immense potential to positively impact God’s Kingdom and ultimately society.