Reinier van den Berg

Reinier van den Berg is the Director of Bread of Life in Poland, a ministry serving the poor, sick, and needy.
In 1986, I was a teenager in a Christian family. I regularly went to church and was convinced that living a Christian life was much better than living for anything else. I was ready to adopt the Christian life for myself, but I kept holding back. Then, in 1986, I heard about God's invitation and wanted to believe and apply it to my life, but the very same day, I ended up in a family situation in which I was proud, dishonoured others, self-seeking, and easily angered. Finally, I realised how much my life was a mess and how much I needed a Saviour! I asked Him to forgive my sins, come with His love, and take over control.
I met a wonderful girl in 1994 through involvement in an international student ministry. I asked God to give me wisdom, and almost one year later, we married. Since 2009, Maja and I have been involved in student ministry. For eight years, I served on the national board of IFES-Poland InterVarsity, where I learned valuable lessons in humility. In 2017, Bread of Life faced the need for a new director. It was clear that God was asking me to serve! So, by January 2018, I was voted the new Chairman of Bread of Life in Poland—a significant challenge but also a leap of faith.
Thanks to the Forum, I've been able to develop another approach to organisational development by building long-term relationships with partners in the ministry, which is starting to bear fruit. I've also been able to refresh my approach to leadership and regain my personal balance concerning soul care! I very much value the input, inspiration, and equipping I received during previous years at ELF, and I look forward to another.
The ministry of Bread of Life is to share God's love by rescuing people whose functioning in society fails or is strongly threatened. We do so by equipping leaders, workers, and volunteers in local churches with tools, logistics, and necessary experience.
I was a regional student leader at IFES-Poland-InterVarsity and a national board member. Before becoming the President, I was a member of the council for Fundacja 'Bread of Life'.
I have a strong passion for Polish people to be encouraged, mobilised, and directed to humanitarian work following Matthew 25:35-36. I dream that all evangelical humanitarian organisations would join together to make the best use of this army of mobilised people to reach the maximum number of the poor, sick, homeless, and socially excluded with the hope that God gives us.