Mykola Sychev

Mykola Sychev is a pastor and the Executive Secretary of the Association of Missionary Churches of Ukraine.
I attended a Baptist church in my childhood, but I stopped attending church when I was 16 years old. I studied at Kyiv University and was far from the Lord. At age 24, when I had a good relationship with some Christian friends, I started attending church again. Then, in June 1989, I answered the altar call at a church service and reconciled with the Lord. A few months later, I was baptised.
I think that the prayers of my mother and my closest friends impacted my conversion. In my early Christian walk, I was surrounded by a few good spiritual leaders, and their mentoring and care for me helped my faith grow. I went on to lead a youth group, plant a church, oversee churches, and so forth. My two years of studying at a Bible college also immensely helped. There were many great teachers and several good pastors and speakers. Many other daily situations have also helped me to grow. For example, my older son was healed from cancer.
The European Leadership Forum helps me learn what the Lord is doing worldwide, learn from other mature leaders, and help me build new relationships based on a shared vision. It further helps me build and develop my church team and the missionary association's long-term direction. I have become more effective in the ministry, grown as a leader, learned to be more effective in discipleship, and developed mutual relationships with experienced leaders.
As an Executive Secretary of the Association of the Missionary Churches of Ukraine, I am actively training and motivating over sixty churches in the Great Commission through church planting and missionary work. My main responsibility is to organise pastor and missionary conferences, visit churches, and cast a vision for missionary work worldwide. We are actively involved in the ministry to internal migrants in Ukraine.
I started my ministry as a youth pastor. Then, I planted a church. Then, I began ministering as the superintendent of our region for over sixty churches.
What we are doing is important for Ukraine and Eastern Europe.