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Michal Frano

michal frano
Person Details
All Persons


  • Slovakia
Participants Details

YRM Network

  • Principles of Biblical Leadership

ELF Network

  • 2024 Leaders of Christian Organisations (Experienced) Network

Ministry Focus

  • Evangelism


  • Christian Organisation

Funding Status (YRM)

  • YRM Funded
Participants Answers
When did you trust Christ?

I became a believer at a weekend camp that our youth group co-organised with another church. This was when I was 17 years old. There was an evangelistic program, and people were giving their testimonies. I realized I believed in Jesus with my head but not my heart. There was a call to be born again, and a brother in Christ led me to the Lord.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

Some fine Christians have had a significant influence on my life. These include the previous leader of the Child Evangelism Fellowship in Slovakia ministry, an evangelist from Germany who has been a precious mentor, and the leaders of my church youth group.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

The Forum will broaden my vision and bring me encouragement. I will also get some good ideas and hear encouraging stories from established leaders.

I hope to learn how to rely more on God in my leadership and have more zeal. I see that I have to grow spiritually and to grow as a godly leader. I am looking forward to this YRM because it is very specifically shaped to help me in my desire to grow as a spiritual leader and to have more heart for God and people. I like to take part in courses, where I can meet mature leaders and learn from them. In this YRM, I see such a possibility so I gladly applied for this YRM.

What is your ministry?

I am the national leader of the Child Evangelism Fellowship in Slovakia. Child Evangelism Fellowship is here to evangelise children, help them to grow spiritually, and establish them in a local church so that they can grow and serve the Lord. We organise camps and regular Good News Clubs, do open-air evangelism, offer training for teachers in Sunday schools, prepare a website and online Bible correspondence courses, and publish literature for teachers. Before Christmas and Easter, we are allowed to come to public schools where we bring the gospel based on the Christmas/Easter stories. We try to use religious freedom to reach as many boys and girls as we can.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I have been the national director of the Child Evangelism Fellowship in Slovakia since 2012. Before 2012, I led the work of CEF in eastern Slovakia.