Laszlo Beregi

Laszlo Beregi is the Chief Executive Officer of the Grace Ministries Foundation in Hungary.
I made my decision to follow Jesus on December 27, 1987. Some months before that date, I started to read John's Gospel and began to feel that God was speaking to me. The first personal message was John 3:16, which deeply affected me. I thought that if such wonderful sentences were in this book, then I had to read it. I did not come from a religious background, so reading John was a wonderful experience. It took hold of me and brought me to the verge of conversion. The last step before my conversion was watching the film "Sun Brother, Moon Sister." I compared myself with the main character of the movie. I understood that I was not a good man but a sinner who had no sense of his life. It was painful and hopeful at the same time because I had already believed in God's love. I finally handed myself over to God. I confessed that I was a sinner and needed Jesus as my savior.
It's hard to summarize 29 years of walking with Christ! The most crucial moment of my development was when I encountered the message of the Exchanged Life Conference, which is about our new identity and the identifying process with Jesus. That was in 1999. I understood grace much deeper after that. I was so enthusiastic that I joined a counseling course based on that program. After graduating from the course, I was involved in teaching. The practice of counseling others helped me develop a lot as a Christian. Another significant moment was when I studied the prophecies about Jesus in the book of Isaiah. These are the so-called Ebed-Jahveh songs. I came to understand what it means that Jesus emptied himself.
I hope to get advice to build into our practice, and my vision will be clearer. I think this is the most effective work in the body of Christ, but this activity needs the most significant investment and carries the most considerable risk. I am convinced that disciple-making is the only healthy method of our ministry's qualitative and quantitative increase.
The Forum is a huge blessing to me. I have started to implement a disciple-making system (that I learned at the Forum) in the field of counselling. I built in teachings into our materials which I heard at ELF. I am also going to participate in the Hungarian Leadership Forum this year. I want to return to ELF because I learn much and always get inspiration to develop our ministry. I enjoy the meetings with the other Hungarians.
Thorugh YRM, I want to grasp and become immersed with disciple-making and forming disciple-makers, because this is the most effective ministry in God's kingdom. Besides this goal I want to learn this field so deeply that I may teach it in Hungary.
I am the CEO of Grace Ministries Foundation. I teach, counsel, and mentor in Grace Ministries as a full-time job. Our main message is the grace-centred mindset, our new identity in Christ, our intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father, and our identification with Jesus. We hold approximately 10-12 tracks of one- or two-day seminars annually. Adding to this list, we have six tracks of ten-month courses a year.
From 1990-2004, I was a youth leader in my congregation. From 1997-2002, I was the chairman of the Hungarian Every Home for Christ Foundation. And from 2002-2012, I was a member of the Executive Board of the Hungarian Scripture Union.
I want to help people change their mindset and their lives. People can deepen in the grace-centered mindset, which revolutionizes their lives as they experience the freedom from themselves that only Christ can give.