Larisa - AnaMaria Pușcaș

Larisa - AnaMaria Puscas works with youth and serves with on church's media team in Romania.
In 2012, I attended a Christian summer camp where I started to understand who Jesus was. From that moment on, the Holy Spirit worked in my life to teach me about Jesus.
My mother, a Christian, never left my side and was always there for me. This has been very defining for my Christian life.
By attending the Forum, I would like to learn how to better lead the youth that I come into contact with and to react to their situations in a Christian way.
My current ministry is with the church youth group. I also serve on the church's media team, musical group, and serve wherever the church needs me to serve in the worship service.
In the past, I have served on a team that supports teenagers, and I have also been involved with the church's media department.
I do not have the funds to pay for the Forum, but I want to help people in my church grow together for the glory of God. At the Forum, I will meet mature Christians who can teach me how to lead the youth better.