Kristi Kola

Kristi Kola is a psychiatrist and provides professional counselling in Albania.
It was during my first year of college. I thought I was following Jesus as a born-again believer for two years, but it was then that I truly realised what a sinner I was and that I needed the Lord and not vice versa.
I can say that there have always been new people in my life who have helped me grow step by step in my knowledge of the Lord, my spiritual life, and my wisdom. For example, when I came to faith, I was directly discipled by my prior pastor, who was killed ten months later for a crime that his uncle had committed. That helped me be more devoted to the church and my Christian growth, seeing that few people could lead or preach. Another defining moment was when a pastor from my local area approached me and offered to teach me how to preach. He took me on this preaching course where he poured his life on me, all his experience, and his knowledge. There are many more milestones that I've gone through in my Christian life, but these two are worth mentioning.
Since 2021, I have been co-leading a network on mental health at the Albanian Leadership Forum, and many churches have invited me to speak on the subject. At ELF, I have learned a lot from professionals in my field who have integrated faith and profession very well. I am the only Christian psychiatrist in my country, so I don't have anyone to talk to about this.
I am a psychiatrist who teaches pastors and leaders around my country about mental health and treats Christian patients. I am also a speaker and leader at national conferences.
I helped with children's ministry by preparing games and short messages. Afterwards, I assisted in youth meetings, where I was sometimes invited to preach. Then, I was an assistant pastor. Now, I have moved to another town, where I am the Assistant Youth Pastor. I have been part of the Albanian Leadership Forum three consecutive times: in 2019, as a seminar speaker for two seminars; in 2021, as a seminar speaker; and in 2022, as a track leader and seminar speaker.
My greatest desire is to know God more and help others to know Him. So, I work very hard, and I don't get discouraged easily. I love people and want to minister as a missionary and help people see God's love.