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Kevin Reilly

kevin reilly
Person Details
All Persons


  • Poland
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2024 Church Life, Leadership, and Planting (Advanced) Network

Ministry Focus

  • Pastoring and Bible Teaching

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

Locally, I pastor a small church here in Gdansk where we focus on being and making disciples together. Also, my wife and I lead the Lighthouse Community (, whose vision is to make disciples of the nations of central and eastern Europe (the post-communist countries of Europe). We began this ministry back in 2018, connecting with a small number of pioneers from four of these nations, and we have now grown to a community of friends from nine nations within central and eastern Europe: Albania, Czech, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine.

When did you trust Christ?

I was born again in May 1992. I had recently left the army and, to be quite honest, I was very lost. Alcohol and other addictions were very significant strongholds in my life at that time. My brother and I were not raised with any religion or faith, and so when he was born again in 1990, this was the beginning of my journey. We lived together until I finally surrendered to Jesus, knowing very little about the gospel but knowing that Jesus saves and accepts lost people like me. I've never looked back!

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

Indeed, my marriage to Emma in May 1995 was the beginning of 28 years of transformation for me. Her life and influence have formed and shaped me more than any other person. The births of our four daughters and our son were also deeply formative, and our move to Poland as a family of six has (much like my marriage) blessed me and shaped me more than I could ever have known.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

I have been asked to attend the Church Life, Leadership and Planting Network to help lead the group and speak in one of the sessions. I want to be able to serve in this way. Also, I would appreciate the opportunity to benefit from good teaching and good fellowship and to make connections with others who are making disciples from the nations of central and eastern Europe.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I have been a teacher for over twenty years in London and here in Gdansk, Poland; in 2015, I was made Vice Director at the British International School of Gdansk. Also, before moving to Poland, I was an elder for five years at a Newfrontiers church in London—Church for the City, East London.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

A scholarship would enable me to attend the conference and receive much-needed teaching and fellowship. This would be a significant blessing to me personally and would impact my ministry locally as well as more broadly, within the Lighthouse Community.