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Kayla Śnieżek

Kayla Śnieżek
Person Details
All Persons


  • Poland
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2025 Youth Ministry Leaders Network

Ministry Focus

  • Children and/or Youth


  • Christian Ministry

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers

Kayla Śnieżek works for Josiah Venture in Poland.

When did you trust Christ?

Growing up in a Christian family as a pastor's daughter, I always believed in God. However, when I was 12, I began having thoughts on how I wished I was not from a Christian family. I felt I had to live a much more boring life than others, missing out on the fun experiences of non-Christians. I felt this was related to the lack of anyone else at church of a similar age, except my siblings.

At 13, I went to a Christian camp. I saw people my age who were on fire for the Lord and definitely not boring. That was when I realised that being a Christian is a lot of fun. I wholeheartedly gave my life to the Lord and have not looked back since.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

When I was 13 years old, I attended a youth conference called El Dorado, which is held three to four times a year. As my church never had enough youth to form a youth group, this was my opportunity to experience peers in a relationship with God and learn from them.

A defining moment was when I really wanted to join the El Dorado ministry as staff. They refused because I was joining for the wrong reasons. I was looking for my own glory and trying to look 'cool' by being part of the staff. They were right! I had to re-evaluate my behaviour and attitude.

There has been an interesting outcome to this story. I now work in this ministry. After a few years, they invited me to join their team. This was another defining moment, teaching me more about performing ministry in a good and healthy way. I know I have highlighted this one specific ministry where I work now, but this really was the place God used for breakthroughs in my life.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

My parents recommended ELF to me as a good conference to attend. The conferences I primarily attend are organised by my work. I would love to meet and talk to other leaders who are more experienced than me. I want to learn from them and acquire a new perspective on doing new things in a new way.

What is your ministry?

As part of Fala (Josiah Venture Poland), I oversee a team of four, responsible for taking care of 22 volunteers. This group helps us organise weekend conferences. I oversee the event teams making sure everyone is fully equipped for the event. I lead worship for these events and disciple some of the girls on our team. In addition, I lead a choir called Fusion which is an opportunity to share the Gospel.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I lead worship and discipleship at conference events. I also oversee the conference teams' dedication to timely and efficient events.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

I care for teens taking their first steps into ministry. We are constantly lifting up new leaders, and I want to know if I am doing this in the right way and with the right priorities. I am aware of our influence on these teens as part of their lifelong journey. It is my responsibility to be an effective leader and a good example to them.