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Jurgita Kucinskiene

Jurgita Kucinskiene
Person Details
All Persons


  • Lithuania
Participants Details

YRM Network

  • Church Revitalisation

ELF Network

  • 2025 Church Revitalisation in Today's Context Network

Ministry Focus

  • Pastoring and Bible Teaching


  • Church Planting

Funding Status (YRM)

  • YRM Funded
Participants Answers
When did you trust Christ?

I was born in a Roman Catholic family. On January 4, 1992, I went to a newly founded church in my city. During the prayer time that day, I experienced the closeness of Jesus. I prayed to be reborn and repented of my sins. It was a radical conversion. My life started to change. Since then I have followed Jesus.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

One of the defining moments in my life was during a difficult time in my marriage. During that time I did not let go of the hand of Jesus. I was forced to seek answers, to pray, to repent, and thus to grow in Christ.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

Knowledge. First, I hope to learn how to start, where to begin, and how to involve others in our church revitalisation. The second is encouragement. When you know how to do something, you need to move on. It needs that gentle and robust hand on your shoulder: Now go and do this! I expect that during Year-Round Mentoring. I have Dr Brown’s book, ‘Reconnect your church’. I could study it alone, but it will make a big difference to do it together. Being with someone on some journey, especially someone more experienced, is an immense grace and encouragement. Also, I expect it to lead to the actual revitalisation process in our church.

What is your ministry?

I am the pastor of a small local Evangelical church in the town of Raseiniai, which has a population of 9,000 people. My current responsibilities include preaching, mentoring, organising other services, and pastoral and administrative work. Our church was planted in 1990 by the Evangelical Church of Vilnius. I converted at that church in 1992. Since the first days, I have been involved in church services with my abilities; I was on the worship team, and later, my husband started leading the home group, and I preached in church. Since 2005, I have been ordained pastor.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I have been willing to take on responsibility for as long as I can remember. In 2005, I was appointed to the leadership team of the local church in which I was reborn. In 2012, I was ordained as a pastor at the same church. For one year, I led a home for adults with disabilities.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

I want to become a more effective minister. I believe the Forum can help me to do that.