Jozef Michalec

I was invited to an English camp organised by the Christians from Košice and an American team in 1996. I was going through a personal crisis at this time. Then, I heard the Gospel and talked with Christians. I realised I wanted to live meaningfully and could only do that with Christ. He alone could change me and give meaning to life.
I expect to hear about the experiences of experienced leaders, how they build leaders, how to look for potential leaders, how they grow as leaders, what they read, who they listen to, and who they follow. Also, it is essential to have the opportunity to ask questions and get or look for answers together regarding church planting and building a church plant movement. I believe the experiences of others from other countries can enrich me and bring another fresh perspective and inspiration. I'm also looking forward to getting some tips on good books, leaders, and podcasts worth watching so we can grow. I believe that time together will help each to be blessed and to bless others.
We planted a church three years ago, and I am currently a planter and pastor at this church. In addition, I lead a men's discipleship group and a community group. We helped plant a church in Liptovský Mikuláš. The vision of our church plant is to start and help start new churches. It is clear to me that for this to happen we need to build leaders and that we as leaders constantly need to grow to be better leaders. I want to be a better leader and know how to build up leaders. I want to be a better church planter.
For ten years, I served in a missional organisation called Fathers Heart, which was dedicated to children and young people in orphanages. I also served two years in the Children Evangelisation Fellowship. At that time, I strongly felt that God was calling me to be a pastor; for seven years, I was an associate pastor in a Baptist church in Košice; after five years, God's call came to plant a second Baptist church in Košice. A group of nine people completed the M4 training for church planting, and in 2019, we planted the Ekklesia church. We are helping to plant another church in Liptovský Mikuláš in Slovakia.