Istvan Szabo

Istvan Szabo is a pastor and therapist working with addicts in Romania.
After 16 months in the army, I lacked a sense of direction. Then, I was invited to a Bible study group. I read the Bible so I could ask the minister difficult questions. The more I read the Bible, the more I saw the difference between what was written and what was practised in the church congregation. So, I started to pray, continued reading the Bible, and thought about which 'perfect' congregation to attend. During those years, I didn't have a mentor or a spiritual father or brother, and our congregation's spiritual substance was relatively superficial. Eventually, I was invited to a leadership training camp. That was the very first time I met born-again Christian pastors and believers. It impacted me significantly, and I understood I would never find a perfect church congregation. I went home from that camp with a changed heart and mind.
Beginning in 1993, I had the opportunity to attend the seminars and training events organised by the Transylvanian Business Forum. Through the speakers, I learned a lot about leadership, planning, finances, HR management, and conflict resolution, but I was even more impressed by their workplace ministry. It helped me widen my understanding of what it means to be a Christian in daily life and how I can serve my Lord daily.
I see the challenges of postmodern society on the local church and its effect on the newer generation. At the Forum, I am very interested in learning how to face these challenges and help those who have doubts and would prefer a happy Christian church with healthy Bible-based teaching, preaching, and disciple-making. I hope to gain new insights from the Academics Network so that I can finish my dissertation by the end of next year.
I am involved in the ministry with addicts, working as a therapist and pastor. I provide individual counselling and group sessions, and I lead devotions and topical seminars for the therapy centre's residents. I also preach in churches when invited. Lastly, I take an active part in preparing young people for confirmation.
I've been involved with youth leadership ministry. Over the years, I also led a Christian business people's group, including personal counselling. I have also been involved with the couples' ministry.
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