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Ioana Achim

Ioana Achim
Person Details
All Persons


  • Romania
Participants Details

YRM Network

  • Christian Healthcare Professionals

ELF Network

  • 2025 Pastoral Counsellors Network

Ministry Focus

  • Evangelism


  • Health/Medicine

Funding Status (ELF)

  • Needs ELF Funding
Participants Answers

Ioana Achim is a student and an oncology nurse in Romania.

When did you trust Christ?

When I was 16, I watched those 70's movies depicting the apocalypse and life after the Rapture. It scared me. Not much changed, though, until I turned 18 and went away to a Bible college. Then, I began to understand God's character and Jesus' finished work in salvation and sanctification. That's when I fell in love with Jesus and His grace and decided I wanted to serve Him for the rest of my life.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

Bible college was the most crucial moment; my advisor, professors, and other great believers who became my best friends significantly influenced my faith. Spending one year in Central Asia as an English teacher/undercover missionary was another big defining moment. My mother's death also had a big impact on my Christian walk. Currently, my nursing career plays a big role as well.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

The Forum is why I have decided to pursue a Doctor of Ministry degree. I am eager to return to the Forum to receive more guidance from God through the amazing people I meet there every year. ELF is a fountain of wisdom for me and a source of relationships that are absolutely crucial in my development and the shaping of my ministry.

What is your ministry?

I am pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree to serve patients diagnosed with incurable diseases and find peace in a relationship with Jesus.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I started interpreting English at church as a teenager, and I also led our youth group events. At Bible college, I led the student mission connection activities. Before, during, and after being a missionary, I gave quite a few presentations at church.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

My cancer patients have perhaps just this one short window in time to hear about the love of Jesus. If I don't know how to share the Gospel, they may miss the opportunity to surrender to Christ. I hope that is enough motivation for others to support my ministry as it is for me.