Giorgi Khujadze

Giorgi Khujadze is a pastor and youth leader at Living Water Evangelical Church in Georgia.
My mother brought me to church. I heard the Gospel at the age of 12. I felt I was a sinner, so I prayed and received Christ.
When I moved to the capital city, I went to a new church and went on a missionary trip. For the first time, I realised how big of a need there was around me. I also realised that God could use my gifts and time. After that, I decided to serve Him more.
I hope it will help increase my knowledge and give me a bigger picture of Evangelical Christianity in Europe. I will be able to hear from other pastors about their experiences. I hope to be more encouraged and equipped to do ministry in Georgia. After attending in 2023 and 2024, working with young people and relating to them and their families became much easier. I used the knowledge and experience gained at ELF in my ministry, and we had good results. I experienced great Christian love and encouragement at the Forum. The Forum is real-life interaction; the great joy we can gain from being together with leaders from so many countries is tremendous!
I pastor two small, newly established Baptist churches in Georgia. Our country is in a very challenging situation in terms of ministry. We still have minimal human resources compared to the previous year for leading a church established due to our ministry. Besides that, my family and I are leading a teenagers’ evangelistic club and kids’ centre. I am also trying to plant a church in the villages in Georgia.
I started my ministry by serving children in a village not far from where I lived.
ELF is a place where Christian ministers can grow and learn together. I believe investing in me will help extend His kingdom in our country.