Emese Varga

Emese Varga co-heads the Church Strategy Department for the Reformed Church of Hungary.
Growing up in a Christian family, faith was always important to me, but it became a personal conviction when I was 14. Since then, I have dedicated my life to serving and witnessing for Jesus.
As I got to know God better, it helped me trust Him as my provider and put my daily worries to rest. I delight in seeing the power of the Gospel at work in the lives of others, which grows my own faith. I see the Gospel's power manifested for me through the Scriptures, in preaching, in answered prayers, and in living out my relationship with Jesus Christ.
I hope this opportunity will help me develop church strategy, shape my ministry vision, and introduce me to effective ministry models. Building international relationships will also help my ministry in the Reformed Church of Hungary.
I work for the Church Strategy Department at the Synod Offices of the Reformed Church of Hungary as the co-head of the department. We create and lay out proposals of strategic direction for the denomination.
As an Assistant Pastor in a local church for seven years, I conducted outreach to young families and outsiders, served among addicted people, taught religion in the local public school, preached twice a month, and led weekly Bible studies.
Participating and networking at the Forum would be beneficial to my ministry, and because of my position, could have a significant effect on the Reformed Church of Hungary.