Elżbieta Hawrus

Elżbieta Hawrus is a GIS Specialist and a leader on her church's technical team in Poland.
I first trusted Christ in 2010 at a youth camp in Teen Ranch Kopanica. I was 14 years old at the time.
Through the struggles I endured during my five years of studying, I have gotten closer to God. When I moved back to my hometown, I really started serving God with my time, resources, and creativity in various ways. It showed me how important service is in the Christian life and in my own growth.
I hope to gain new perspectives on serving and being a leader at my church. I hope to receive encouragement and expand my horizons in what can be done, even in a small church. Additionally, I hope to get some practical knowledge on leadership.
I am a leader on my church's technical team, and I manage their social media—mostly Facebook, but we are working on expanding. I am also a leader of an at-home Bible study for young adults that takes place in my apartment once a week. Lastly, I organise meetings for women at my church. I have also been a youth leader during Christian camps at Teen Ranch Kopanica.
I am very involved in church life and activities, but because I live in a smaller city, I don't have bigger horizons in everything I do. For the past two months, I have also received a word from God that He has something bigger for me and a more demanding service. I think this conference might be the beginning of some great changes for me and my church.