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Elena Neagoe

elena neagoe
Person Details
All Persons


  • Romania
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2024 Pastoral Counsellors Network

Ministry Focus

  • Counseling


  • Health/Medicine

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

I coordinate the Department of Biblical Counselling at the Areopagus Center. We aim to train biblical counselors from different churches and denominations to help their pastors in the counseling ministry. We offer a two-year training program and counselling supervision for each student who qualifies for this stage. We also translate Christian counselling materials (books, brochures) into the Romanian language.

When did you trust Christ?

I grew up in a Christian family. I attended church with my parents since I was a young child. I was exposed to the Word of God, prayer, and fellowship. When I was 14, I moved to Timisoara to attend high school. It was a challenging period in my life as I was surrounded by temptations, without my family, in a large city. I found a church where I got involved in the youth choir and started making Christian friends who loved and served God. One Sunday evening, at a baptism service, I surrendered my life to Jesus to make him the Lord of my life.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

One of the first defining moments of my Christian walk was being invited to join a discipleship group. Being with other young people my age, praying, studying, sharing experiences, and learning together was a massive start in my spiritual growth. I knew God was shaping me through interaction with people, so I have always tried to be involved in a discipleship/fellowship group. God worked in my life through people, suffering, loss of dear ones, blessings, and moments of joy.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

I want to attend the Forum to expand our network of international Christian counselors and improve my skills and competencies. After participating online in 2021, I have experimented with personal and professional growth. Apart from that, I got familiarised with books written by speakers of the Forum, and some of them could be included in the bibliography of our program. My vision for the Biblical Counselling department I coordinate also influenced me.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I have also had responsibilities as a pastor’s wife for 20 years, including coordinating women’s ministry in our church and leading discipleship groups for young ladies.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

Investing in me will help the growing Christian counselling ministry in Romania. Our work covers a critical need in our country.