Ehab Ayoub

Ehab Ayoub founded Doctors With a Mission and equips Christian medical professionals through conferences in Egypt.
I trusted Christ on 29 July 1980 during a youth conference in Egypt.
My most significant experiences were on two mission trips to Sudan: the first in 2003, during my final year of medical studies, and the second in 2007. After the second trip, I founded Doctors With A Mission (DWAM), a Christian organisation encouraging Egyptian Christian healthcare workers to reach unreached areas in Egypt and beyond.
I would love to learn from Dr Peter Saunders and others how to be more effective in leadership by following Jesus' humble example.
With ICMDA, I serve as Regional Secretary of MENA and connect with and encourage leaders from various countries, visiting them occasionally and organising conferences. Through DWAM, we currently have four full-time missionaries serving outside Egypt and have conducted 127 short mission trips, all requiring equipping and following up on needs.
Since beginning DWAM in 2007, our dedicated team of 16 has organised annual conferences attracting nearly 300 Christian healthcare workers from Egypt and surrounding countries each year. Serving as Regional Secretary for the MENA region enables me to connect with and encourage Christian leaders from many countries.
The goal of my ministry is to end Gospel poverty and reach more people for Christ in my region.