Edita Ulicna

Edita Ulicna is a Content and Event Manager for The Gospel Coalition Slovakia.
When I was only 14 years old, the tragic death of a dear friend of mine shook my view of the world and made me very concerned about whatever follows death. Gradually, I came to understand that it was not only my friend who died, but God Himself, Jesus, willingly died for me and my sins. I accepted this precious gift at the age of 16 and decided that I no longer wanted to live in rebellion against God but instead wanted Him to be my Lord.
My pursuit of higher education has been defining for my Christian walk. I decided to study missions, and after graduating in 2000, I took a position at Every Home for Christ. My primary responsibility was to launch an internet outreach ministry in Slovakia, but I needed to deepen my knowledge of Christian theology and apologetics in this new role. In 2001, I applied for a Master's course in Systematic Theology and Christian Thought, and I graduated in 2005.
Attending the Forum was, first and foremost, an enrichment for my personal spiritual life. Secondly, I had the opportunity to meet new people and form strategic partnerships. Participating in the group gave me many practical skills for my work in the organisation, especially in the area of fundraising. Again this year, I hope to receive personal spiritual enrichment and get challenged, network, maintain relationships with ministry partners, and grow in a specific ministry at the conference.
I currently work as a content and programme manager for The Gospel Coalition (TGC) Slovakia. I manage the content of the TGC website by publishing Christ-centred and Gospel-centred articles. I am also responsible for organising the annual conference and seminar on expository preaching.
I have worked as a youth minister, where I focused on developing a mission and discipleship youth program. After that, in 2011, I became a personal assistant to the President of Cirkev Bratska with responsibilities including organising events, preparing documents, and conducting literature reviews and research. In 2013, I took a job at the local Evangelical Free Church as a pastoral assistant overseeing youth ministry and outreach in a Christian elementary school. Lastly, I have served as the Executive Director of TGC Slovakia.
The Gospel Coalition Slovakia exists to help people better know God's Word with their minds, love God more fully with their lives, and engage the world with grace and truth. We do it by providing trustworthy biblical and Christ-centred resources for the life and ministry of individual believers, church leaders, and congregations.