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Dzmitry Fedaruk

dzimitry fedaruk
Person Details
All Persons


  • Poland
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2024 Leadership Foundations Network

Ministry Focus

  • Pastoring and Bible Teaching


  • Christian Ministry

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

I'm a founder and pastor of Holy Trinity Reformed Church. Our ministry is mostly for refugees from Belarus and Ukraine. Also I provide Bible study groups, preach, and meet with young believers and people willing to join the Church to teach the foundations of the Christian faith. I attend different secular shows and debates for Christian apologetics.

When did you trust Christ?

It was June 2007. I was attending an evangelical church for a year and a half. The biggest problem for me was that I couldn't believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins. Everyone else's - yes, but not mine. Once I started reading the Scriptures, I realised that I'm a great sinner and cannot help myself. God helped me realise that He saves not because of how great person I am but because He is the Redeemer and because of His glory. After that, I became a Christian and joined the Church.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

First and foremost, reading the Scriptures is the best source for my faith and spiritual growth. Second, great Christian literature made a great impact and shaped my faith. Third, having friendships with mature Christians. Fourth, studying in the seminary under great theologians and experienced pastors helped me know God deeper and not become a talking head. Then, I had to flee from Belarus to Ukraine and then to Poland in 2022. We experienced God's providence, who saved us from great and horrible danger. And finally, marriage is one of God's amazing tools to shape believers and works for our sanctification. Every day of our seven-year marriage, I realise how much grace and mercy I need, what a selfish person I am, and how amazing Christ's salvation is.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

We need connections with other Christian churches and ministers so we do not get isolated. It is excellent for growth and spiritual wealth for refugees like us. I hope to connect with people who preach, serve, and do some apologetics.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

Back in Belarus, I was a journalist for "Nasha Niva" newspaper (one of the country's most respected and independent media) and used to be a leader of the largest youth NGO. In 2022, I became a pastor and elder of Holy Trinity Church in Warsaw and founder of "Pahonia" football club in Warsaw.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

There is a tremendous humanitarian disaster in our region. Not many people pay attention to what is happening in Belarus, and the Church and people there live in significant stress and danger. We are not well trained and prepared to serve refugees and diasporas. We have a good possibility here to build healthy churches for various diasporas, which are widespread now in Poland. For example, there are nearly 500,000 Belarusians who had to leave home and now live here.