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Darina Mala

Darina Mala
Person Details
All Persons


  • Slovakia
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2024 Disciple-Making Leaders (Foundational) Network

Ministry Focus

  • Youth


  • Christian Organisation

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

I am currently leading a team responsible for the School of Youth Leaders (another project run by TC Kompas/JV Slovakia). The school provides a year-long informal education for Slovak youth leaders, focusing on subjects like Character of a Youth Worker, Systematic  Theology, Biblical Studies, Christ's Strategy for Ministry, Practical Skills in Youth Ministry, and Walking with God. Each student has a mentor for the whole year, and they also have the opportunity to learn from special weekends (a mission trip during the fall and a volunteering experience at a youth worker convention during the spring).

When did you trust Christ?

Growing up in a Christian home, I always "believed" in God. But when I was eight years old, dear Mrs. Magda asked us at my first church camp if we wanted to trust Jesus as a Savior / and that was the turning point. A year later, there was an invitation in our small church (near Bratislava) if we wanted to be baptised. It was a childlike faith, and I knew Jesus himself was baptised; it was an act of obedience.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

First, my grandma's faith was defining. Every morning after breakfast, she had her devotion time. Then she prayed, always thanking Jesus for saving her, praying for everyone from our family by name, and praying for the Israeli nation. As a kid, I was playing in the next room, but I could hear it all since she prayed out loud. And it has shaped the way I pray. Second, I got connected to Agape (formerly Cru) during my gap year after high school. I was around young Christians who lived out their faith. In 2006, I spent the whole year in Denmark at Mariager Hojskole (a pentecostal Bible college), where I experienced Jesus as my Savior and  Healer. It was a fruitful time for re-evaluating my faith and stepping into full-time ministry through Josiah Venture.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

I stepped into the leadership of the School after Denisa Harcarova (ELF's faithful participant). This is my second year, and we are in the midst of 3 three-year process of readjusting the school's curriculum and focus. We would love to strengthen the school's education department, and therefore, I want to continue what Denisa started, which is to network, get to know people and their approaches, get inspiration, etc.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

Specifically in full-time ministry: I had the privilege of leading Fusion Slovakia (contact, outreach ministry through music) as a director from September 2015 to September 2019. After passing this project's leadership baton, I started serving on a Lead team of our national organisation, TC Kompas.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

The School of Youth Leaders is a very fruitful ministry that started in the 90's. Many young leaders who went through this program ended up in full-time ministry at TC Kompas. Taking care of and walking alongside students for a year is a privilege. We invest not only in individuals but through them, and we support the local churches across Slovakia.