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Caleb Howard

caleb howard
Person Details
All Persons


  • England
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2024 Theologians Network

Ministry Focus

  • Pastoring and Bible Teaching


  • Christian Organisation

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

I lead the Old Testament research team at Tyndale House in Cambridge, where I manage five scholars and give definition and structure to the project. I am the editor of Tyndale Bulletin, the research journal of Tyndale House. I am chair of the Biblical Archaeology study group of Tyndale Fellowship. I lead in various unofficial capacities within Tyndale House and my church (small group, occasional teaching, and preaching). I teach ancient languages at the University of Cambridge.

When did you trust Christ?

When I was about eight years old, I became severely convicted about the seriousness of my sin and what that meant for my relationship with God. I asked my parents about this, and they told me the Gospel. I put my faith in Jesus to pay for sin through his substitutionary death on the cross and to give me new life, adoption into God's family, and the hope of resurrection.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

The defining moments of my Christian life have been when I better understood the Gospel and its meaning to me. About ten years ago, to understand the Gospel better, I decided to memorise Romans 8, and the Gospel took on a clearer definition in my mind than it ever had. The atonement of Christ, the justification of the ungodly (me), the giving of the Spirit, the relationship between faith and obedience, our means of obedience, and the day-to-day implications of our adoption—all of it became clearer to me, and I began to see it work in my life. During my PhD, I was quite a workaholic and neglected my marriage and children. Through the help of a pastor, I realised that following Jesus meant worshipping him only so that I was committing idolatry in working as I was. So, I repented, and the Lord has been faithful in my family and work.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

I have been approached about speaking at the 2025 ELF and would like to experience it first as an attendee. I have heard excellent things about it, and I would love to benefit from the ministries of others. I am sure it would be spiritually enriching, and I would be happy to do what I can to encourage others while I'm there.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

Apart from my family (I am a husband and father), I have had pastoral training and leadership roles at Moody Church in Chicago, working with college students; at CrossWay Community Church in Bristol, WI, leading small groups, teaching, and preaching; and at Grace Community Church in Kingsville, MD, leading small groups, teaching, and preaching.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

I am trying to serve the church and the world in my work at Tyndale House, and I believe that what we're doing here honors God. Quite apart from me, we aim to help the church understand, trust, and love the Bible, and I am certain the church needs that. I think that if a person loves the Bible and trusts it, they would like to support an organisation that is committed to doing these things.