Bergin Misiri

Bergin Misiri leads worship and ministry at his local church in Albania.
I accepted Christ at a children's event in our neighborhood in 2000.
I am blessed to be part of a church that faithfully teaches God's Word. I have also enjoyed working with CEF and writing/composing Albanian worship songs that are used in services across Albania.
My pastor, a friend, and our National Forum Leader told me that ELF is a great networking and resourcing event. I hope to benefit from the Forum and to impact my ministries and our church as a result of attending.
I lead worship at Disciples Church, help with the children’s program, lead a couples event twice a year, and am a prayer leader.
I have been a CEF coordinator, a worship leader, a couples group co-leader, and a discipleship team leader.
I am committed to sharing the experience and knowledge I get from the Forum with other like-minded servants of the Lord.