Artur Koziej

Artur Koziej is a youth leader in Poland.
I learned about God and His justice through Sunday school at church. When I was eleven, I was asking myself, 'What happens when I die?' I feared God's punishment for my sins because I knew that God was just. Soon, I believed that Jesus Christ was the only way to reconcile with God. Jesus paid for my sins and gave me new life.
My first defining moment was Bible study at home with my parents. My second defining moment was during my study abroad. I learned how to rely on God when I was facing many challenges far from my family and friends in Poland. My third defining moment was my relationship with a Christian mentor, which helped me to grow in my practical relationship with God, professional work, and service at church. I see a lot of benefits in learning from more experienced Christian men.
The Forum has helped me to build a discipleship program in the local church, create better youth ministry teaching materials, and connect with more ministry leaders across Poland. This year, I want to grow my faith by listening to evangelical lectures and Q&A sessions. I want to exchange experiences and network with Christian youth leaders. Based on my past experience, the Forum is an opportunity to find solutions to common challenges in my ministry.
I am a youth leader, so I’m responsible for teaching, preparing Bible study materials, and discipling students. I am also a home group leader. I do Bible teaching, lead discussions, and host the home group. Additionally, I play guitar in our worship band and occasionally preach for Sunday services.
I have supported church elders through prayers, personal engagement in church matters, and sharing constructive opinions.
You should invest in me because I’m open to learning new things. My Christian mentor invests in me because I spread the Gospel through teaching at youth meetings, homegroup meetings, and my workplace. I also disciple the younger generations.