Alena Yasiuk

Alena Yasiuk is the Development Officer for IFES Belarus.
I have believed in God since my early childhood. I prayed and read my children's Bible regularly; however, I had no contact with any believers and had no idea what following Jesus meant. At 13, I went to a Christian camp, where I learned the Gospel and accepted Jesus as my Saviour. I got baptised at 16 and have been walking with God ever since.
The earliest pivotal moment for me was at age 9. I clearly remember crying my eyes out, curled in my bed at night, having realised that I was a sinner and would go to hell. Thankfully, a few years later, I learned the truth of God's forgiveness and received the gift of eternal life. Another defining moment came from a chain of dramatic events, including family deaths and illnesses and some of my unwise dysfunctional patterns. I found myself burned out, physically and mentally exhausted, clinically depressed, with no will to live. It was a wake-up call that helped me reevaluate my understanding of who God is and what He means by calling me to live abundantly. As a result, I've been on a healing and learning journey for a couple of years.
The previous Forum I attended gave me much-needed encouragement in my ministry and personal journey with God. I've been able to use some of the materials and books I brought from ELF in my ministry (e.g. strategy planning, training staff, etc.). This is a unique opportunity for me to network, build partnerships, and receive counselling and guidance. There are hardly any events of this kind I can participate in as a full-time ministry staff from Belarus.
I am the Development Officer of IFES (CCX) Belarus. In my role, I am in charge of fundraising, financial administration, and partnership development. I also work closely with staff and student leaders, training them in the spirituality of fundraising and providing them with tools for partnership development.
I have been a co-founder and editor of several faith-based media projects. Currently, I am also co-running a Christian arts community.
I have struggled with raising funds for my ministry and failed multiple times. Finally, I had to accept that my inability to ask for and receive financial support for my ministry stems from guilt and fear. I was recently challenged to let God be the Lord over this particular area.