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Alena Sakhankova

Alena Sakhankova
Person Details
All Persons


  • Poland
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2024 Disciple-Making Leaders (Foundational) Network


  • Christian Organisation

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

As a missionary, I joined the Steiger Team in Wrocław, Poland. Now, I live in a community house to develop discipleship relationships with non-believers, provide psychological assistance, and create a safe space for young people. I am also currently involved in financial support for the mission. I am also an Impact Trip Coordinator in Poland, collaborating with churches from all over the world and missionaries or volunteers who want to participate in evangelistic projects.

When did you trust Christ?

I moved to another city to study in my first year at university. I spent my teen ages in depression, loneliness, and searching for the meaning of life. During my freshman year, alone in the city, I asked God if He existed. I was hoping He would answer my prayers and fill that emptiness. I found Bible study meetings from Steiger Mission, which completely changed my life. I found Jesus, friends, and Steiger, a missions organisation that helps find the answer for lost people.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

There have been several defining moments. First, serving people makes me grow every day. Second, questions I didn't know the answer to or the pain people were going through gave me the impetus to seek God's wisdom daily. Third, every day I realise in a new way the power of His love for people and the depth of His word. Finding God and obeying are my most important things. After all, without Him, everything ceases to make sense. I have the strength and love to serve others only from the awareness of His love for people.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

At Steiger, we want to awaken the fire in Christians to preach the gospel in their cities adequately. We see a great need among the younger generation for the hope and salvation that only Jesus brings. We also see a community and people who will be open to discipleship relationships and discover a world of Christians without labels and prejudices.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

In the past, I was part of the Steiger mission team in Belarus. I was involved in organisational and administrative matters in my team.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

Every day, I see the hunger in the eyes of people in our countries and cities who are looking for God and looking for ways to free themselves from depression and thoughts of committing suicide. They need to be listened to without prejudice; they need true friendship and someone to believe in them. They need guidelines, which they try to find in various teachings, philosophies, and new age. They are constantly seeking God but also have a lot of preconceptions about religion. As Steiger, we build a bridge between people who would never go to church and churches so that they are open to new people and support them. We can show God through creativity and creating space for young people. At the Forum, I would like to learn from the experiences of other leaders, as well as share my heart and the heart of the Steiger.