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Alen Kercmar

Alen kercmar
Person Details
All Persons


  • Slovenia
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2024 Leaders of Christian Organisations (Emerging) Network


  • Christian Organisation

Funding Status (ELF)

  • Needs ELF Funding
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

I am currently involved with several organisations, serving in different areas of ministry. In the Lutheran Church in Murska Sobota, I preach, lead a men's group, and provide pastoral care.

When did you trust Christ?

My parents got divorced but never took the time to explain to me what had happened. So, I started looking for love and a sense of belonging among my friends. I began to use drugs that, in a certain way, offered me an escape from a reality filled with pain and trouble. However, I quickly discovered the stark reality of drug addiction and its consequences. I lived on the edge of society and soon became very tired of this lifestyle. Amidst my darkest thoughts, a voice turned my attention to Gideon's New Testament on my shelf. In the mirror of God's word, I realized I was a sinner and turned to Him with a simple prayer: "God, if you exist, please, come into my life and change it." Suddenly, I felt my insides were being cleansed with water, washing away all my burdens and pain. I experienced God's forgiveness for the first time and was genuinely free.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

The three years I spent at Belfast Bible College and attending Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church in Bangor, a completely new experience, have made a foundation for my spiritual growth. Over the last few years, I have had the opportunity to apply and reflect upon what I learned and discovered through those years of study.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

I was humbled to have been allowed to attend the Forum in the past. The teaching provided me with new resources for my current work, and the fellowship encouraged me in my walk with the Lord. Further training is, in my opinion, essential to enable and equip me to better and more efficiently serve in Slovenia, as I see there is so much more to learn and so many opportunities to use those insights in ministry. I found the teaching and resources to be the best of any conference I've been to, and I would come every year given the opportunity. This year, I am eager to connect, network, and gain new skills /knowledge through seminars and worship with brothers and sisters.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I was in charge of the men's and drug addiction ministries at New Life Church in Murska Sobota from 2002-2006. I was a staff associate and small group leader at Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church in Bangor from 2006-2009.

Why should someone invest in your ministry?

I pray that through additional training and experience, I will be better equipped to serve the Lord in the areas where He has placed me.