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Abigail Kazulyte

Abigail Kazulyte
Person Details
All Persons


  • Lithuania
Participants Details

ELF Network

  • 2024 Youth Ministry Leaders Network


  • Student

Funding Status (ELF)

  • ELF Funded
Participants Answers
What is your ministry?

I am in youth ministry so every week we have youth (teenagers) groups and organise events for them. I also serve at summer camps for kids and teenagers. I am in a worship team, lead services, and prayer meetings.

When did you trust Christ?

It happened when I was 17 years old. I believed in God before but did nothing about it, and it was after one youth group in which my pastor spoke about baptism and what it means. I felt God speaking to me that this is for me. Taking the next step was scary and challenging because now I understood what that meant. Then I talked with my parents and told my pastor I wanted to get baptised. This was the moment that I made the decision that I want to follow God.

What have been the defining moments of your Christian walk?

After graduating high school, I didn't know what I wanted to do next, so I took a gap year. Then, I was accepted into a university in the UK to which I really wanted to go, but a month before September the program was canceled. So, I decided that I would study violin in Lithuania, just because I felt pressure to study something. After one year of studying, I decided to quit. It was very scary, to go into the unknown again. Then, God sent me to Italy where He was teaching and speaking to me. He showed me that I felt worthless and like a failure because all my identity was put into education. I was best in my class, that's why I had to study and be best again. Good academic results were my identity. But that is not how God sees me. Whether I study or not, I am worthy and He loves me. My success in His eyes is not if I am good in school or have a degree. It was the most freeing moment in my life, as well as a long and hard journey. Only after that, I saw the meaning of every struggle. Now I am studying the Italian language and I am very happy with that but I have to remind myself every day to keep it loose because my worth is not if I do well or not in university and my priority has to be my relationship with God and serving Him. My focus changed, my eyes were set on eternity.

What do you hope to gain from participating?

I want to serve God as well as I can. I need more knowledge on how to lead youth and serve the community better. I hope to learn from other Christians, which have been serving God for a much longer time than I have and have experienced the same challenges already. I hope to learn practical ways that I could apply to my ministry.

What is your leadership role or what were your past leadership roles?

I used to be in kids’ ministry-teaching Bible lessons and playing with kids.


Why should someone invest in your ministry?

I love God, and I love serving Him. Even though He is calling me to do things that I would never want to do and to do the things that are my weakness. But I want to be obedient. That is what I want to do. He equips me for every ministry, and I trust Him. And learning from great Christian leaders, I believe, is a blessing and a way to build the church.