Andrei Ptashnikov
Andrei Ptashnikov is a regional leader with Compass Eurasia which helps those in Belarus and beyond manage money God's way.
I committed my life to Jesus in 2010.
God freed me from addiction, healed me, and changed me. Since that time, I have served Him with all my heart. Now, the most defining moment is my commitment to follow Him daily.
I am primarily seeking personal growth and new relationships. Last year's Forum was really useful for me and helped me grow as a ministry leader, so I would like to continue growing as a leader this year.
I am a member of the local church board, a preacher, and a youth leader. We teach people how to manage money in God's way, making them free to know Jesus, serve Him, grow in generosity, and support the Great Commission. We work in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Belarus.
I have served as an assistant pastor in the local church and the national leader of the Compass Eurasia ministry.
Investing in me will bring fruits for the Kingdom of God to the Eurasia region. People in our region absolutely need biblical truth on how to manage money. This truth helps them to know Christ closely and serve Him in freedom.