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Forum Sponsorships

Only 1 or 2% of Europeans know Jesus Christ as their personal savior, and most have never heard the Gospel. In the midst of this context, evangelical leaders lack training, resources, and relationships with other believers. They lack hope.


The European Leadership Forum exists to unite, equip, and resource evangelical leaders to evangelize Europe and renew the biblical Church. Our mission is to reclaim Europe and the world for Christ through exponential reach, one leader at a time. Forum participation cultivates spiritual rejuvenation. As a result, thousands of leaders come away feeling ready for effective ministry, having received quality biblical teaching, a renewed vision, and personal relationships.


Partner with us to ensure no leader remains isolated and discouraged. Your gift will be directly invested in leaders so they can fulfill their God-given calling and effectively proclaim the Gospel in their home countries.


Supporting Global Leaders – The Forum also invites key Gospel leaders from developing nations to experience the Forum’s Annual Meeting and Year-Round Mentoring programs. Our vision is to share the lessons of the Forum with significant global leaders so they can replicate the Forum model and unite, equip, and resource Evangelicals in their home countries. With a generous donation, you can help a global leader participate in and expand the reach of the Forum movement.


Why Sponsor a Leader?

The average salary for evangelical leaders in the critical regions of Eastern Europe is less than 500 Euros (around $550) a month. Leaders from these regions and other global contexts cannot afford the cost of registering for the European Leadership Forum. They need to be sponsored. The yearly cost to sponsor a gifted, motivated Gospel leader is $975 or $80 a month for 12 months. Your gift covers the cost of one leader’s registration fees to ELF, access to local Forum speakers, mentoring, webinars, and specialized initiatives, as well as a portion of the overall Forum expenses.

The Forum has been the wind beneath my wings for the past five years. It became an answer to prayer that I didn’t know how to pray…we get further education and get connected with people that love God who are professionals in their field. The support and encouragement that I have received is amazing.


 Jelena Sivulka, Serbia (Founder of Hana’s Hope — A ministry for special needs children)

Impact Europe for Christ Today

We estimate that 100 Europeans are reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ for every one leader supported. Evangelical leaders from across Europe and beyond need relationships, mentoring, and resources. Support a hand-picked Gospel leader to be equipped and resourced with a one-time gift of $975 ($80/month), or have any donation below $975 combined with the gifts of others to provide full scholarships for leaders not yet supported.


Use of Funds Disclaimer 

In the event we receive other funds to reach our goal for sponsorships, we ask that we be allowed to use a portion of your gift to further the mission of the European Leadership Forum in a manner that is as close as possible to your original intent.


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