We live in turbulent times with unrest, a lack of direction, and a widespread sense of intellectual and moral chaos. Is it possible to understand what is going on in our secular and individualistic culture? And if so, how should we, as followers of Christ, respond to this moment in history? This Master Class will help you to understand what is happening in European culture, why it is happening, and give you a way forward on how to respond as a follower of Jesus.
1. Blind to Our Assumptions: The Importance of Ideas
Ideas are crucial in the lives of individuals and for the forming of a culture. But most people are blind to the basic ideas—or assumptions—that make up the foundation of their own way of living. It is therefore crucial to understand the role of ideas and to identify the ideas that are forming our contemporary culture.
2. A Glorious Ruin: The Biblical Understanding of Life
The Biblical understanding of reality and of human existence-–in all its glory and tragedy—was the foundation for the Western world for more than a thousand years. Gradually, ideas from the Bible informed more and more areas of life. It’s so important to see not only the good consequences of these ideas but to identify the content of these ideas.
3. Self Made King: Understanding Today’s Secular Europe
The Enlightenment is a key period in our history, re-directing our culture by closing the windows towards the supernatural and limiting reality to this world. The Bible as revelation was denied, miracles deemed to be impossible. Human reason and human science were elevated to be the ultimate source of truth.
4. Self Made King: Understanding Today’s Individualistic Europe
The Enlightenment didn't live up to its own promises and gave way to the post-modern and the post-secular, where the individual and the subjective have taken centre stage. Now the experience and the feelings of an individual are given the right to define reality, including morality, sexuality, gender, and God.
5. A Clash of World Views: The Way Forward
As disciples of Christ, we are called neither to withdraw from nor to accommodate but to interact with, and to challenge, the culture where God has placed us. In today’s world, there is a clash between Biblical Christianity on one side and Secular Individualism, Humanistic Spirituality, and Islam on the other side. In this complex situation, we are to be witnesses of Christ and the hope that he offers.