Many of us have been Christians for years, but could we identify the markers of what makes a healthy Christian...healthy? Can we identify the characteristics of a healthy church? Mike Betts will give us an overview of the New Testament model of the Christian (and church) life and will explain why these five key areas are vital for seeing believers thrive today. It is important that we, as Christians, live out the life that we preach. We must be the hands and feet of Christ. By the end of this Master Class, you will hopefully walk away with a better idea of not only what it means to live a life focused on God, but how to live that life as part of a local church.
Watch recordings from this Master Class:
1) A Real Family Following a Compass with No Map
How can we be a church marked by deep, genuine, and lasting friendships? This session will explore the importance of deep long-term relationships and a shared commitment to mission, whilst being guided by the Spirit in all that we do.
2) Raising Sons and Daughters
How do we develop others in order that they might ‘outrun’ us? This session will look at what it means to multiply ministry through discipleship and equipping the next generation.
3) Everyone a Witness/Prayers of Many
This session will look at how we shape our culture to ensure we are committed to praying together and sharing our faith together.
4) A Church for the Broken World
This session will look at how essential it is to demonstrate the heart of God in all arenas of life. We must ensure that caring for the poor is at the forefront of all that we do, as well as engaging in the workplace and other aspects of broken society.
5) Starting New Families
Every church should have an ongoing, vibrant, proactive commitment to church planting! This session will expand on this statement and look at how we can work in partnership together for the sake of the mission.