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Zuzi Džubakovská

Zuzi Dzubakovska
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  • Slovakia
Leader/Speaker Details
Job Title
Outreach Team Member
Josiah Venture

Zuzi Džubakovská decided to follow Jesus when she was 10 at a camp. Since then she has been involved with teenage, youth and young adult ministry all her life. After university, she started working in business and continued in marketing and facilitation. Meanwhile, she served in her home church—Bratislava City Church, led worship and after 10 years in business, she answered her calling to join full-time ministry. Currently she serves in Josiah Venture where she is a part of the POINT training team focused on discipleship, helps out with internal HR and meetings and disciples young generation. Zuzi lives in Bratislava, Slovakia with her husband Feri. They continue to serve together in the home church and with their open home. They never turn down an invitation for a good coffee; they love to laugh and enjoy spending time with people and praying for them. You can find Zuzi also as Božena Vloggerka on social media or running a faith based podcast Eva Eve, because she believes that the Good News about Jesus should be actively spread there too.