Zsolt Kapitany

Zsolt Kapitany is an electrical engineer and a pastor and elder in his local church in Hungary.
I decided to follow Jesus in 1993 when I was 13 years old, during an outreach week in our village organised by the local Baptist church. One evening, the preacher talked about the opportunities we had for our lives and the two possible end locations: heaven and hell. I didn’t want to go to hell; I wanted to go to heaven and sleep at night without being afraid. So, that night, I decided to follow Jesus.
We had an excellent biblical preacher in my church. His preaching connected to what I was experiencing in real life. I was studying at a technical university as an electrical engineer at the time, and God called me to be a pastor. I didn’t feel I could speak well enough to be a pastor, but I wanted to obey God. So, I graduated from the university and studied at the Baptist seminary to become a pastor. After my seminary studies, I was a pastor for four years. I have since become bi-vocational: a pastor and an engineer. I understood that God needs Christians to be involved in secular careers just like He needs them to be in ministry.
As a result of attending in previous years, I am more engaged in apologetic and evangelistic conversations. I have a deeper relationship with God, my wife, and the church planting core group. Also, I have acquired a lifelong learning attitude.
I have been serving as a pastor for a few years and am a member of the elder board. In the last several years, I have been involved in a small group on the east side of Budapest. We are preparing to plant a new church soon. I am also involved in the City to City Faith and Work Initiative.
I led the local MEKDSZ (IFES) at the University of Győr for two years. Additionally, I served as the chief of the student council at the Baptist Theological Academy for two years. Lastly, I was the senior pastor of Gödöllő Baptist Church for four years until 2013.
I want to improve my Bible teaching and preaching skills and be a better leader.