Nicolene Joubert

Nicolene Joubert, PhD, is an Adjunct Professor of Christian Psychology and Counseling at Houston Christian University. She holds a PhD in Psychology (North-West University, South Africa), a Master of Arts in Theological Studies (Trinity International University, Ill.), and a Master of Arts degree in Online and Distance Education from the Open University UK. She has been a practising Christian psychologist for 40 years and specialises in trauma and family therapy. Dr. Joubert founded the Institute of Christian Psychology, now the Institute for Christian Practitioners in South Africa, and taught there for 19 years. She is the chairperson of the Council for Pastoral and Spiritual Counselors (CPSC) in South Africa and the Director of the Society for Christian Psychology (SCP), a division of the American Association for Christian Counselors (AACC). She has presented papers on Christian psychology at international conferences, and published several papers on Christian Psychology and edited two books on a Christian approach to mental health.